Centaur Biomechanics

About Centaur Biomechanics

Centaur Biomechanics, founded by Russell Guire, is a company which is dedicated to bringing some of the latest thinking to the equine arena in order to optimise the welfare of the horse, promote soundness and optimise performance and training.

Centaur Biomechanics Description

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Great couple of days in Denmark ūüá©ūüáįūüá©ūüáį. Today a great biomex course - great presenting some of our research which is focused on improving the welfare of the horse, reducing risk of injury and optimising the performance of both the horse and rider - research was well received- great group ūüėÉ Then after the course we then went to a group of dressage horses and did a couple of locomotion assessments using our IMU system ūüėÉ Now off to dinner with my hosts and then busy day of rider biomechanics sessions tomorrow ūüėÉ


Great day yesterday with Your Horsemanship, Jason Webb ūüėÉ


Early start @ BHX on route to Denmark for a exciting few days ūüėÉ Research meeting this afternoon/night then tomorrow a biomechanics course presenting some of our horse-saddle-Rider interaction research ūüėÉ Then on Friday a rider biomex clinic ūüėÉ Massive thanks to Kit for organising & for the invitation ūüėÉ ūüá¨ūüáßūüá¨ūüáßūüá©ūüáįūüá©ūüáįūüá¨ūüáßū üá¨ūüáß


Great day doing rider biomex @ Jason Webb‚Äôs, Your Horsemanship training centre. Now set for an evening presenting some of our research on horse-saddle-Rider interaction. ūüėÉ


Busy morning writing up research then this afternoon doing equine locomotion assessments with a group of showing horses ūüėÉ. Referred by their physio to monitor progress following a prescribed rehab programme ‚úÖ - be interesting to do their follow up session in a few months ūüėÉ
More info on equine locomotion ‚¨áÔłŹ‚¨áÔłŹ


Great day doing rider biomex in York - great to see everyone‚Äôs progress. Massive thanks to Lindsay for organising, looking forward to October‚Äôs follow ups ‚úÖ‚úÖ ūüėÉ


Fabulous day, rode the horses first thing then headed to London for a day of sightseeing with Mia Goodge & Erik Mackechnie-Guire ūüėÉ We took the open top bus and saw most of the sights ūüėÉūüėÉ Now at the theatre to see ‚ÄúEverybody‚Äôs Talking About Jamie‚ÄĚ then we will be running to catch the train - really fabulously fun day ūüėÉ


‚úÖ Great article featuring some of Sharon May Davis research.
‚úÖ Sharon will be presenting her latest findings on this and several other topics.
‚úÖ Equine Sports Science Seminar, 19 October @ Hartpury College.
... https://thehorsesback.com/c6-c7-malformat ion/
‚¨áÔłŹ‚¨áÔłŹ‚¨áÔłŹ Seminar Tickets ‚¨áÔłŹ‚¨áÔłŹ‚¨áÔłŹ
http://www.centaurbiomechanics.co.uk/equi ne-sports-seminar/
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Great day out with the horses. Mr Commadore is becoming excitingly consistent, won his last three mediums and finished his qualification for regionals ūüėÉūüėÉ Mr Roux Bear was great and broke the 70% barrier in his third AM ūüėÉūüėÉ Been a busy six months with PhD writing so even more pleased that we managed to keep the horses going, this of course would not be possible without the Centaur team, as always, massive thanks to Erik Mackechnie-Guire Rosie Bush Karen Holden Beccy Phillips Erin for all their help etc.


Home after a great day, starting this morning with doing gait analysis on a group of jumping horses in Guilford then this afternoon / evening a rider biomex clinic at Merrist Wood. Back now and excitingly Mr Ericano is home ūüėÉūüėÉ


‚úÖHere are some snippets from last years rider workshop with World Renowned FEI 5‚≠źÔłŹ‚≠źÔłŹ‚≠źÔłŹ‚≠źÔłŹ‚≠źÔłŹ & Olympic judge Stephen Clarke.
‚úÖThis years workshop, 22 September @ The Unicorn Trust we are honoured to have another world renowned FEI 5‚≠źÔłŹ‚≠źÔłŹ‚≠źÔłŹ‚≠źÔłŹ‚≠źÔłŹ Judge, Katrina Wust and Judge to be at the Tokyo Olympic Games.
‚úÖKatrina will be working with a selection of horses and riders demonstrating and discussing her training and judging philosophy.
... ‚úÖThis is a real privilege to have another world renowned judge/trainer with us to share their knowledge ūüėÉ
‚úÖ‚≠źÔłŹ¬£60:00 incl. refreshments & lunch ‚≠źÔłŹ‚úÖ
To Book ‚¨áÔłŹ‚¨áÔłŹ‚¨áÔłŹ‚¨áÔłŹ‚¨áÔłŹ‚¨áÔłŹ‚¨áÔł Ź‚¨áÔłŹ‚¨áÔłŹ‚¨áÔłŹ‚¨áÔłŹ‚¨áÔłŹ‚¨áÔłŹ‚¨á ÔłŹ‚¨áÔłŹ
http://www.centaurbiomechanics.co.uk/ride r-conference/
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Busy day doing rider jumping biomechanics alongside physio assessments @ Addington for BS Junior Academy. Thanks to Mandy for the invitation ūüėÉ


Great afternoon doing follow up equine biomechanics, using our IMU gait analysis system, on a group of dressage horses.
From the initial assessment, there was a measurable amount of hind limb asymmetry during the weight bearing and push off phase of the stride (Image A).
In consultation with the equine physio, a posture programme was prescribed along with a saddle check & rider biomex session.
... Ten weeks later, the initial asymmetry observed has reduced (Image B ) - improving equine posture, saddle fit & rider position has had a positive effect on hindlimb kinematics ūüėÉ
Great to work with practitioners, using our various measuring systems to quantify interventions ūüėÉ
For more on equine biomechanics click ‚¨áÔłŹ‚¨áÔłŹ
http://www.centaurbiomechanics.co.uk/…/ Centaur%20Biomechani…
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Thanks Helen - great to meet you both ūüėÉ


Great day doing rider biomex in Essex ūüėÉ. Now set for an evening presentation presenting some of our horse-saddle-Rider interaction researchūüėÉūüėÉ. Massive thanks to Fiona for organising ūüėÉūüėÉ

More about Centaur Biomechanics

Centaur Biomechanics is located at 25 Oaktree Close, CV35 9BB Warwick, Warwickshire