Charles Street, Mayfair

About Charles Street, Mayfair

Charles Street, is a street in the Mayfair district of the City of Westminster, London. LocationCharles Street runs roughly north east from Waverton Street in the west to Berkeley Square in the east. HistoryThe street was built when Lord Berkeley's estate was developed. Most terrace houses along the street were built in the 1750s. Many of them are now listed by Historic England. InhabitantsArchibald Primrose, 5th Earl of Rosebery, British prime minister, was born in his father's house at 20 Charles Street in 1847.

Charles Street, Mayfair Description

Charles Street, is a street in the Mayfair district of the City of Westminster, London. LocationCharles Street runs roughly north east from Waverton Street in the west to Berkeley Square in the east. HistoryThe street was built when Lord Berkeley's estate was developed. Most terrace houses along the street were built in the 1750s. Many of them are now listed by Historic England. InhabitantsArchibald Primrose, 5th Earl of Rosebery, British prime minister, was born in his father's house at 20 Charles Street in 1847.