Chelmer Cycling Club

About Chelmer Cycling Club

A community cycling club for all

Chelmer Cycling Club Description

From leisure cycling to serious competition we organise a range of events for all our members. We also have training facilities at our clubroom.



Cycling Time Trials (CTT) have now followed BC and cancelled ALL events up to and including 30th June. cles/view/539


Dear All,
Unfortunately as you are all aware the annual awards evening that was planned to take place at the end of February had to be cancelled, and for notable reasons we are unlikely to be able to get together to celebrate all of our award winners.
In a first for Chelmer, the annual presentation awards are being done electronically! Whilst I appreciate this is not an ideal scenario, myself and the committee wanted to ensure those winners were recognised for their achieve...ments.
It was a truly exceptional year for Chelmer CC in 2019. We saw double-digit youth numbers week in, week out for youth training and cycle-cross. On the time trial scene, incredible performances by many riders saw individual and team records smashed. On the cycle-cross scene we saw high participation numbers and podium's. On the road race and track scene, many riders smashing their point tallies and 4 riders moving up race category bands.
The committee also recognise and thank, those life-long members for their affiliation with the Chelmer and want to send a special message to David Powell - 70 years a member! and Antony Stapleton who stepped down as club Chairman, clothing secretary and Club Captain after significant dedication for many many years.
Please find attached a short presentation (images) of the award winners.
Finally, I hope every Chelmer member and their families continued health during these difficult times and hope to see you all during the summer.
Rgds, Nick Chairman
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C Group rides cancelled until further notice, we will be back😷😀


At these difficult times, both you and your family's health is of the utmost importance.
Please ensure you are following the advice that has been given by the government. This is already affecting many of our long standing club members to whom I wish all the very best.
... We will continue to operate club activities, however, these will be cancelled at short notice should the situation with the virus accelerate even more.
Up coming events at the Chelmer are as follows:
1. Weds 18th - youth turbo evening 2. Sun 22nd - 100 in 8 and Audax 3. Weds 25th - Youth turbo evening followed by the annual presentations evening.
For the Youth turbo evenings, Russell (Tribley) will decide as to whether these go ahead, so please watch out for communications.
For the Chelmer 100 in 8 and the Audax, Chris Regan will decide as to whether these go ahead. If they do go ahead, numbers in the HQ and the half way refreshment place at Westerly Waterless should be limited and where possible be outside as much as possible. Please bring own pens and keep hands clean at all times.
For the Presentation Evening, I (Nick Boyle) will make a decision nearer the time. This will depend on what happens with the local schools and other social places and establishments.
NHS: -covid-19/ UK Gov:…/coronavirus-covid- 19-uk-government-res…
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Final standings for the 2019/2020 Eastern Cyclo Cross League - congratulations to Pete Barton for his 3rd place (bronze medal) in the 60+ age category (and a very respectable 20th place in the 50+ category). This year based on your 7 best placings over 12 events. With the cancellation of the final event at Writtle (and prize presentation) due to storm Ciara, presentations will now take place on Sunday 22nd March 2020 at the Maglia Rosso cafe starting at 2:30pm
Photo credit: Davey Jones


C group rides for the next few weeks,
15 mph ish approx 40 miles, 9 o'clock at the club all welcome no one left behind . Jeff 07961916040
... March
1st. Jam factory 🍓
8th. Corner Cafe Epping🍽
15th. Kelvedon Dinner 🚗
22nd 50 in 4.
29. Blue egg 🍳
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C Group stating at ten today due to rain


Being school half term there is NO youth turbo/roller training this Wednesday evening - we will return on 26th February -drop in 6pm to 8pm


Due to the forecasted bad weather for Sunday 16.02.20 the C group ride is cancelled. Jeff


Things shaping up well in Mallorca with perfect roads and weather! Looking forward to seeing both old and new friends when the ‘Chelmer & Friends 2020’ trip arrives at the end of March. Don’t forget it’s still not a problem if any of you want to book on, with 27 already committed we are going to have at least three strong groups on the road, to suit all abilities! 28th March - 4th April 2020 - Zafiro Tropic Hotel - Mallorca.


C Group Ride Cancelled for Sunday due to the wind, you know what I mean! a few of us are meeting at ten tomorrow (Sat) for a ride instead. Jeff


All Chelmer CC members,
I am excited as Club Clothing Secretary to announce the following news:
New Club Kit Supplier!
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More about Chelmer Cycling Club

Chelmer Cycling Club is located at Meteor Way, CM1 2RL Chelmsford, Essex