
Big Data , Mobile
3.5 star rating

About Celestus

Celestus is building Flair, a smart organiser for people who want to make the most of their time. Add work, tasks and projects and Flair will set targets, build a schedule and help you meet your targets. It's the best task manager on the market. Create tasks, add subtasks, lists or detailed projects with alerts, folders and more. Include as many details as you wish including priorities, location, or notifications and communicate with participants inside the app. It learns about you as you use it. When you complete a task, like a project, assignment or hobby, you can tell it how effective you were. After a few times it will tell you where to go, when and for how long. The more information you give it, the better it gets. Flair connects to calendars from Exchange to Google to Facebook, to discover your schedule and work out when to schedule things. As it learns, it makes you a plan based on when and where you're effective, deadlines, existing engagements and your own preferences.
Social Link - Angellist: http://angel. co /celestus
Keywords: b2b