Chakra Chesties

About Chakra Chesties

' Transforming our base human consciousness into the gold of our spiritual essence '

Chakra Chesties Description

Welcome friends & Newcomers to Paul Moore's healing page.

If you're looking for a life-changing experience on your path of self discovery and empowerment.
You've come to the right place !

Paul Moore has been on his own personal healing journey for over 20 years.
He would say in a joking way that ' he has been to hell and back' , all inside himself.
He feels that he fully understands the meaning of ' to know thyself ' and he is now stepping forward to share his experience , tools and knowledge with those who feel ready to go to the depths of their own pain /shadows etc.

He doesn't claim to be anywhere , except where he is - which is that he works hard on himself in a balanced way and is aiming for complete freedom and mastery over his experience.
To full embody the meaning of loving yourself and the world that you live in.

It is Paul Moore 's belief - that to live in the energies of the new creation - we are going to need to have strong muscles or ' chakras'
We are going to have to be clear , open-hearted and in full alignment with our soul's purpose.
He feels that our outer world , is a reflection of our inner world and the only way in which we can change it is , to make the changes within ourselves.

So if you are ready to take full responsibility of your world then he invites you , to come and work in the inner realms with him - and together bring in the new creation.

Sadly , the world that we live in has become a place of the mind - we need to unhook from our minds and come fully into our bodies - to feel our words deep inside , and to become whole again.
To live life from our hearts and our intuitive nature.

Grounded and fully present ! !

On this group page you will find upcoming events , testimonies and information about Paul Moore.

Thank you !



Really excited to share our new Yoga class starting Thursday 13th September. This is no ordinary Yoga class, we will be activating the 5 layers of consciousness!!


Really excited to share our new Yoga class starting Thursday 13th September!


Tomorrow evening 7pm !


Tune in this Saturday <3


Paul Moore is starting a weekly Emotional Alchemy Healing yoga class this Thursday in Best Western Webbington Hotel & Spa @ 7pm.
Paul is going to be teaching the five layers of conciousness. The word 'yoga' means to ' join - ' the body , the breath , the mind , the soul and the spirit ' To eventually learn to have mastery over your own body and your life.
... This first class is fully booked out at present but please register your interest if you would be interested if a space becomes available or for the coming weekly classes.
Thank you
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Here's a small clip from my most recent session with Chung Fu - Deep Soul Connection speaking about Paul Moore and the amazing group he's created EMOTIONAL ALCHEMY with Paul Moore. Feel so blessed to have their guidance and Paul's leadership in this life - Leila Belle ❤️


We make a big power together, and with that big power, we empower each and everyone of you….
to grow to your fullest, to bring forward your best energy, creativity, and the greetest beauty of its expression.
Lets work together
... Blessings and Peace
Your friend and Soul Guide Chung Fu
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Feeling inspired and ready to go into the group this weekend to do some amazing inner healing work. l feel as if the moons influence has passed for me now and I'm buzzing with enthusiasm Looking forward to being in circle with you amazing people that are joining me this weekend. I am blessed


Love it


I attended the emotional healing in Cork this weekend. I have been in the field of healing myself since 1990. I have experienced many different types of methods of releasing emotional pain and deep unconscious patterns of hurt and anger, however I have never experienced such a transformation with the work of Paul and Gemma. It is truly amazing, empowering, and I came away with a great sense of wanting to do more of this work because I have never seen such a transformation happening in such a short time. Paul is a wonderful caring teacher, and Gemma is a truly unique and fabulous facalator. I would recommend that you give yourself a life changing present of emotional healing with Paul and Gemma. If you are coming back to Cork Paul, put me on the list for the next one. Love and Blessings Carmel, Cork, Ireland. Xx


I am so so grateful to have family like Jemma and Paul, I love them to bits.

Those two nights were absolutely amazing and I will never forget the bond that I experienced with some complete strangers! Pauls work is unbelievable. I started to get in touch with all the anger and rage that I felt deep down, I knew was there, but I kept it bottled up.

Paul helped me release some of it, but I know I have a lifetime of it ahead of me! Thank you so so much Jemma and Paul, you have really opened my eyes xxx


As far as I am concerned, this work is ‘the’ work and truly does feel like the ultimate one can do for oneself, in order to progress to wholeness. With regular attendance at the monthly healing weekends, I have managed to overcome and gain so much within a surprisingly short time. My inner world is now imbued with an exciting new language, I have gained a vastly expanded sense of self and of my relationships with others, and my experience of life is deeper and very different to what it was. The passion for life and sense of purpose that I now have feel powerful, and I have developed many of the tools that I will need to remain strong and grounded in times of turbulence and change. Of course it has been and remains to be very challenging, but after an initial struggle to accept the challenges presented to me, I feel that I am close to a phenomenal breakthrough. I have changed so much; emotionally, spiritually and physically and I am very excited about what new powers and skills that I am still to develop. I strongly recommend this work to anyone serious about making any great leap forward towards the experience of wholeness, whilst learning the art of living with presence. Facing ourselves is hard work but I just can’t imagine what could be more worthwhile.


Love it


I attended the emotional healing in Cork this weekend. I have been in the field of healing myself since 1990. I have experienced many different types of methods of releasing emotional pain and deep unconscious patterns of hurt and anger, however I have never experienced such a transformation with the work of Paul and Gemma. It is truly amazing, empowering, and I came away with a great sense of wanting to do more of this work because I have never seen such a transformation happening in such a short time. Paul is a wonderful caring teacher, and Gemma is a truly unique and fabulous facalator. I would recommend that you give yourself a life changing present of emotional healing with Paul and Gemma. If you are coming back to Cork Paul, put me on the list for the next one. Love and Blessings Carmel, Cork, Ireland. Xx


I am so so grateful to have family like Jemma and Paul, I love them to bits.

Those two nights were absolutely amazing and I will never forget the bond that I experienced with some complete strangers! Pauls work is unbelievable. I started to get in touch with all the anger and rage that I felt deep down, I knew was there, but I kept it bottled up.

Paul helped me release some of it, but I know I have a lifetime of it ahead of me! Thank you so so much Jemma and Paul, you have really opened my eyes xxx


As far as I am concerned, this work is ‘the’ work and truly does feel like the ultimate one can do for oneself, in order to progress to wholeness. With regular attendance at the monthly healing weekends, I have managed to overcome and gain so much within a surprisingly short time. My inner world is now imbued with an exciting new language, I have gained a vastly expanded sense of self and of my relationships with others, and my experience of life is deeper and very different to what it was. The passion for life and sense of purpose that I now have feel powerful, and I have developed many of the tools that I will need to remain strong and grounded in times of turbulence and change. Of course it has been and remains to be very challenging, but after an initial struggle to accept the challenges presented to me, I feel that I am close to a phenomenal breakthrough. I have changed so much; emotionally, spiritually and physically and I am very excited about what new powers and skills that I am still to develop. I strongly recommend this work to anyone serious about making any great leap forward towards the experience of wholeness, whilst learning the art of living with presence. Facing ourselves is hard work but I just can’t imagine what could be more worthwhile.

More about Chakra Chesties

Chakra Chesties is located at Somerton, Somerset
+44 7708 181991