Chef Database

About Chef Database

What we do* We connect chefs with those looking to hire chefs for any occasion. * Make it easy to find and browse the profiles of chefs without having to rely on expensive recruitment agencies. * Create an attractive, simple platform for chefs to showcase their abilities and build an online presence. Insights* There are currently around 255, 00 chefs employed in the UK. * There are 440, 000 catering establishments in the UK. * Staff turnover is well above the national average of 15% at around 60% How* We have built an online social platform for chefs to create their own online profile. * People can browse relevant profiles and message suitable chefs directly. * Businesses /Events are also able to create their own profiles and job postings to allow chefs to contact themselves,
Social Link - Twitter:
Social Link - Angellist: http://angel. co /chef-database
Social Link - Crunchbase: https://www. /chef-database
Keywords: consumers