Changing Conversations

About Changing Conversations

CHANGING CONVERSATIONS is an open and relaxed discussion group, on crucial topics of fairness and sustainability in our society.

Changing Conversations Description

CHANGING CONVERSATIONS is an open and relaxed discussion group, on crucial topics of fairness and sustainability in our society.



Our next get together a week on Monday! Everyone welcome.


Last time we heard from the millenials; this time it's the baby boomers' turn. Whatever your birth year, you are very welcome to join these conversations and be heard!


Arrive from 6.45pm for a 7pm start; cafe open for hot food and refreshments.
This is the second part of a two part series exploring the ideas and sentiments behind the "generation gap". Last time we heard from two millenials, Jane Goodland and Nathan Williams; this time we hear from two baby boomers: Ceri Galloway and Tony Booth.
Ceri Galloway, local environmentalist, Green Party member and founding member of Transition Cambridge, will explain how the divisions between gener...ations are unhelpful and ignore the bigger picture. She will defend the baby boomers as the generation who defined a "common decency" which shaped modern ideas about a fair and just society. She will argue that it was the baby boomers who saw the potential for a much better future.
Tony Booth, educationalist and political activist, will reflect on getting older, at being on the outer rim of life’s spinning plate, and at his relationship with, and the responsibilities he feels towards, those closer to the centre, but heading in the same direction. He will consider his regrets, including what he feels now about the blame he put on his parents and how he has sometimes asked his children to work out now what they might want to blame him for. He will connect with what was said by Nathan and Jane in the last CC session. He will ask how we can live productively together, recognising our obligations to each other and sharing what each of us has to offer without presumptions about the limitations of our ages.
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Nathan's hard-hitting talk from our March session.


Jane's insightful talk from our March session.


Thanks to everyone who came down to the Edge Cafe on Monday 18th March for some stirring conversations about tensions regarding the generation gap on climate change. Thanks again to our speakers: Jane Goodland and Nathan Williams. We take a break in April and return with Part Two on Monday 20th May!


Thanks to everyone who made it down to The Edge last night to join some stimulating and important conversations about generations. Thanks also to our wonderful host, Tony, and our great speakers, Jane and Nathan, whose words were both inspirational and necessarily jolting.
We take a break in April but will be back in May with Part Two. Hope to see you on Monday 20th May, same time, same place!


Free tickets remaining for tonight's conversations between generations...


In Part One, we hear from Jane Goodland (29) and Nathan Williams (36); in Part Two, we will hear from the older generation.


"As adults, have we let down our younger selves?" Tickets still available for CC on Monday!


Gareth Bailey speaking about sustainable economic models at our last CC. Hs&t=6s


Elena Moses speaking about our economy at the last Changing Conversations. Bs&t=18s


Free tickets now available for our next CC in two weeks time!


Young people have been plunged into a climate and biodiversity emergency not of their making. Do they feel angry at the lack of action by previous generations? Would they be right to do so? When many young people are feeling that they cannot have children in a world that is in such mass extinction peril, how can they be best supported by their parents and others in an older generation? How can older and younger people act together to address the problems of our time? Are ther...e other issues which feed tensions between the generations like job insecurity, lack of housing and the tax take needed to care for the burgeoning number of older people?
Is this difficult to discuss? We create a community at Changing Conversations to support each other to talk about anything and everything.
In Part Two, we will hear from two members of the older generation.
Our speakers for this evening are Jane Goodland (29) and Nathan Williams (36).
Jane is a political and environmental activist; she writes: "Children are often very idealistic with big dreams that fade away as they grow up and try to get by in an unjust and broken society. As adults, have we let down our younger selves by letting ourselves get absorbed into a system of consumerism and conformity, when we know that our childhood selves would have wanted to live by our principles and fight for social and environmental justice?"
Nathan works for a conservation NGO and worked for 4 years on climate change policy and communications. His experiences with the UN process to combat climate change informed his belief that a youth-led uprising to break the system and create a new one is the only chance we have of halting catastrophic climate breakdown.
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What might sustainable economic models look like?


On November 4th XRCambridge formed 4 affinity groups through NVDA training, and all 4 performed a key role in the mass civil disobedience of Rebellion Day 1 shown here in this video.
XRCambridge now has 8 affinity groups and we hope you will join us to form more on 17th February as we prepare to be involved in the International Rebellion which will be a sustained campaign of mass civil disobedience starting on April 15th.
Note that affinity groups members have non-arrestable ...and arrestable roles and both are equally important.
Please register if you wish to join in this non-violent direct action training event. s/10205201438312090/UzpfSTEyNzM2OTE3MzY6 Vks6MzI4NjQxMDE0NTkxNTY4/?source_id=2322 24781008707
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Changing Conversations is back with regular events for 2019. Excited to meet again and share the space to think and listen!

More about Changing Conversations

Changing Conversations is located at The Edge Cafe, 351 Mill Road, CB1 3DF Cambridge, Cambridgeshire