Chesterfield Hydrotherapy Referral Centre

About Chesterfield Hydrotherapy Referral Centre

Hydrotherapy for small animals to aid recovery and maintain health



Don't miss out on this fantastic Emergency Animal First Aid course. Saturday 2nd November 2019. 10am - 2pm. Tea and coffee supplied. Only a few places left. Phone now on 01246 384513 or MK Training on 0191 4100 555 to book. This training is invaluable for dog walkers, pet sitters, doggie day care or anyone just wanting to know how to help their pet in an emergency.
Don't miss out. Book now!


Hi Everyone It's Nancy here. Sorry it has taken so long but Mum has been having lots of technical issues. But at last I can tell you all the results of the June Swimathon :-)
We had 8 dogs take part:- Poppy C Ben... Rosie Chief Sal Tilley Vader and Zara who together raised an amazing £300. We also had some other donations bringing the grand total to £325. Pretty amazing considering all my doggie friends who took part have conditions requiring hydrotherapy.
Mummy is thinking of making this an annual event - what do you think?
Well done everyone and Thank You x
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Please meet Jerry an 18 year old Border Terrier who came to us after rupturing his cruciate ligament and it was felt an operation was out of the question. Jerry had never swum before but I am sure you will agree he has turned into a proper pro :-)


Hi Everyone it is Nancy here. Sorry it has been a while but Mum has been too busy to let me use the computer. Well the June Swimathon went really well and I am just waiting for one lot of sponsor money and I can tell everyone how well we all did. I will also tell everyone how far all my friends swam as well. I am sure Ashgate Hospice and CAM will appreciate all of your efforts.
Well Bye for now Woof Woof Nancy x


Hi Nancy here. So the voting has finished for the charities for the Doggie Swimathon and the results are:
Chesterfield Animal Rescue 48 Galgos Del Sol 5 Millhouse Animal Sanctuary 3 ... PDSA 2 Therapy Dogs 2 Forever Agility 2 Hearing Dogs For The Deaf 2 RSPCA 1 Dogs Trust 1 New Hope Animal Rescue 1 Blue Cross 1
Ashgate Hospice 18 Macmillan 5 Mind 5 Alzheimer's Society 3 The Samaritans 2 Parkingsons 1 Cancer UK 1 Sight Savers 1 Diabetes UK 1 AMMF 1
So the 2 Charities are Chesterfield Animal Rescue and Ashgate Hospice. Congratulations and Thanks to everyone who voted. Now all you need to do is encourage as many owners as possible to register their dogs, So come on doggie friends get working on your humans woof woof
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Please see Nancy's latest comment for an update on what is happening.


Hi everyone, it's Nancy here. I would like Mum to hold a charity event at the centre. The first step is to identify who we will be raising money for. So please can you comment below with you favourite human and also your favourite animal charity. Mum will then hold a vote to pick one of each to raise funds for. Please share this post to as many people as possibly so we get lots of humans involved. Details of what will be involved and when will follow once the charities have been decided on. Thanks Nancy lick lick woof x


Today is going to be a lovely spring day. Why not come over to South Wingfield Social Club DE55 7LX and join in the Fun Dog Show? We will be there promoting hydrotherapy and Aloe Vera and will have some Treats 2 Sit 4 treats available as well.


Do any of my clients know a reliable builder/roofer or are they one? Thanks


Chesterfield Hydrotherapy Referral Centre would like to wish Kim Taylor, Colin Taylor and Aurora puppy all the luck in the world at Crufts today xxxxxx


Hi All my Doggie friends. It's Nancy here. My Mum runs Chesterfield Hydrotherapy Referral Centre where she helps lots of dogs to be healthier and happier. I know because she tells me how many dogs she is seeing every time she goes to work. Now I don't mind you all using my pool as long as my Mum lets me have a swim every now and again.
I have sneaked on to Mum's computer to tell you all about something important.
This month Humans have a special day called Mother's Day. It is... a day when children buy their special human a present to show them how much they love them.
Well I thought it would be nice for one of you to be able to give your human Mum a present too.
So I am giving you all a chance to win a wonderful present for your human Mum.
What do we have to do I hear you all barking? Well before the 18th March 2019 I need you to comment on this post with a photo of you and your Mum. Don't forget to put your name as well. You also need to like the page and share this post please. Unfortunately I will have to make this available only to dogs in the UK as cost and time means it would be tto much and too late for anywhere else - sorry. Then I will put all of your names into a bowl and pick out the winner.
What do we get to give our special human I hear you all barking? Well because I know how much you all love your human Mum's I am giving you the chance to win a wonderful present of a Forever Living Aloe Vera Face Mask powder and Activator. This very special gift contains loads of natural ingredients that will help your Mum keep her skin lovely and healthy and soft. Just perfect for all those kisses you give her :-)
Don't forget this is only available to UK dogs (and possibly other animals) but NOT humans :-)
So get posting, liking and sharing. Only 13 days to go.
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More about Chesterfield Hydrotherapy Referral Centre

Chesterfield Hydrotherapy Referral Centre is located at Foxwood Close, S41 9RB Chesterfield
01246 384513