Catherine Paver Music

About Catherine Paver Music

This page has Gig Listings & Song Videos. To contact Catherine Paver about bookings, use mobile number or click Contact Us.

Catherine Paver Music Description

Singer Songwriter on Guitar and sometimes Piano. Storytelling songs. Genres: Folk, Acoustic, Americana, Traditional, Parodies, Comedy. Catherine Paver's performances have a theatrical element, with costumes and props that suit the songs.



Professor Hugh Montgomery explains clearly why one person can infect 59,000 people. Reporter says he doesn't understand the maths. Get a calculator: 1 X 3 X 3 X 3 X 3 X 3 X 3 X 3 X 3 X 3 X 3 = 59,000. That's what "ten times through the cycle means". Some of those 59,000 will get really sick and die horribly. COUNT TO SIX. MULTIPLY BY THREE. Primary school Maths can save lives. IF YOU MUST GO OUT, STAY SIX FEET APART. When I absolutely have to go out again I'll wear a sign: ...STAY SIX FEET APART. DON'T SPREAD COVID-19. round my neck, front and back. From my window I see people jogging one foot away from someone washing a car and I think, What they have just done on this sunny day feels nice, but they have just risked infecting thousands and killing hundreds. The virus is the opposite of a suicide bomber: Suicide bombers, at least, take themselves out. This virus does not. It just keeps going, replicates, keeps going, replicates. We've all got to help stop it, as the Prof says. PLEASE SHARE: eos/205334644027351/
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If you can't smell, can't taste, feel tired, have lost your appetite, have stomach pains, vomiting or diarrhoea, you may have COVID-19 and should self-isolate, is what many doctors are saying, including the Chief Medical Correspondent of CNN Dr Sanjay Gupta: "Some of those early symptoms aren't those classic symptoms," he said, referring to fever, cough and shortness of breath. On Channel 4 News and CNN last night, reports listed other symptoms, citing studies of patients in ...Wuhan, China. For example, Loss of appetite was another symptom shared by 84% of 204 patients in Wuhan China. Tiredness, Diarrhoea, Loss of smell, Loss of taste, Stomach Pains and Vomiting are also occurring in coronavirus patients. The Guardian has a useful piece here. Please share. Thank you.…/have-i-al ready-had-covid19-co… Also see this:…/coronavirus-…/ jRpGgrvLJPTeqNOrJkkJRK/
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There will be other sunny days. Stay at home, so fewer people will die, and will see those future sunny days too. Stay 2 metres away from others if you do have to go out. Make the virus homeless. This exhausted nurse wants to scream this message of social distancing and staying at home. The things we have to do to save lives are nowhere near as tough as the things she has to do. Here she is:


Tonight! Hooray! Close to Morden Tube Station and also Morden South Railway Station. Just sayin'. ūüõ§ūü§†ūüźī ~ See y'all tonite!! ūü§™xXx


Tomorrow Night! Yippeee! ūü§™ūüźīūüĆĄūüé§ūüíÉ


Gig Next Friday 21st February! ūü§™ Western Style ūü§† Songs and Stories about ūüźī Tap your feet ūüé§ Clap along Spanish style ūüíÉ Dream of faraway lands ūüĆĄ shooting stars ūüƆ the open road ūüõ£ and have a Fabulous Time! And it's FREE! ūüėĀūüėĀūüėĀūüėĄūüôÉ


More Stuff and Photos about Saturday's Improv Show and what Improv can do for YOU! ūüėúūü§ĒūüôÉ


SATURDAY, 8TH FEBRUARY - FREE IMPROVISED COMEDY SHOW!! I'm performing in this with a team of improvisers - no music this time, just improvised scenes based on YOUR suggestions on the night! You'll be able to suggest anything and we will entertain you with gloriously silly, achingly tragic and puzzlingly weird stuff right there and then. Full details below. Come and have fun! ūü§ĒūüćČūü¶Ėūü§£ūüėú Pictures from the last Improv Show thanks to Drew ~ to give you an idea of what might happen...ūü§Ēūüßźūüėú 474574


Welcome to Planet Paver, where things like This happen! To get the most fun out of this parody, watch Lady Gaga's brilliant 'Bad Romance' video and Google her Meat Dress. Making this Vegetarian version was fun. I can only parody songs I love and this involved a lot of research. Which cabbages are funniest? British ones, definitely. Have fun - and to sing along, just look under the YouTube video for my lyrics. I strongly recommend singing this on trains, or to distract traffic wardens. ūü§™ūüé§ūü¶ĖūüôÉūüėú


THANK YOU to everyone who came to my Show at the wonderful, welcoming Royal Oak, New Malden last night! THANK YOU for being such a fantastic audience and THANK YOU for your generous donations! Have a lovely weekend and here's to the next one ūüėĀ X


IT'S TONIGHT!!! PLEASE COME!! I'm beggin' ya! DOORS OPEN 7.30 PM, SHOWTIME 8 O'CLOCK!!! Paver plays it cool and aloof and not at all excited about tonight's show. ūü§™ūüźīūüėĀūüßü‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹūüôÉūü§™ūüé©ūüĎÄ ūüíÉūü§£ūü¶Ė 123786/


What on EARTH is Paver doing? ~ Preparing for Tomorrow's Show, That's What! 123786/


PLEASE NOTE: This Event is Not Suitable for Babies or Small Children. So please do not bring them. Thank you! This was probably obvious from the start times of the sets, but I thought I ought to make it clear in advance. Some of the material and the images, props etc would frighten the very young. So they would probably cry and I don't want to make that happen. If you're a teenager or an adult, though, you'll have a fun happy time! See you on the Night! ~ The Paver ūüėÉūüíÉūüé§ūüėúūüźģūü§†ūüĎŅūüėĪūüĎÄūüźī< br>

More about Catherine Paver Music