Carpet Cleanz

Monday: 09:00 - 15:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 15:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 15:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 15:00
Friday: 09:00 - 15:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Carpet Cleanz

I'm an independent carpet cleaner with 9 years experience. I pride myself on my customer feed back, key to my companies success is. . . . . . "Word Of Mouth"



It has been so good to get back out there this week. Here is some before and after bits of a job that needless to say the customer was over the moon. 1 room £40 2 rooms £60 3 rooms £80 Stairs £20... Landing/Hall £10 each
Arm chair £25 2 seater £35 3 seater £45 Corner sofa £65
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Carpet Cleanz is now back and open for business. We have been in full lockdown for the last 7 weeks. Going from 3 jobs per day to only 3 jobs (all empty properties) in the last 7 weeks. Now we have new "Safe Working Guidlines" to follow, we can continue to provide our residential carpet cleans.
Some of these will include for example.........
... No cash, only online payments.
Where possible no one in the home during the clean, e.g.
A. It could be arranged during your daily exercise outing. B. Weather permitting customers could wait in their gardens. C. While you are at work. D. Or, if downstairs is being done, I would ask customer to wait upstairs.
At the time of arranging your appointment if you and I are happy with the arrangement, I see no reason why Carpet Cleanz can't get back to providing the same quality service as before.
I look forward to hearing from my regular customers and my new customers too, I know a few have already been in touch and are waiting for me to get back out there.
Please may I ask everyone to share this post. Thank you. #Staysafe.
Please pay attention to section 3 in the link below.......…/working-safely-dur ing-coronaviru…/homes
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Carpet Cleanz has been in full lockdown since the beginning. I've gone from doing 3 jobs per day to 3 jobs in total (all empty properties) in the last 7 weeks. Following the new "Back to Work" guidelines that were announced today, I see that tradesmen and cleaners are allowed into peoples homes to continue working. I also see that the Government will be publishing even more detailed COVID-19 secure guidelines in the coming days to cover the safe working practice. So I have de...cided to wait until these are published before making any rash decisions. I want to make sure that the guidelines will provide a safe environment for you (my customers) and myself so it's safe whilst your carpet clean is being carried out. I'm pretty sure I'll be able to tick the boxes of the guidelines that will be set out. So if you have any enquiries or would like to book in, then please do not hesitate to get in touch. Please see the article below, taken today from the Gov website.
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Please Share, very emotional 🌈🌈🌈


In these unprecedented and worrying times, Carpet Cleanz is still able to provide Domestic & Commercial Carpet Cleaning throughout Dorset & Hampshire to VACANT residential households and commercial premises.
The Covid-19 Coronavirus has resulted in the closure of many environments such as offices, factories, retail outlets and schools. In the property market, hundreds of properties now lie empty with ...Landords not having been able to move new tenants in.
What better time than now therefore for Carpet Cleanz to visit your office, school, business premises or vacant home.
Of course, I am personally keeping up to date with all the latest Government announcements and in turn following best practice in relation to the Coronavirus (Covid-19) for my clients. Collection of keys will be carried out with in the social distancing guidelines.
For a quote, please visit........
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Please please share the hell out of this as well as signing it. Tell all your family and friends to sign n share too. Thanks


To my valued customers & customers to be.
I would like to reassure you Carpet Cleanz is following the guidelines set out by NHS England and the Government and as of today, 24th March 2020 I have temporarily stopped trading.
I am personally keeping up to date with all the latest Government announcements and in turn following best practice in relation to the Coronavirus (Covid-19) for my clients.
... At present I am well and I am also taking the correct precautions and continually making hygiene paramount.
I want to thank all my customers who continue to support Carpet Cleanz and to reassure you all that I am well and taking this very seriously.
As an independent small business (sole trader) I need all the support I can so please post about your experience with Carpet Cleanz on social media and encourage friends and family to like my page, I will continue to monitor this official guidance, and should this be updated, I will make any necessary changes immediately to come back to work.
Thank you for your continued support and I’m keeping everything crossed that I can get through this difficult time with my loyal clients behind me.
Keep positive, keep well and stay home. But most importantly....... Stay Safe.
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To my valued customers.
I would like to reassure you Carpet Cleanz is following the guidelines set out by NHS England and the Government and is operating as normal.
I am personally keeping up to date with all the latest Government announcements and in turn following best practice in relation to the Coronavirus (Covid-19) for my clients.
... At present I am well and am also taking the correct precautions and continually making hygiene paramount.
I want to thank all my customers who continue to support Carpet Cleanz and to reassure you all that I am taking this very seriously.
I also trust that every client will be happy to maintain the same hygiene standards, so if you are feeling unwell please contact me and I will be happy to re arrange your appointment for a later date which will allow Carpet Cleanz to continue to run successfully.
Please still feel free to book appointments if you are feeling well and have NOT been in contact with anyone suspected of having the virus (please follow government and NHS guidance on this, as it changes daily).
As an independent small business I need all the support I can so please post about your experience with Carpet Cleanz on social media and encourage friends and family to book an appointment to help them in these anxious times.
I will continue to monitor this official guidance, and should this be updated, I will make any necessary changes immediately.
Thank you for your continued support and I’m keeping everything crossed that I can get through this difficult time with my loyal clients behind me.
Keep positive, keep well and keep clean.…/coronavirus-covid- 19-uk-government-res…
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I previously put up a post regarding any businesses that might need a professional carpet clean should they be forced to close to carry out a deep clean. I was in no way trying to cash in on this coronavirus situation. Two cases in the Bournemouth and Poole are have been confirmed and I'm sure there will now be plenty more, one of these cases was known to visit a local gym and this is the first business locally that has had to close to carry out this deep clean. I was just s...imply letting businesses know that cleaning the very ground people walk on should also be considered as part of the deep clean of their premises and my 10 years experience as an established carpet cleaner in the local area could of been of benefit to them. I can only assume that all the haters from my previous advert are the ones that stocked piled all the loo roll and pasta lol 😂.
If you are a local business that feels you need to carry out a full deep clean due to your establishment being visited by an invected person the please do not hesitate to get in touch.
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Earlier this evening I shared a post advertising that if any business that is forced to close trading to carry out a deep clean linked to Coronavirus then my services are available should they need the carpets doing, as the NHS has advised that cleaning the carpets can help prevent the spread. I only posted this add because I saw that there has now been reported cases in the Bournemouth and Poole area and a local business was visited by one of these people and this business now closed for a deep clean. Just thought my 10 year established business of carpet cleaning could aid any other businesses that may need a deep clean. I got so so so much hate from social media trolls I've been forced to take down my advert. In no way at all was I trying to cash in. I just wonder how many of the trolls stocked piled on loo roll and hand sanitizer lol. Shall I tell you what upset me the most, a fellow carpet cleaner bad mouthing me and telling me I was out of order. You just don't do that to a fellow trade. I've actually been called by many of his customers to come and go over work he's done very poorly, but I've never publicly put it out there, or slated him when we've both commented on a recommendation post on FB. I'm better than that.
Anyway if you know a business that needs my help then I'm here.
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Here's a new one for my weird customers that love watching this stuff lol 😂😂😂😂 x


Some more great results. 1st job for a letting agent that hasn't used me yet. Pleased to say I'm now their go to carpet cleaner 👍👍👍


Today I had a Lounge diner to do and had to do a complimentary porch mat on my way out, after bringing up the carpets like new, there was no way I could leave and not get this mat looking like new too. It's nice to do a good deed every now and again. 👍👍👍


Think it's time for a few of my recent "Before & After" pictures............ Enjoy folks.😱😱😱😱


Last job of the decade...... And one very happy customer. Can't wait for 2020, big things coming for Carpet Cleanz


Just to let all my customers know, my last available appointment before the Christmas shut down will be Friday 20th, I will resume bookings on January 3rd. Thank you 🎅🎅🎅🎅🎅🎅🎅🎅🎅

More about Carpet Cleanz

Monday: 09:00 - 15:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 15:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 15:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 15:00
Friday: 09:00 - 15:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -