Carolyn Jones

Monday: 09:00 - 15:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 15:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 15:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 15:00
Friday: 09:00 - 15:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Carolyn Jones

I use NLP techniques to challenge limiting believes, inspire fresh thinking and inspire action.

Carolyn Jones Description

We help you make your first steps to your success in realising your dream / goal. Life coaching bridges the gap between where you are and where you want to go. It is offering guidence and support towards making a measurable difference in life, career or business.



Interesting article. Check it out...


Do you need help to do a winning CV and interview preparation coaching to get the job you deserve. Visit:


The missing secret to the law of attraction. Check this out:


Everybody has Acres of Diamonds in their back yards. Everything you want is already in your life awaiting your discovery of them. Interesting concept isn't it? To learn More Click ... acres-of-diamonds/


Write Your Goals. Take the time to write down carefully what you want to accomplish with your life. Writing down your goals makes you more decisive. The fifteen minutes you invest in making a Daily Schedule will be multiplied 100-fold before the end of the month. Visualization of a goal builds remarkable confidence. Planners can predict their success. The secret of Uncommon Achievers is linking tasks to their calendar.


Become Someone’s Bridge. Someone may open up and share the dream of their heart to you...listen. Someone close to you may ache to hear an approving, encouraging word from you...say it. Someone may make a simple request that could unlock an important door for it. You May Be The Only Bridge To Victory Others Ever Experience.


Send Someone A Signal That They Matter today. Recognise that very word you speak is a Seed that guarantees a reaction. Everyone needs reassurance of their worth.
Realise throughout today that each person you meet has encountered waves of criticism, condemnation and inferiority...if you are aware of this and change it...
You will understand how Your words of reassurance are like water on their Seeds of Hope.




You Can Create Any Future You Want. You Will Never Leave Where You Are Until You Decide Where You Would Rather Be.
The day you make a decision about your life is the day your world will change. Move decisively toward the goals you have established.You cannot change what you Intolerance.
Today...Is Your Seed Toward Tomorrow. Your Future Is Decided By Whom You’ve Chosen To Believe.


I am a life coach/ NLP practitioner. My area of expertise is helping people achieve their goals by helping them break limiting beliefs. How would you like a '2018 Goals & Mindset Planning Document', which I’m sure will boost your results., Custom made all DONE FOR YOU!
I have used it to attract; a mortgage free house, car of my dreams a few holidays a years. My clients have attracted dream jobs to overcoming illnesses like diabetes etc.
... My friend has used it to make 22 millions of pounds over the last five years it's powerful stuff.
­Where you are right now is a result of your dominant thoughts and plans. It will help you move from where you are to where you want to be.
What's your goal this year? How about multiplyingh it by 10?
I dare you to be so unreasonable... that... it changes everything!
Will you do anything possible to realize your dreams?
Let's change the game. Let's break every single rule in the book this year... Do do something you have never done before. Do something they said is not possible. Let's touch the untouchable, break the unbreakable and let's create history together! Are you in?
This mindset document will help you aim for the stars and if you miss it hit the moon and crash it!
Do you want more money in your pocket?
Do you want more power to stand like a giant among men?
Do want more respect?
Do want to help more people? or
Do you just want to wake up each mornig feeling like a million bucks? Whatever your dream...
it's for every man, woman, young and old, It doesn't matter if you are a top dog in your game or a new commer... You can become something bigger than yourself. But you can't do it without a mindset change.
When suits for a quick 1 5min chat? And get your hands on this mindset document? You also get two coaching session for FREE to make sure you are on track. Reachout today for a non obligation chat.
See More


The Willingness To Battle For Your Dream...Qualifies You For Its Achievement.


Stop Pursuing Unexciting Dreams. What excites you in your youth may bore you when you are older. Be willing to relinquish previous goals that no longer stimulate you. Don’t be a prisoner to your dreams of earlier years. You are not a loser just because you do not finish something you no longer desire. Passion is a clue to your new season. Energy is often a Divine sign that you are on the right path.


My client got a job promotion, Bingo! He had been in the job for donkey years and was very bored. After our session he went straight to the boss and asked for promotion and got it. I love my job. For me Shaping mindsets and culture, helping people to step into breakthroughs and seeing others not paying the price I had to pay to is better than anything else in the world.

More about Carolyn Jones

Carolyn Jones is located at AL1 3 Saint Albans
+44 7411451716
Monday: 09:00 - 15:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 15:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 15:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 15:00
Friday: 09:00 - 15:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -