Cheshire Baby Whisperer

About Cheshire Baby Whisperer

Evelyn Burdon author of 'Ultimate sleep guide for babies and toddlers' A highly acclaimed and life changing sleep manual. Quick and Easy to read.

Cheshire Baby Whisperer Description

Former nurse, midwife and health visitor after a career lasting 30 years now I am in private practice as the Cheshire Baby Whisperer.

My experience as a health visitor has given me extensive knowledge and skills in child development and specifically the behavioural problems associated with sleep. I have devised an inspirational Baby Sensory approach to sleep training that is both baby friendly and parent empowering. Babies use all five senses of smell, sound, sight, touch and taste when they go to sleep.

Every week I've been asked the same question" how can I get my baby to sleep?".
To help as many parents as possible, I have made a sleep training video
"Sweet Baby Dreams",
and written a sleep book "Ultimate Sleep Guide for babies and Toddlers demonstrating my techniques and sleep routines with real families with real sleep problems.

Most parents experience a sleep problem at sometime. Sleep problems in infancy are often caused by a feeding problem, colic or reflux. At 3-4 months babies development changes significantly, they become aware of their surroundings and babies that were sleeping well start waking in the night. It is never too late to start the baby sensory approach to sleep. But it is much easier to change the sleeping routine of a 4 month old than older babies. Sleep problems last for years! !
I have two support packages Online support for £29. 99 it includes 2 months daily email tel contact plus DVD and book.
Or Cheshire Home Visit for £80, it includes travel, 2-3 hour home visit, DVD and book and 2 months support afterwards.

For more information visit my websitewww.
evelynburdon@hotmail. co. uk.
Facebook Cheshire Baby Whisperer
Follow me on Twitter@CBWhisperer
Mobile. 07715305331





#parenting #BabyNotsleeping If your Christmas is not as tranquil and peaceful as this picture , the New Year is a great time to start afresh. Appointments available from Monday 7th. Contact


#Parenting #BabySleep New year is the best time to make a fresh start and sort out your baby sleep problem. For sleep support and advice for the New Year contact




#Parenting Touching and holding a baby is almost constant but the opportunity reduce as children grow and spend time apart.


#Parenting For sleep support and advice and a free consultation with every book Contact


For one -one sleep support and advice and free consultation with book purchase contact




#Parenting #ChristmasWithBaby.


#parenting #babysleep For sleep support and free sleep consultation with every book purchase contact


#Parenting #BabySleep But #gentlebabysupport and advice contact


#Parenting #BabySleep For sleep support and advice contact


#Parenting #BabySleep
For personalised sleep plans and one-to-one support contact


#Parenting #BabySleep For sleep support and advice and one-to-one sleep consultations contact


#Parenting #themumclub #Toast #Altrincham #SleepTalk #Cheshirebabywhisperer For sleep support and advice on one-to-one consultation contact


#Parenting #Moon For the sleep support and one-to-one advice contact


#Parenting #Newmum For one-to-one sleep support and advice contact


#Parenting #NeedMoreSleep One to one sleep support and advice. Resolved in 4 to 5 days contact


#Parenting Sleep support and advice and one-to-one sleep plans contact


Without doubt the best money I have ever spent, and a very reasonable charge for what I received, which was a good night's sleep 2 days after implemeting Evelyn's techniques! I don't know how to thank you and have recommended you to everyone I know x


What this lady doesn't know, just isn't worth knowing! Evelyn is that Facebook and 24/7 friend we all need with newborns through to toddlers to stop us going insane. If you are struggling then please get in touch with CBW, you won't regret it... Any question big or small has been responded to and I know I wouldn't hesitate in recommending Evelyn and her multi sensory approach.


What a difference Evelyn and her techniques have made to my 2 year olds sleeping. We've gone from rocking her to sleep plus multiple waking every night to now being able to put her in the cot awake and walk out the door, knowing she will be sleeping through till morning. I honestly never thought this was possible with my little one. Can't recommend enough. Thank you!!


This woman needs a medal! She completely saved me from a black hole, my 7.5month old baby girl woke nearly every 40minutes-1hr all night, was fed or rocked to sleep , co slept, couldn't self soothe and comfort fed a lot of the day. Only catnapped for 20-30minutes and was the lightest sleeper. After following Evelyn's sensory routine and a lot of dedication and I won't lie, hard work.. it paid off! I couldn't of done it without this lady and her advice and support. It really isn't about the money for this lady you can see its a passion. My little girl now sleeps solidly for 11.5 hours , in her own cot , self soothes, sleeps deeply, feeds only when required and naps for a good 2+ hours a day ����� I have slept for the first time since having her and I will be forever in her debt!


This lady is my hero! Her consultation package is worth every penny and more. The progress made in the first week alone was worth it. 3 weeks in and we are getting close to cracking a full and good nights sleep! Cannot recommend her enough absolutely fantastic!


Thanks to Evelyn we are having our second baby. Without her I really don't know where we would be, definitely wouldn't be sleeping! Thank you Evelyn, you changed our lives and now I have a very happy family with those hard times (when we didn't know you) behind us and in the past xx


My husband and I are so grateful. Evelyn was so helpful with suggestions we would never have thought about. Can't believe our son is now happily sleeping through in his own bedroom. After over three years of broken sleep Evelyn has been a godsend. Well worth it. Sleep is so important!!


If you haven’t read this ladies book and started the bedtime routine then you are missing a trick! Her advice is always spot on and develops with your child. We have followed from day one and now at almost 2 years old my friends and family all say what a wonderful sleeper our daughter is! I genuinely believe anyone can crack the sleeping if you follow the routine!


I was sceptical and desperate. Our 6month old was waking every hour through the night, fully reliant on dummy. I can’t rememeber how long it took, maybe 2weeks? Baby slept through the night. I kid you not!! And it only took about 2 days to see a huge difference. Every baby is different and it may not work for you and your baby. But for us Evelyn was our saviour and it was the best money £50 we ever spent. Thank you Evelyn! Xxxx


I think booking Evelyn was the best decision I made regarding sleep tactics. Her advise & tweeks were amazing & I had better sleep almost immediately. My sleep progressively got better & better within the first week. I keep recommending her to my friends. ....

And after our last chat, I implemented the advice that night and after only one night of a bit of protesting baby has slept 12 hours straight & re-settles herself...unless her teeth hurt of course. Thank you so much.


I cannot recommend the book and Evelyn's advice enough!! In 3 days of following Evelyn's routine we went from a baby that woke every hour at night and who had never slept in his cot in the day to a baby that sleeps through the night and has 2 long naps a day in his cot. We saw results instantly and after 3 nights the miracle Evelyn promises really did occur and he just closed his eyes and went to sleep without any help!


I can't recommend Evelyn enough! My 6 month old was waking 20 plus times during the night and the only way I could get him to sleep was by breastfeeding him during the night. I never slept! He would also scream blue murder in the car or pushchair and wouldn't go to sleep in them for anything!!! Now I follow the multi sensory technique and the routine advised by Evelyn and our lives have changed! Our little boy now goes to sleep within 2 minutes at bedtimes and most of the time only wakes once during the night for a feed. He also goes to sleep in the car and pushchair now when he is tired and is less fussy in the car and pushchair when he is not tired. Thank you so much for all if your help. I feel like I owe you my life or sanity at the very least! I am now a happy mummy enjoying my maternity leave instead of a miserable zombie existing from hour to hour. Our baby is much happier now too. He is less fussy during the day and enjoys bedtimes. I urge anyone with sleep problems to get help from Evelyn. If it can work for our fussy and sensitive baby then it can work for anyone! Thank you from the entire family. X


I began using the multi sensory routine with my 17 month old just over a year ago and what a difference it has made to our lives. With the help of Evelyn and the support of the other members of the group we now have a happy and content little boy who loves being in his bedroom and cot. We often spend time away from home and this sleep approach has been liked by my family. No matter where we are with the help of his home comforts my little boy sleeps well both day and night. What I like most of all is that there is no 'crying it out' involved. Evelyn's multi sensory approach supported me as a breast feeding mummy and I have recommended the book to all my friends with young babies as a must read!!


I Love Evelyn and her multi-sensory sleep approach, I only started using it a few weeks back because my 5 month old baby boy had formed some really bad sleep associations with me/my arms and then a dummy when I tried to wean him off me!

Most babies fall asleep feeding or on their mummies, it is so natural but this started to become a very big problem when he was waking up every hour all night long, sometimes 2/3 times in 1 hour, it was having a huge negative impact on him, not to mention my health.

The approach taught my little one how to break the bad habits and how to sleep independently; Evelyn herself is so supportive and guided me through step by step how to tackle each hurdle. The best part is her approach is a 'no tears approach' and my little boy sees it all as one big happy game.

He now sleeps through all night - yes all night, I used to think this was a myth but its not.

Babies DO/CAN and WILL self-settle if they are taught how to.


Evelyn was absolutely amazing. She had our 6 month old son sleeping within 4 nights (he used to scream all night and we were at our wit's end) and he has slept through ever since (he is nearly 2 now!) we just had to make some simple changes to his bedtime routine and he was fixed! Couldn't recommend her enough. Xx


Evelyn has made a huge difference to our lives! I contacted her when our then 3 month old daughter basically wasn't sleeping at night and taking ages to settle every time she woke up. Evelyn's routine really hit a chord with us as it is common sense and baby friendly. No crying it out and instead making the cot a fun and interesting place to be. Little tweaks to our previous routine such as feeding before not after bath made a big difference. What maybe feels counter intuitive at first (having music and lights and tiring out your baby's senses before sleep) really does work! Evelyn's approach is empowering and makes you feel like you're in control again! The support Evelyn gives is amazing too. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Evelyn and thank her for all the help she has given us.


Evelyn has been the answer to our prayers - many many times and with both children! Her approach is the only thing that has ever worked and we owe our sleep, time together, and sanity to her. We are ever grateful to Evelyn for her advice and guidance with two wildly different, young boys, who both presented challenges in the sleep department. If you trust her approach and work with her, she will get you to where you want to be and make sure sleep replaces nights tearing hair out on the landing. I recommend her to everyone! If you are worn out/running on empty and can barely function make sure the one thing you do today is sign up to her email support package - the rest will follow and you will be sleeping more and feeling less stressed in just a few days. Thank you Evelyn many times over - ever grateful!


Contacting Evelyn was the best decision we ever made. Our daughter is 2.5yrs old and we had tried everything - even 'crying it out' which is too distressing! Evelyn's approach is so effective; we saw results the first night. We wished we'd contacted Evelyn sooner. Had I known about her methods before I gave birth, I would have used them from the very start! She is a lifesaver and I recommend her to everyone I know. I cannot thank her enough for her advice and support. �


Changed our life! Maybe a little dramatic but coming from a sleep deprived working mum to a proud owner of a 7-7 sleeper i can not recommend enough (eveylns sensory sleep routine) Attended sleep clinic and used the ebook to sleep train my 17 month old. Better late than never for us! Xx

More about Cheshire Baby Whisperer