
About Chatterbox

Chatterbox is a smart online language learning service for professionals, companies, educational institutions, and governments across the globe, powered by refugees.



Filming for a secret new project! Stay tuned 🤫 ps. Chatterbox is hiring a Business and Marketing Executive! Learn more:


❗️CALLING ALL REMAINERS AND LEAVERS❗️: Regardless of how you voted, we’re calling for an end to the harmful social division that Brexit is perpetuating amongst us. Integration and inclusiveness promotes understanding, and is even good for business. In fact, evidence shows that despite the more isolationist thinking underpinning our pending separation from Europe, from a trade perspective it will become unsustainable to corden ourselves off from the world. On both points, we have a hidden resource in refugees. Find out how refugees could SOLVE Brexit:


CQ has been the hot topic this week, and it’s clear that a lack of cultural fluency is simply unaffordable in business in 2019 - as demonstrated by the likes of Pepsi, Kendall Jenner, President Trump and Ryanair. But despite the media scandals that follow when celebrities and big brands get it wrong, we’re calling for open discussion that supports change together. Whatever your background, social inclusivity is your responsibility, and you can make a difference starting now:
...1. Find out what cultural intelligence is and why it should matter to you
2. Take our quick CQ test to uncover how yours ranks
3. Join our movement for driving better language and culture skills in the UK with a free Chatterbox trial, in partnership with the British Red Cross
See More


Did you know that in Russia, some people hold a superstition that prevents them from shaking hands over a threshold? Doing business abroad or travelling for work can put a lot of pressure on getting local customs right in order to maximise on global opportunities. Find out how your cultural intelligence ranks now!


Arabic, Mandarin and Spanish are widely predicted to be the languages of the future. With our engagement with learning languages in drastic decline in the UK, we’re about to damage our global trade prospects no matter the outcome of Brexit:


CQ tip of the day: in Bulgaria shaking your head from left to right means yes instead of no! Find out how your cultural intelligence ranks now


People from BME backgrounds represent just 10% of the UK workforce. This shocking statistic not only shows our dire lack of diversity in the workplace, but also reflects our poor levels of language and cultural knowledge as a nation. We want to change that, but we need your help. Discover our 3 quick, easy, and free(!) things you can do now to start making a difference, whoever and wherever you are.


CQ lesson 1: don’t undermine the Black Lives Matter movement. Cultural faux pas on holiday are usually easily forgotten and often funny. But when brands like Pepsi get cultural sensitivity wrong as with their recent advert scandal, it can foster an environment of fear in business about how to prevent a scandal. Confronting the subject of our cultural intelligence head on and encouraging an open dialogue is the best way forward:


Our expert language coaches teach more than just linguistics. Cultural intelligence is the new EQ and an imperative in 2019. In partnership with the British Red Cross we’re offering free language and culture trials for innovative UK businesses - find out more:


What do Kendall Jenner, Donald Trump and Burger King have in common? They have all displayed low levels of CQ! Discover how and see how your cultural intelligence compares now


Perhaps unsurprisingly, Britons reportedly have the worst levels of multilingualism in Europe. Embarrassing, right? The good news is we’ve partnered with the British Red Cross and the EU to change that. We’re offering free language and cultural training trials for UK businesses. See if you qualify now -


Racial incidents on flights seem to be rife at the moment, with airlines including Ryanair, United Airlines and American Airlines getting caught in the latest scandals. Low cultural intelligence is rightfully damaging to customer relations and brand reputation. Read our article to find out how you can improve your CQ and safeguard your business from disaster


Do you and at least 2 other colleagues have an interest in learning a new language? Thanks to our partnership with the British Red Cross you can try out a free Chatterbox trial! Find out more and check your eligibility now!


Did you know that in 1967 President Nixon famously flicked off Brazil from the steps of Air Force One because he didn’t realise the cultural interpretation of the a-ok sign abroad? We’d like to think we’ve made a lot of progress since the 60’s but cultural intelligence, or CQ, can still be shockingly poor, in business and in our personal lives. Read more…


President Trump standing in front of the Queen during his state visit to the UK last summer: amusing faux pas or unforgivable blunder?
This week we’re talking cultural intelligence. We want to hear what that means to you - in the workplace, on holiday, in social circles.
Read our take here:


“CQ is the new EQ” - research shows cultural intelligence will be the foundation of innovation in business in 2019 and beyond. Find out your CQ and what you can do to improve it here:…/cultural-intel ligence-is-a-compe…/…

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