Chartwell Consulting

About Chartwell Consulting

Chartwell helps leading manufacturing and support services businesses to deliver industry beating improvements in: PRODUCTIVITY - PERFORMANCE - PROFIT

Chartwell Consulting Description

Chartwell helps leading manufacturing and support services businesses to deliver industry beating improvements in: PRODUCTIVITY - PERFORMANCE - PROFIT



Hast du schon mal über eine Karriere nachgedacht bei der du in Deutschlands größten Produktionsunternehmen arbeitest, um komplexe Probleme zu lösen, die bisher keiner lösen konnte?
Wir laden dich am 07/06 herzlich dazu ein einen besseren Einblick in die Welt des „Operations Consulting“ zu bekommen.
Nimm an unserem interaktiven Workshop teil, wo du dazu herausgefordert wirst die Leistung einer Produktionslinie zu erhöhen und lerne unsere Berater beim darauf folgenden Empfang b...esser kennen.
„Arbeiten bei Chartwell Consulting“- SuperC Gebäude, Raum 5.30 Donnerstag 7. Juni, 18:00-20:00
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Taking a break from our Monthly Training day for some lunch in the sun


Chartwell Ski Trip 2018


Happy Holidays from the Chartwell Family!


Wir freuen uns euch an unserem Stand (E16) bei der Firmenkontaktmesse in Aachen am 04.12 begrüßen zu dürfen!
Kommt vorbei um einige unserer Berater zu treffen und um mehr über eine mögliche Karriere im „Operations Consulting“ zu erfahren.


Hast du schon mal über eine Karriere nachgedacht bei der du in Deutschlands größten Produktionsunternehmen arbeitest, um komplexe Probleme zu lösen, die bisher keiner lösen konnte?
Wir laden dich am 21.11 herzlich dazu ein einen besseren Einblick in die Welt des „Operations Consulting“ zu bekommen. Nimm an unserem interaktiven Workshop teil, wo du dazu herausgefordert wirst die Leistung einer Produktionslinie zu erhöhen und lerne unsere Berater beim darauf folgenden Empfang besser kennen.
Melde dich jetzt an:…/_ Arbeiten_bei____Char…


Join us when we return to Cambridge this Thursday for a presentation evening. You will get a chance to hear more about the work we do, meet some consultants over a drinks reception and take a short maths and mechanical tests to start your application. Please email our team at to sign up.
"A Career at Chartwell Consulting" - McCrum Lecture Theatre, Corpus Christi Thursday 26th October, 18:00-19:30


Are you someone who browses through the psychology magazines that lie around in the waiting room at the doctors? Starting work as a consultant gave Associate Consultant Max many opportunities to apply some of the knowledge picked up from these magazines and deliver value with his client team
Consulting is far more than sitting in an office and working on an excel spreadsheet. While a technical analysis is an integral part, most time is spent working with the client team. ...In my first week on site I realised quickly that one of the main challenges we face is to ask people who we have never met before to do tasks for us, work with us, change their believes and the way they work. Being new to the job, I found that many of the studies you pick up in psychology magazines you read at the doctors while waiting can save your day more than once. Here are the top three that helped me through my first project:
1. If you meet someone new from the client team, the first impression is key. The easiest way to show someone that you like them and you are happy to meet them is to smile. The human brain interacts positively with seeing someone smile and makes humans feel warm. Psychologists found a two-way connection between positive emotions and smiling. So, by smiling you do not only make your dialogue partner feel better, but you induce positive emotions in yourself as well – ever feel down? Force yourself to smile.
2. Do you need information from someone but face unwillingness for help? Give a reason for why you need that piece of information. Professor Ellen Langer from Harvard University studied the power of the word “because” by trying to jump the queue at the copier with and without giving a reason. Using the word “because” increased her success rate from 60% to 93%, although the reasons she gave were non-sense. It is part of human nature to be interested in why people do what they do. By using the word “because” you imply that there must be a good reason and people see a need to help you. So, whenever you ask someone for help, give them a reason. And if you can´t give them the real reason, give another one.
3. A great deal of the job is to make people change their beliefs and behaviour. If you want to persuade someone to change their opinion, build your argument asking lots of small questions that can only be answered with yes. This approach is called the Socratic method (first introduced by Plato); the more “yes”es you get during the conversation the more likely it is that the will get a “yes” as well for the final question you aimed for from the beginning.
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Chartwell is back in Cambridge! Come meet us for drinks and to start off your application: Thursday 26th October 18:00-19:30, McCrum Lecture Theatre, Corpus Christi
See our full recruitment schedule:


Chris – into his third year with Chartwell – describes the impact of his career as a Consultant: “The work we’re doing influences the direction of multi-national organisations and drives them on to achieve greater things.”
Hi, I’m Chris, a Consultant in the Chartwell London office, currently based on project in The Netherlands.
... I joined Chartwell in September 2015 after spending the summer cycling the length of Europe. The Chartwell recruitment process started for me during my fourth year at Cambridge whilst studying Manufacturing Engineering.
I joined Chartwell because it was my goal to work in Operational Improvements. How could I possibly know this, you ask? The nature of the Manufacturing Engineering course meant that I spent a lot of time in industrial environments. On one of these projects I got to share the sheer elation of one of the factory workers when we implemented a small improvement that reduced the effort and cycle time of one of his processes.
Experiencing the impact that we had on this operator that day got me hooked – this was something I had to keep doing.
Two years into my career, I still feel the same. The difference now is that my impact is so much larger. The work we’re doing influences the direction of multi-national organisations and drives them on to achieve greater things.
My current client has factories producing high performance materials in the EU and the USA. I’m based in The Netherlands, working specifically to drive step-change in organisational behaviour to create improvements.
I also line manage an Associate Consultant and am responsible for their development. So, whilst running my own projects, I also contribute directly to Chartwell’s own talent pool which allows our business to continue along it’s sustainable growth trajectory – it’s a very exciting time to be part of the team.
Outside of time spent on site (Monday to Thursday), I can be called upon to design training sessions, lead Case Studies or mentor less experienced members of the team, either working from the Office or from home once a month. I also spend Fridays working on Recruitment as the lead on UK Assessment. I can certainly say there’s never a dull day!
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Catch is one of Chartwell’s most unique trainings: we bring new hires of all levels together with senior clients for three days of intense problem-solving training in a fully functioning Chemical plant. Senior consultant Dominic Hall was a trainer at the latest edition.
Read more at:…/n ews/catch-2017-18.asp
... What an intense and exciting few days we’ve had at “Catch- the real problem solving experience”! Although it’s part of our induction course for new starters, I’d somehow missed out- and I was certainly looking forward to seeing how this September’s cohort and nine of our clients got on.
The experience itself is unique- set up in a training facility for chemical plant workers- it’s real equipment and it’s got a real problem. I have to say- I was very impressed. I was impressed by the way the client staff- from a variety of backgrounds and often with decades of diverse experience took to the Fault Tree Modelling method- and by using that structure were able to solve what is an exceptionally difficult problem very effectively. I was impressed with the maturity and insight shown by our new starters, learning themselves and at the same time being great ambassadors to the important clients around them. I was impressed by the exercise itself- it’s so real! So many of the quirks and pitfalls that you experience solving a real problem are modelled- it’s just an incredible way to learn. I can’t wait to do it again the next time!
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Chartwell’s team in Frankfurt were lucky enough to experience a truly unique piece of culture this week: the Griesheimer Zwiebelmarkt (Onion Market!)
A celebration of all things onion-related, it was a great opportunity to learn more about the local region and its eccentricities. Much of our client work in the surrounding area has involved logistics and supply chain optimisation for multi-national organisations, so it was pleasing to hear that the Griesheim onion trade once extended to the markets of London at its peak in the early 20th Century!


The end of a project is always synonymous with celebration!
Tommy Soilemezis and Dominic Hall enjoyed some quality time with their team after a fast track 3 months project in a cosmetic packaging company. The goal was to drive the productivity up by 33% through line balancing optimisation and team leader training. To achieve this the Chartwell team built a production system from scratch to set production targets and help monitor the day to day performance and trained a team o...f 8 newly promoted team leaders on how to drive performance, handle difficult conversations and motivate a team.
The company CFO paid the team a visit during the last morning meeting to congratulate them for the great results achieved: “I can’t find the words to tell you all how proud I am by what you have achieve in such a short period of time. On top of the remarkable results [+62% productivity] I am impressed by the rate you have individually progressed and I can feel a stronger than ever team spirit in this room. No one in the business imagined 3 months ago that such an improvement would have been possible.”
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“I came to Chartwell thinking that I’d be tweaking and adjusting machines to squeeze the last millisecond of cycle time from their production line. Actually, I’ve been working with people.” – Peter, Associate Consultant
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Not sitting behind a desk was a big draw for me to Chartwell. One year in and I can’t stand spending more than half a day behind one. I’m glad I didn’t leave university to wor...k behind the same desk, in the same office, in the same science park day after day. The people are always different and the problems that we work on together are always different, and this is what has made my work challenging and interesting. Motivating a team with good KPIs, building tools to help supervisors plan and manage, changing people’s roles so that it is easier to work as a team, asking operators to move their arms a slightly different way to reduce their cycle time – these are some of the things I’ve done and it has been different every day.
The thing I find most rewarding is watching people change their idea of what is possible. I’m not sure if the people I’ve worked with notice themselves saying it but there is nothing more satisfying to me than hearing someone say, “Yesterday was a bad day, we only made 612” when 6 weeks before they said, “We have never made 650 in a shift before, we only get to 600 if we’re really lucky”.
The project I am on now is completely different to that. Different people, different country, different problems. But again the change is from, “8 batches a day is a good day for us” to, “we made 21 batches yesterday, it wasn’t difficult, they were all easy batches”.
It has been eye-opening for me to work in such a motivated, professional atmosphere as Chartwell. I only hope that I have been able to pass some of that onto to the teams I have worked with over the past year.
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A pleasant morning commute for Senior Consultant Jenny Overton, who is currently working in Palma de Mallorca, helping a yacht services company improve labour productivity


Some of our consultants unwinding after a day of training in the London Office.


'Plan for the scan as we dine on the Rhein'
Three of the Chartwell team could barely contain their excitement this morning at front-row seats to the Rhein shipping channel. The team are there for a two week opportunity assessment to identify capacity improvement potential at a large German chemical plant.


Chartwell ventures over the Atlantic! Here is Consultant and recent transfer to the Boston office Rob Crawford, writing about the American drive for success as well as their curious culinary choices.
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Two weeks ago, Jon Willis and I left our regular Monday commutes behind and travelled 4200 miles west to Atlanta, GA.
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More about Chartwell Consulting

Chartwell Consulting is located at Richmond Bridge House, TW1 2EX London, United Kingdom
(0)208 296 1854