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We provide Catholic content about any and everything Catholic. Be inspired and grow spiritually today.



”Never will anyone who says his Rosary every day be led astray. This is a statement that I would gladly sign with my blood.” — Saint Louis de Montfort


“Miss no single opportunity of making some small sacrifice, here by a smiling look, there by a kindly word; always doing the smallest right and doing it all for love.” ― St. Thérèse of Lisieux


Fr. Konrad Loewenstein of the FSSP explores the topic of knowing God by faith and reason. Coming from a parish in England.


Holy Virgin, mother of Christ, pray for us! (Icon by Theodoros Patrinos)


Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help or sought thy intercession, was left unaided. Inspired by this confidence, I fly unto thee, O Virgin of virgins my Mother; to thee do I come, before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful; O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in thy mercy hear and answer me, Amen.


Today is the feast day of St Bonaventure. Known as "the seraphic doctor“, he was born in 1221 in the Lazio region of central Italy. He received the name of Bonaventure in consequence of an exclamation of St. Francis of Assisi, when, in response to the pleading of the child's mother, the saint prayed for John's recovery from a dangerous illness, and, foreseeing the future greatness of the little John, cried out "O Buona ventura"-O good fortune!
At the age of twenty-two St. Bon...aventure entered the Franciscan Order. Having made his vows, he was sent to Paris to complete his studies under the celebrated doctor Alexander of Hales, an Englishman and a Franciscan. After the latter's death he continued his course under his successor, John of Rochelle. In Paris he became the intimate friend of the great St. Thomas Aquinas. He received the degree of Doctor, together with St. Thomas Aquinas, ceding to his friend against the latter's inclination, the honor of having it first conferred upon him. Like St. Thomas Aquinas, he enjoyed the friendship of the holy King, St. Louis.
At the age of thirty-five he was chosen General of his Order and restored a perfect calm where peace had been disturbed by internal dissensions. He did much for his Order and composed The Life of St. Francis . He also assisted at the translation of the relics of St. Anthony of Padua. He was nominated Archbishop of York by Pope Clement IV, but he begged not to be forced to accept that dignity. Gregory X obliged him to take upon himself a greater one, that of Cardinal and Bishop of Albano, one of the six suffragan Sees of Rome. Before his death he abdicated his office of General of the Franciscan Order. He died while he was assisting at the Second Council of Lyons, on July 15, 1274.
St Bonaventure, pray for us!

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Today is the feast day of Blessed Gennaro Maria Sarnelli, an Italian Redemptorists priest who lived 1702 - 1744. Sarnelli was one of St. Alphonsus Liguori's earliest companions and his apostolic zeal knew no limits. He preached missions and aided his friend Liguori in his work; he tended to the sick and helped to get girls out of sex trafficking and prostitution while living in Naples, Italy despite the many threats he received. Sarnelli was a gifted writer and, at the time of his death at the age of 42 on June 30th 1744, left behind a large volume of sermons and treatises on religious topics, of which many still survive to this day. Pray for us, Blessed Gennaro Maria Sarnelli!


The Virgen del Carmen (Our Lady of Mount Carmel) with the souls of purgatory. This piece is found in the Museum of Guadalupe in Zacatecas, Mexico.


June 22 is St. Thomas More's feast day.
Thomas More was born in London on February 7, 1478. His father, Sir John More, was a lawyer and judge who rose to prominence during the reign of Edward IV. His connections and wealth would help his son, Thomas, rise in station as a young man. Thomas' mother was Agnes Graunger, the first wife of John More. John would have four wives during his life, but they each died, leaving John as a widower. Thomas had two brothers and three sisters,...
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“We become what we love and who we love shapes what we become. If we love things, we become a thing. If we love nothing, we become nothing. Imitation is not a literal mimicking of Christ, rather it means becoming the image of the beloved, an image disclosed through transformation. This means we are to become vessels of God's compassionate love for others.” - St. Clare of Assisi


“Patience is the companion of wisdom” - St. Augustine


O most beautiful flower of Mount Carmel, Fruitful vine, splendor of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity. O Star of the Sea, help me herein... And show me here you are my Mother. There are none that can withstand thy power. O Mary, conceived without sin, Pray for us who have recourse to thee.
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An artist interpretation of Mary, Empress of China, and the Child Jesus (in the style of Qing Dynasty dress)


At the beatification ceremony for St. Joan of Arc, St. Pope Pius X declared: “In our time more than ever before, the chief strength of the wicked, lies in the cowardice and weakness of good men. All the strength of Satan's reign is due to the easy-going weakness of Catholics.”


An Opus Dei priest reflects on his time exploring the ruins of "Lud's Church" in England, where the heretical group, the Lollards, lead by John Wycliffe, would go to secretly meet during the early 15th Century.


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Todo lo catolico es muy interesante hasta una coma es interesante


Helps built up your dieing faith.

Shows the world that this church is truly laid by christ


Catholic is so powerful especially if you pray solemn to our dear Almighty God he will answer your prayers but you must have faith as well. I'm so proud and I loved it as a Catholic. Amen.

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