Challenging Orthodoxies Society

About Challenging Orthodoxies Society

Challenging Orthodoxies Society (COS) focuses on the hottest issues in current debate and provides a forum for discussion, in-depth exploration, networking, campaigning and contribution to public opinion.

Challenging Orthodoxies Society Description

The Challenging Orthodoxies Society is a student society at the University of Manchester which hosts interactive discussions on a variety of controversial and overlooked topics spanning from immortality and designer babies to prostitution and prison reform, with expert speakers from academia, journalism and politics.



Come down to our AGM tomorrow (20/05/2016) in the SU bar at 5pm if you want to join our committee for next year. There may even be some free drinks in it for you!!!


Remember to come on down the the SU Bar from 6pm today to come and chat with the committee about upcoming events and event ideas of your own 063857/


Tomorrow at 4pm Challenging Orthodoxies Society will be in Room 7 of the SU Building, come along if you want to find out about how being a member of the Challenging Orthodoxies Committee can compliment your studies. 9223756/


Thought about getting more involved with student societies? At Challenging Orthodoxies we are recruiting for our new committee. All positions are up and we are introducing a new position of Head of Campaigns and Outreach. Come see us in the foyer of the SU today until 5pm or in SU room 7 on Wednesday 29th from 4pm until 6pm


Post-crash who we hosted an event with last semester asked us to share their petition to change the economics curriculum.
Note: Only current economics students at UoM can sign.


Why have the Far Right gained support since the financial crisis?
Hear three experts answer today at 4pm in the Council Chambers.


Dr Norma Rossi asks what conclusions should we draw from the politics of anxiety.
Hear her speak tomorrow at The Rise of the Far Right - Wednesday 4pm in the Council Chambers.


Phillip Blond argues that we're seeing a complete collapse of left and right ideologies.
Hear him speak tomorrow at The Rise of the Far Right - tomorrow at 4pm in the Council Chambers.


Why have the Far-Right gained so much support since the financial crisis?
Can they be stopped?
Three great speakers will give their views this Wednesday at 4pm!


Dr Rob Ford busts five myths about Ukip.
Hear him speak this Wednesday at 4pm in the Council Chambers.


We're co-hosting this great panel today on How Should Economics Change.
Come along for what promises to be a really interesting discussion.


We're proud to announce we're co-hosting this great panel with The Post-Crash Economics Society.
How Should Economics Change?
Hear the views of top economists, including Diana Coyle, Steve Keen and George Cooper.

More about Challenging Orthodoxies Society

Challenging Orthodoxies Society is located at University of Manchester Students Union, Manchester, United Kingdom