
About Cdra

Crawley Down Residents Association (CDRA) is a team, of varying ages & walks of life, who volunteer to work as a team to benefit all in Crawley Down

Cdra Description

The CDRA has a committee comprising a team of people, of varying ages and walks of life, who volunteer to work as a team for the benefit of all who live in the village and to act as their voice.

The team strives to keep a sense of community and identity that sadly many villages have lost.

is independent of any political process, open to all people residing in Crawley Down and wholly inclusive.

Raises money through residents' membership and through organising events throughout the year.

Assists residents in matters affecting the community and stimulates interest in local affairs.

Is a non profit organisation that uses the proceeds of your membership to support other groups within the village and to financially help, subject to conditions, any Crawley Down Village clubs and groups that may require it from time to time.



The CDRA are very much alive and kicking after the appeal for new members at the start of the year. This was very evident on Good Friday when we successfully organised the Easter Egg Treasure Hunt enjoyed by around 360 children from the village.
Traditionally we have organised three main events each year: Easter Egg Treasure Hunt, Village Fayre and the Christmas Lights Switch-On Fayre. The committee now feel confident to offer additional events to the residents of Crawley Dow...n. Some early planning is already underway. We are also looking into other areas where we can make a difference and we are keen to be involved in matters which effect everyday life in our village.
Stuart Gowen’s post a short while ago on the Crawley Down Village FB page told us of his daughter’s care for our village environment. She collects litter. We can understand why she feels the need to do this, the amount of litter lying around the village is appalling.
With this in mind, the CDRA committee, led by Michael Mancey, have undertaken to try and drum up support for a village “litter pick”. At the moment it is an idea which we hope will come to fruition in the very near future. The idea is for as many villagers as possible to give a couple hours of their time collecting the rubbish we see when we walk around the village. The plan is to carry out this exercise over a weekend in the school summer holidays.
Cox’s Skips have agreed to provide four or five large four wheeled refuse containers on the Friday evening of the weekend we choose to carry out the litter picking. They will be positioned at various locations around the village. They will then be collected on Monday morning. All we have to do is pick up the litter, put it in a refuse bag, and then deposit the full bags in one of the refuse containers.
The first thing we need to do is assess the level of support that there would be from our local community. We hope that we will get enough positive responses so that we can press on and make this happen. If you would be willing to give an hour or so to help clean up the village please let us know if you're happy to help below.
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Wow and what a day the village has had.
Despite us increasing the number of spaces on the hunt to 360 it was still a sell out event with great weather and lots of chocolate!
Everyone was on the hunt for eggs but also the letters which then formed a word (which was 'Good Friday' for those that didn't get it). We have had over 300 correct clue sheet submissions returned and you can view the draw on the video attached to this update.
... Congratulations to the following lucky winners: - Megan Smith - Elliott Rose - Eva Thompson - Cole Edwards - Emma Thornton
Please get in touch with us at or give us a call on 01342 885 280 to arrange collection of your prize!
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Wow how amazing was that!! Thank you to everyone for coming!!


**Crawley Down Calendar Photo Competition is back!**
Following a lot of positive feedback on 2019 calendar, we are running the competition again, but the deadline date is slightly earlier (31st July) in order for us to get them produced for the Village Fayre.
Good luck everyone, any questions, please submit to email address.


- CDRA Easter Egg Hunt 2019 -
Why not start your Easter weekend by joining us on Friday 19th April for the Crawley Down Residents Association Easter Egg Hunt… It’s open to everyone that would like to take part!
Register at the desk outside shops in village from 10am to receive your clue sheet and map, then set off on a hunt for the Easter Bunnies hidden around the village.
... When you successfully find a bunny you get to take part in a lucky dip where every participant wins a mini foiled chocolate egg! If you pick a silver egg you win an on the spot mystery prize...!!
Each bunny will also give you a letter, once all letters are un-scrambled they will spell a word which can be entered on your clue sheet. Completed clue sheets can then be submitted at the registration desk by village shops or at the Haven Centre to be entered into the grand prize draw.
We look forward to welcoming you for an epic adventure!
To support the event there are some (very) modest entry fees payable at the registration desk (cash only):
CDRA members - £1 per child
Non members - £3 per child
If you’re not a member why not support the CDRA by joining and benefiting from the reduced entry fee? Membership costs just £5 per household per year and joining takes only a couple of minutes by going to . For more information about the CDRA please visit our website. If you're not yet a member - why not join us!
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- New website and contact details -
The CDRA are pleased to announce that alongside making our membership digital (which is being received fantastically by our membership - thank you!), we have a new website . It is relatively simple at the moment but we will be adding to it as needed - watch this space!
If you use Social Media as the source of all knowledge don't worry - we will continue to use and post on social media too!
... Website
Our new website is at
Contact Information
Along with our new website we have some new contact details, these are below for your information...
General enquiries:
Phone number: 01342 885 280 (please note that you will likely need to leave a message and one of the team will call you back)
Treasurer enquiries:
Membership enquiries: For more information about the CDRA please visit our website. If you're not yet a member - why not join us!
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- Update from the Committee - The Summer Fayre lives on!
Thanks to the response we received at the Public Meeting in February, we are pleased to announce that the Village Fayre is saved and will be Saturday 7th September. Our first event, as scheduled will be the Easter Egg Hunt on Good Friday (19th April), with lots of planning for both events in full swing. With the increased members on the committee, we are also looking to take forward more village matters and welcome any ...ideas or feedback on current affairs.
Membership going digital & EGM
Managing our membership has for many years involved many hours of volunteers’ time throughout the year collecting papers forms, inputting this information onto a large spreadsheet and tracking payment of membership fees. This is volunteer time that could have been spent arranging events and activities for our members and the village to enjoy. By making this move to an online membership system we hope to drastically reduce the amount of administration time.
We are aware that this may fill some of you with dread but please bear with us and give it a try. If you need any help or need any questions answered please email or phone us on 01342 885 280.
In conjunction with the move to online membership, we are proposing moving from the current system of membership renewal on the anniversary of joining CDRA, to all accounts renewing on 1st March annually. This again will drastically reduce administration time throughout the year and allow us to budget effectively for the year ahead. We intend to introduce this change effective 1st March 2020 and phase this in over the next 12 months. According to our constitution, this proposal must be ratified by a CDRA members vote at an Extraordinary General Meeting – this will be held in the Oak Room at the Haven Centre at 8:00pm on Tuesday 19th March 2019 For more information about the CDRA please visit our website. If you're not yet a member - why not join us!
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Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) In Oak room.
All resident association members welcome.
... An EGM has been requested in order to change constitution to enable membership period to be changed to annual renewal in line with online membership system being launched.
At least 10 attendees are required, 4 of which need to be committee members, the remainder can consist of resident association members.
This is to enable the whole association to vote on the proposed change to the constitution by which we operate.
This is the only item planned on the agenda, so should be a short meeting.
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All Crawley Down Residents Association members are welcomed to attend the 1st 30 minutes of each meeting. Please come along if you have ideas for any of our events, or if you would like to get involved as a member or a helper.


All Crawley Down Residents Association members are welcomed to attend the 1st 30 minutes of each meeting. Please come along if you have ideas for any of our events, or if you would like to get involved as a member or a helper.


All Crawley Down Residents Association members are welcomed to attend the 1st 30 minutes of each meeting. Please come along if you have ideas for any of our events, or if you would like to get involved as a member or a helper.


All Crawley Down Residents Association members are welcomed to attend the 1st 30 minutes of each meeting. Please come along if you have ideas for any of our events, or if you would like to get involved as a member or a helper.


All Crawley Down Residents Association members are welcomed to attend the 1st 30 minutes of each meeting. Please come along if you have ideas for any of our events, or if you would like to get involved as a member or a helper.


All Crawley Down Residents Association members are welcomed to attend the 1st 30 minutes of each meeting. Please come along if you have ideas for any of our events, or if you would like to get involved as a member or a helper.


All Crawley Down Residents Association members are welcomed to attend the 1st 30 minutes of each meeting. Please come along if you have ideas for any of our events, or if you would like to get involved as a member or a helper.


All Crawley Down Residents Association members are welcomed to attend the 1st 30 minutes of each meeting. Please come along if you have ideas for any of our events, or if you would like to get involved as a member or a helper.


All Crawley Down Residents Association members are welcomed to attend the 1st 30 minutes of each meeting. Please come along if you have ideas for any of our events, or if you would like to get involved as a member or a helper.


TBA Save the date

More about Cdra

Cdra is located at Station Road, RH10 4 Crawley