Center For Economic Development And Financial Security



UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Destroyed by Greed / Banks (Full Documentary)


Bitcoin Price Prediction for 2017: 6 Major Events to Impact Bitcoin Value
The price of Bitcoin is difficult to predict as various factors impact the value of the digital currency. However, there are six major events that could lead to a surge in the price of Bitcoin in 2017. These include the activation of Segregated Witness, hereinafter Segwit, the release of Lightning Network and Tumblebit, approval of Bitcoin ETFs, the financial crash and economic instability.
Segwit, Lig...
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Nine Blockchain Firms Get Free Ride by Regulators to Test Their Ideas in the UK
Nine Blockchain technology-related firms have been accepted into the UK Financial Conduct Authority’s (FCA) regulatory sandbox, which enables them to test out their innovative ideas without immediately incurring all the normal regulatory consequences.
24 applications were deemed fit to meet the sandbox eligibility criteria and were accepted out of 69 to develop towards testing, including early sta...
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Bitcoin is Potential National Threat, Says U.S. Regulator
The last century of financial regulation within the world’s largest economy, in the United States, has bred a literal treasure chest of regulatory bodies that look more like an alphabet soup than any cohesive form of governance.
It is difficult to tell if one made-up group of regulators are just created to boost national employment numbers, protect the proletariat, or to check another set of fact-checkers who guard a l...
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The Greatest Moment in Bitcoin History
Bitcoin is now seven and a half years old, or almost eight, depending on where you believe Bitcoin began - the concept's fertilization as a White Paper, or its actual open-source birth and first public transactions. Over that time, life has never been boring for young Bitcoin, with the digital currency becoming extremely popular throughout the criminal and online underworld, as well as the more tech-savvy and economically progressive us.
Today, we’ll review the top moment in Bitcoin’s rather spectacular history. Not the five best moments, nor the five worst, but the greatest moment in Bitcoin history that have left a mark, not just on the Bitcoin community but on the world, starting with number five.
The Pizza Purchase (May 22nd, 2010)
A tasty place to start. Clearly the most publicly noteworthy transaction in early Bitcoin history, if not the most significant. Jacksonville, Florida programmer Laszlo Hanyecz negotiated a deal with a Bitcoin Talk forum member in the U.K. to take 10,000 Bitcoin he had mined for $30 in Papa John’s pizza. This would make a Bitcoin worth less than $0.01 USD at the time. Today, those Bitcoins would be worth over $5.7 million USD. This single transaction proved to the world that Bitcoin had a mainstream monetary value for the first time.
Hanyecz told CoinTelegraph:
“It wasn’t like Bitcoins had any value back then, so the idea of trading them for a pizza was incredibly cool. No one knew it was going to get so big.”
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Bitcoin Price Will Reach $4,000 According to Famous Futurologist
Climate change. Riots. Food shortages. Water shortages. General suffering. Cliff High foresees doom! He tries to not make his YouTube videos too much of a downer and sometimes talks about the bright side of life. He and his guests are the type to equate Skype malfunctions with government interference with new media broadcasts.
Cliff recently made headlines in the precious metals world when he forecasted great ga...ins in the silver price – in fact, he foresees not only $20 updates, but ultimately $600 silver and parity with the gold price, which is currently more than $1,000.
Cliff applies his in-depth research to bitcoin topics, and recently predicted bitcoin would increase to $688 on its way to -hold on your pants – $4,000! Wow! That price prediction would make a lot of bitcoiners happy. A lot of Bitcoiners would become very wealthy if the price of bitcoin became $4,000.
It’s likely Cliff foresees happening in bitcoin what he sees happening in silver: increased interest.
Mr High, who believes we live in an electric universe told bitcoin-inclusive precious metals price comparison tool, Compare Silver Prices, that:
Data makes me think [silver is going to $120] as it is an issue of a predicate calculus equation for emotional values of each, the dollar, and silver. Dollar going down, thus silver must go up. Plus silver is gaining new emotional values for both intensity and duration that will carry it over the 2020’s as real money.
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User ce-skyrocketing-ju…


Bitcoin Price Hits $300 Amid Continuing Price Rally
The price of bitcoin reached $300 today on the CoinDesk Bitcoin Price Index (BPI) for the first time in over three months, continuing a steady climb since mid-September.
The last time the bitcoin price surpassed $300 was on 13th July, when the price reached a high of $310.09, but closed on $290.88.
... Today, the price exceeded this marker at around 02:30 UTC before continuing to rise to $301.96, but falling to $299.71 at the time of press.
While the price has increased 30.3% since the beginning of September, it is still considerably lower than it was throughout the same period of 2014.
The majority of trading in the past 24 hours occurred on Chinese bitcoin exchanges, with 45.18% taking place on OkCoin, 33.43% occurring on Huobi and 5.29% on BTCC, according to data from Bitcoinity. Volumes across the past 30 days tell a similar story.
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The Bank of Russia has begun studies of Bitcoin’s blockchain technology for potential future use. This has led to rumors that Russia has decided to begin work on a new national digital currency, the BitRuble, that will be managed and overseen by the state central banking system, according to late evening reports out of El Mundo in Spain. Russia will work with Qiwi to build national digital currency system
As Coin Telegraph reported earlier this week, Qiwi was planning on buil...
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Last week in the United Kingdom, the Conservative Party was re-elected into power. This article explores what their plans to regulate bitcoin might look like and whether they are capable of creating a bitcoin hub in the UK.
The last government unveiled its stance on bitcoin back in April. Along with a call for information, it stated: "The government intends to apply anti-money laundering regulation to digital currency exchanges in the UK, to support innovation and prevent cri...minal use. The government will formally consult on the proposed regulatory approach early in the next parliament."
Entrepreneurs need not run for the hills – or silicon valleys. Although 'regulation' is not always the most friendly of words, the government does appear to have a light-touch approach thus far.
Furthermore, the Bank of England (BoE) has taken a cautiously optimistic viewpoint on digital currencies. In February, its One Bank Research Agenda came to the following conclusion:
"While existing private digital currencies have economic flaws which make them volatile, the distributed ledger technology that their payment systems rely on may have considerable promise"
The BoE also outlined the potential to create its own government-issued currency based on bitcoin technology.
The BoE is supposed to support the economic policies of whatever party gains power. However, the BoE and the Conservative Party share the same optimism for bitcoin.
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