Carolyn A Sykes Meditation And Coaching

About Carolyn A Sykes Meditation And Coaching

Meditation coaching.
Learn how to heal thyself.
Living your life's purpose for flow in all areas.

Carolyn A Sykes Meditation And Coaching Description

Meditate with me, or Meditation Coaching with Carolyn as it is now called, is a growing community of like-minded spiritual seekers. The community offers support in person and online to help free you from the shackles of 'ordinary consciousness' and help your spirit soar to new heights to uncover solutions and help you transcend all of the limits in your body, mind, relationships, career and finances! Join us and feel the Love, on a daily basis. You will never look back <3



Gratitude for the message..
This morning as I was doing my daily journaling, I was writing my gratitude list and a sudden awareness came upon me as i was writing my usual list..
My Gratitude lists are pretty consistent with all that I am grateful for, interspersed with things i am yet to be grateful for..
... And today, something new, a new awareness of something I’ve always had and an overwhelming sense of gratitude flooded my being as i wrote..
‘I am so grateful for my message, so grateful that THE message chose me as it’s vessel..
That my life gets to be the example life, and I’m the one who gets to live it, and experience it and to share it and to TEACH it’..
What a privilege, the privilege of a lifetime..
A full recognition that i didn’t make the message up, it’s not ‘mine’, it was gifted to me because the universe saw fit that it would serve the masses best if lived and spoken through me..
I got to thinking how grateful i am that i chose to engage with it, like so many others i could have ignored it, followed the ‘safe’ path, been inspired by and shown by countless others how to embody it and thought ‘that’s nice’ and carried on my merry way of living the ‘normal’ life..
I’m so grateful for my daily practices which are the bedrock of this life of being the message and the messenger, which keep me strong mentally, physically, emotionally, and energetically..
I was on a call with a dear friend last night, it wasn’t a coaching call or a healing session, it was just a high vibe chat. At the end of the call she said that since talking with me her painful bloating which she had been suffering with all day had stopped. WOAH. That’s the power of raising your own vibration, when you raise your own vibration through your commitment to your daily practices, your own life transforms - of course, we’ve talked about this many times - but OTHERS FEEL IT TOO..
You can heal just by thinking of someone hundreds of miles away by connecting with or without technology ..
I remember in the early days, meeting my teachers and mentors and every time i met the right teacher i could FEEL it - not just as an intuition, but i could literally feel their presence, like volts of electricity running through me..
I thought ‘I want THAT’..
I wanted to be felt, to be in the highest integrity, to activate ALL of my latent human powers and potential..
That was my motivation for committing to my daily practices, and now I realize how grateful I am that this reality showed itself to me as a possibility first, and I’m eternally grateful that i said YES to it, and it’s now my reality too..
So question is , what do you want, and when are you going to say yes to it?
I’ll tell you what i’ve learned through my own experience, you are going to need a mentor, if you are going to actualize your FULL POTENTIAL..
Choose me, I think you’d be crazy not to.
Message me to get started <3
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I’ve learned a thing or two about manifesting..
I’ve been on this journey of manifesting my reality for about 20 years now..
And i’ve learned a thing or two about manifesting - particularly manifesting money..
... What i’ve witnessed and observed on my own life and those of some of my clients is that if you’ve had a long-term, chronic problem or dissatisfaction with some set of circumstances in your life, you sort of get used to it. The mindset of ‘this is just how things are’ starts to creep in and settle..
Your compromises become many, as you settle, settle, settle,
If your house is on fire ..
You find the money quick..
If you have an unexpected bill, or in my case a giant sum of money to find in a few days to invest in high level, life transforming coaching - guess what - the money appears doesn’t it, as if by magic..
You might even have to borrow the money , but you get your hands on it somehow, because that’s how money works, that’s how manifestation works..
I’ve seen it time and time again, you settle, life meets you where you’re at,
OR your (metaphorical) house is on fire, you move mountains to get your hands on the resources..
What does this tell you? It tells me that the resources were always available, and a sense of urgency and high priority help you to bring them into your manifest reality..
Now , what if you put the same sense of urgency on all of your compromises? The same sense of this is not acceptable and needs to be sorted NOW?
The money would appear, the resources would appear, the people and the assistance and the opportunities would appear..
I’ve seen it time and time again..
The moral of this story?
Don’t wait for your house to burn down!
Ask yourself where are you compromising and make it a HIGH PRIORITY to get it sorted, dealt with, TRANSFORMED - Today ..
I’ve created a free resource to get you started, just click this link for over an hour of FREE training on how to shift your mindset to one of Abundance, and a good meditation you can do today 🙂
There’s also an option to work with me at a heavily discounted rate, so , no excuses now..
Go get yours.. queeze-page26369239
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Reiki 2 this Sunday £165 , message me to join us ❣️💫


Want to know what working with me could be like ?! Here’s a little bit more info 💚💫 y/carolyn-sykes/


What’s your A life and what’s your B life ?!
Your A life is your dream life , the thing you ACTUALLY want to be doing everyday..
Your B life is probably what you are doing now instead of your A life , the thing that feels safer, more ‘comfortable’ , more acceptable , the thing you will actually be paid for ..
... Funny thing about the A life , if you want it it means it’s MEANT for you - you wouldn’t want it otherwise ..
And another thing - if you were living your A life then everyone else would be better off also ..
How so ?!
Let’s take my A life as an example ..
In my A life I’m a spiritual/miracles/life coach, I spend 2 hours at a time with you going DEEP on whatever you want to work on , over the internet or in person, over a period of months ..
OR I spend an entire day/weekend with you at a dream location or location of your choice ..
In my B life you get 45 mins with me - maybe once a week if you are committed to receiving the healing you need - or once in a blue moon ..
Which option do you think is going to serve you better - which option is going to be of greater transformation..
It’s a no brainier really isn’t it ?!
So if you’re ready to transform send me a message and let’s set up a free 20 min call to discuss anything you want and to see if it’s a good fit for us to work together..
To create the miracles in your life that you hadn’t even dared to let yourself dream of .. 💓💫
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If you don’t see it that way it’s just because you don’t see it that way - not because it isn’t that way ..
What way ?!
Abundance is real - if you don’t see it that way it’s just because you don’t see it that way, not because it isn’t that way..
... Life loves you and everything is happening FOR you not to you - if you don’t see it that way it’s just because you don’t see it that way, not because it isn’t that way..
Everything you’ve ever wanted is available for you - right now- if you don’t see it that way it’s just because you don’t see it that way , not because it isn’t that way..
All of the above is true -
and then some ..
And if you don’t see it that way you need a Miracle 💫
What is a miracle?!
A Miracle is defined as a shift in perception- seeing things differently ..
and as you see it so shall it be ..
Decide how you want to see life showing up for you ..
I can help with that 💌
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I can’t save you ..
You will save you..
If you want me to heal you I will show you how healing has to happen ..
... It happens by raising your vibration ..
By BECOMING the healthiest version of you..
Not by me sticking a few needles in you ..
But by me holding space for you to transform, by doing the daily right actions that are in alignment with the healthiest version of you..
I will hold that space, I will show you what to do , I will help clear old limiting beliefs and energy blockages AND I will stick a few needles in you..
But you will be the one who heals you..
You won’t need anyone outside of yourself ever again - but you’ll probably keep working with me coz there’s nothing better and ain’t no one else gonna show you things I can ..
You ready ?!
You know what to do 😜
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Choose Life 💫
There is only one thing going on, ever, and that is life, and it is happening NOW.
Most people are not even here in this present moment and therefore miss their entire lives.
... I look around at humanity and what I see is varying degrees of ‘Death Warmed Up.’
People have no clue about real LIFE.
LIFE FORCE , Qi, or I call it ALIVENESS.
Most people think it’s all about diet - and most people’s idea of a ‘diet’ is calorie restriction (aka DEATH.)
Every food choice we make has either more or less life-force.
Every thought we think is either higher or lower in vibration.
Every choice we make either takes us closer to life or further away from life.
Ultimately what LIFE is is God.
Call it what you will

but without a daily practice and connection to THAT force that is running through your veins, giving you your life AND every gift within it you are moving further away from LIFE.
I’ll show you how to raise your vibe in all areas 💫
How to cultivate genuine practices that connect you to the pulse of life and moment to moment choices that add up to an overall more alive YOU.
Contact me today via messenger - don’t wait a second longer to LIVE the life you were born for.
We’ll get clear on what you truly desire and bring it to life.
We’ll clear any past blocks limiting beliefs that have been keeping you small and stuck.
We’ll raise your vibe in every life area - body, health, career, relationships, finances, social status...
It’s time to be more Alive 💫💫💫
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Where are you at?
I heard myself talking on an old episode of my radio show last night. I was talking about manifesting and how there are different levels of manifesting..
I talked about levels 1 to 3 -I didn't realise that there were even more levels at the time..
...Continue Reading


Your Assumptions are blocking you from Abundance.
You may have noticed that I am blogging a lot more recently, and that at the end of the blog is a call to action..
Many of you have reached out..
... ..and a high percentage of you have not moved past that initial message to actually book a call with me. I will not chase you ..
If you initially reach out and then run scared because you 'assume' that my 1-1 coaching prices are going to be too expensive for you, then believe me when I say, if that is the case and I feel it is a good fit anyway then I will often get an intuitive download, literally, I will get a download later on saying 'offer such and such person such and such service at a FRACTION of the price of the full offer..
Also believe me when I say, I will NOT be chasing you down with said offer, the offer that was literally downloaded from my soul's wisdom for YOU..
If there is something in my messaging that is stirring in you then it is down to you to say yes to it, step up to it, and ASK for it. If the heavens are not going to open for you and rain down the money you need to get started it's either because you have made assumptions before finding out and your assumptions block the magic of the universe from working on your behalf, or you may have money blocks which the universe is trying to help you overcome - and it is also working on your behalf through me to get you the coaching and mentoring you need to work through these blocks, BUT..
I will not chase you..
SO, message me today to arrange your free 20 minute coaching call , before this offer goes away..
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Reiki 2 happening in April , contact me for details. Repeaters welcome 🙏🏻💫💫


When are you going to claim it ?!
I always knew I was destined for greatness. Something deep down inside always knew. When I was a child I always wanted a horse . My parents told me they couldn’t afford one , it broke my heart. Not just because I temporarily couldn’t have what my heart truly desired, but because deep down I knew it was a lie. Perhaps my parents really believed it , but my true inner self didn’t buy it. I just KNEW a soul desire wouldn’t be a soul desire if i...t wasn’t MEANT to be.
Fast forward to my early twenties and I started getting heavily into personal growth, development and spirituality. I stared reading ALL the books and following all the big name authors, speakers and teachers. I just KNEW that was who I was meant to be too.
As the years went by, more and more of these amazing authors , speakers and teachers came along. When was it going to be my turn ? After all, this is my destiny too, right!
Right. Here’s the thing though .. knowing it’s destiny is not enough!
It requires a decision.
Deciding that it’s DONE and actually stepping into it, claiming it and doing the daily right actions to become that person NOW.
That’s what it takes.
Knowing it’s meant to be is simply not enough. Without the decision and claiming and the ownership of it NOW , you risk taking it with you to your grave. You will look back on your life and wonder why it never happened when you KNEW it was for you. .
I always thought ‘what’s for me don’t go by me’ ..
I always leaned on that and just believed that one day someone would talent spot me, or my lucky break would just happen. I spent a lot of time around high level mentors believing that just being around them was enough . It’s good start , surrounding yourself with people who are playing a bigger game in life.. but unless YOU are playing a bigger game, taking ‘risks’ and saying yes to the life you know you are MEANT for, it might never happen. I didn’t know this ..
Fortunately I finally decided enough was enough with my playing small and I started investing in myself and hiring some of the worlds leading coaches - this is how I know now..
If I hadn’t stepped up to this and paid for their guidance I wouldn’t have known this key part of the process, now I’m telling you . .
You have to decide that today is the day you start LIVING and claim ownership of the destiny that’s inside of you otherwise it just won’t happen.
When are you going to claim it ?
Work with me, I’m offering 3 months of intensive 1-1 coaching , this offer changes on Monday 25th March so if you’ve been thinking you’re going to contact me one day in the future when you are so called ‘ready’ to live your dream then do it now before this offer goes away..
Message me to set up a free 20 minute chat to explore what’s inside YOU , I’m looking forward to hearing from you 💫💫
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Life Transformation
Are you ready for your life to Transform?
I used to think I was, I used to read a lot of self help and personal development books, listen to speakers and podcasts, and armed with all the knowledge think that my life would transform..
... I knew it all..
and it did make massive strides towards changing my mindset at a fundamental level..
But knowing something and embodying it, actioning it every day so that you experience the fruits of this new paradigm of living are two completely different playing fields..
Becoming the person you were born to be requires courage..
It requires flying in the face of society, what is considered normal and acceptable and SAFE ..
Taking leaps of faith - or what the mind would label RISK - and following your heart..
Do you know how much courage it takes to say yes to what is burning in your heart?
Most never will..
Most will stay within the confines of their (not so comfortable) comfort zone..
The life that was gifted to you, complete with gifts and talents meant to fulfill you and provide more abundance than you could ever spend is not for you alone..
You stay bound up in your small limited box because you think you have ‘responsibilities’ but you don’t realize that what would light you up is meant to come through you as a gift to the whole world.. THAT is your true responsibility..
A Course In Miracles says that the only thing that can be lacking in any situation is what you are not giving..
So the level of dissatisfaction (read- depression and anxiety) you feel with your life can be directly linked to what you are not giving to US..
So are you ready, ready to say NO more to what’s been keeping you small and say YES to what it’s all, always been about ..
What every lesson has been preparing you for..
To step into the YOU that the universe has been moulding you into and waiting ever so patiently for while you continue to keep making unimportant things more important?
This is true Life Transformation..
Transforming your life so that you transform others and uplift the entire humanity while you are at it..
You may not know what this is for you because you have been drowning out the still small voice with your constant busyness..
You may not know what you are here to ‘do’ but i’m here to help..
The first clue is it’s less about what you are doing and, ultimately, more about who you are BEING..
Every time you say yes to what’s burning within you raise your vibe a little bit more and a rising sea level lifts all boats..
It’s actually quite EFFORTLESS..
..although it does require an immense amount of courage and a commitment to taking the action DAILY to back up the new choices..
So, are you really ready to finally do what it takes?
You already know the answer..
Work with me, because success happens when we join, and you haven’t gotten as far as you know you can go on your own, have you?
Message me NOW to set up a time to talk <3
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What I do to feel UNSTOPPABLE 💫💫
Apart from stretching my comfort zone, investing in high level mentorship and coaching , and travelling to be in the presence of those I aspire to ..
I also have daily rituals which keep me on the top of my game ..
... Very soon after waking in the morning I meditate..
And then again 3 times during the day ..
I am present all day long..
I do at least 7 mins of yoga 🧘🏼‍♀️ daily..
I’ve rejoined the gym and I go at least 2-3 times per week..
I go for Chinese tui na Massage 💆‍♀️ once very week ..
I have acupuncture at least once every 3 weeks if not more..
I read informative and uplifting inspiring material every single day..
I spend 10- 20 mins journaling and writing ✍️ my reality as I will it ..
I drink Vivienne Talsmat’s rejuva detox daily.. 💚
I work my online and offline businesses like the full time job they both are ..
I spend quality time with my partner and our relationship hits new levels of intimacy the more time we spend together ..
I’m in LOVE with my life.. 💕
Phew 😅
What do you do ?!
I’ve always said most people have no idea how good their body is wired to feel..
You know it’s time you built some daily practices that are not just self-care they are going to make you feel like SUPERWOMAN - EVERY DAY..
And you know you need to be working with me to make that happen..
So message me to get signed up today..
And don’t miss another day of your LIFE settling for the compromise 💫💫
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This page/service/class is dedicated to the highest levels of Truth, Love and Compassion <3


Just brilliant! I have throughly enjoyed every class. Not only have I noticed a huge difference in myself but it has also been commented on by my friends.


I consider myself lucky to have found Carolyn and her meditation group. Carolyn is a very good teacher and very passionate and knowledge at what she does. Love her classes and would highly recommend to anyone looking for some break from crazy busy life.


Carolyn is an amazing meditation coach & I love her meditation groups. She helps you understand why meditation is so important & how to bring it into your everyday life.

More about Carolyn A Sykes Meditation And Coaching

Carolyn A Sykes Meditation And Coaching is located at RG20 4SZ Newbury, Berkshire