Chiron Integrative Health

Monday: 10:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 17:00
Friday: 10:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 14:00
Sunday: -

About Chiron Integrative Health

Acupuncturist in North Leeds, providing natural solutions for chronic and acute conditions



A beautiful mini-lecture on stress and growth


Thyroid is a little butterfly shaped gland, located in your throat. The dysfunction of it causes a myriad of issues as this little gland’s role in the function of your heart, digestion, muscle control, body temperature, brain development, energy metabolism, hunger levels and bone maintenance, so basically your thyroid is kind of a big deal. That’s why, if you are suffering from fatigue, brain fog and unexplained weight gain or loss, one of the things you should get checked is... your thyroid.
The reason your thyroid affects your metabolism so much is that it produces some very important hormones such as T3 and T4 which are vital in energy production.
Minerals like iodine and selenium help your thyroid gland work as it should, in order to produce these hormones in right amounts. Studies show that too little or too much iodine can disrupt the thyroid function. Studies also suggest that ongoing inflammation, as well as inadequate levels of B vitamins, zinc and some other minerals are linked to thyroid dysfunction. Ongoing inflammation, as we all know now, can be the source of many illnesses, especially those of autoimmune nature. According to Anthony William, also known as Medical Medium, the number one cause in the increasing thyroid cases is Epstein Barr Virus, commonly known as EBV.
The most common thyroid disorders can be grouped as hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism is seen more commonly and it would not be wrong to say that thyroid issues tend mainly to occur in women, although they are also seen in men, and people of all ages, including babies.
Common symptoms of thyroid disorders are:
Weight gain or inability to gain weight Constant fatigue Foggy brain, inability to focus Memory issues Feeling cold Constipation or diarrhoea Digestive issues such as bloating Infertility Depression Anxiety Hoarse voice Hair loss Brittle hair and dry skin Loss in muscles Pain in joints and bones
#Thyroid #Hyperthyroidism #Hypothyroidism #GravesDisease #Hashimotos #Weightgain #Fatigue #FoggyBrain #FeelingCold #Constipation #Diarrhoea #Bloating #Infertility #Depression #Anxiety #HoarseVoice #HairLoss #DrySkin #JointPain
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Today is the World Thyroid Day.
Did you know that thyroid disorders are on the rise? Underactive thyroid, overactive thyroid, Graves, Hashimoto's, thyroid cancer... These can affect the functioning of your other organs, so it is important to raise awareness over thyroid gland.
Watch this space as I will be talking about thyroid disorders in the coming days.
... #thyroid #hashimotos #gravesdisease #endocrine
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My almond milk latte this morning #nodairy


As a fermented natural condiment, apple cider vinegar is rich in probiotics and enzymes. Its benefits and uses vary from treating common cold to seasonal allergies.
#probiotics #allergies #cold #applecidervinegar #enzymes #digestion #detox #sunburn #insectbites #commoncold


I suffered from IBS for as long as I can remember. It was in fact IBS, that forced me to try alternative therapies, and that’s how I encountered with Chinese Medicine. I was so impressed with it that, I decided to become a Chinese Medicine doctor and help people the same way.
IBS maintains to be the most common digestive problem and I am happy to say that acupuncture can be quite helpful in its treatment.
Through personal and professional observation, I can say that IBS is o...ften triggered by the following factors:
- Stress - Food intolerances - Eating too much - Weak digestive energy
In order to prevent IBS or to keep it under control, here are some suggestions:
1- Perform a colon massage 2- Eat smaller portions 3- Chew your food well 4- Avoid raw food until your digestion is stronger 5- Avoid dairy and caffeinated food 6- Gradually increase fiber in your diet 7- Use bone broth in your cooking 8- Consume food rich in probiotics 9- Add ginger in your food and drinks 10- Embark on a journey to reduce your stress
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According to WHO, obesity in children worldwide jumped from 32 million to 41 million in 26 years (1990-2016). By 2025, it is thought to reach 70 million. This means only one thing: A global health crisis. Because as they grow, these children will continue to be challenged by weight problems, making them candidates for diabetes, heart disease and possibly autoimmune diseases.
Obesity is more common in developing countries where processed food is more readily available. Attract...ive packaging and fun marketing strategies, combined with artificially enhanced taste make these products more irresistible.
As a parent myself, I know how hard it can be to provide a balanced diet for children and family. And I know, after a long day at work, it is easier and definitely comforting to resort to pizza and ice cream. However, in the medium and short term, in order to protect our well-being, we are faced with a choice: Are we going to feed our family whole foods, or will we let convenience food dominate our eating habits? To make the transition to whole foods easier, I will be sharing some easy recipes and tips. Here comes the first one:
Children can be notoriously difficult with vegetables. Well, some adults are no different either! Here is a little suggestion about what you can offer to the picky eaters in your life.
#obesity #diabetes #heartdisease #autoimmune #processedfood #sugar #wholefoods #children #childrenshealth #wellbeing #wellness
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Iron deficiency is very common, especially amongst women. Even though it's commonly thought to stem from a diet lacking iron, there can be many and complicated underlying reasons or conditions.
It is important to work with a practitioner with a holistic approach, so that the underlying issues can be addressed instead of trying to bring temporary solutions.
#iron #irondeficiency #anaemia #fatigue #tired #tiredness #headache #tcm #holistic #functionalmedicine


“Before a doctor treats a disease, he must be sure of the cause and pathogenesis of the disease, then treat the patient with diet before using any medications.”
Sun Simiao ... (581 AD-682 AD ) Chinese Medicine Doctor During the Tang dynasty
#food #medicine #LetYourFoodBeYourMedicine #nutrition #DiseasePrevention
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Last week I talked about stomach acid. From gas and bloating to nutritional deficiencies, low stomach acid can cause many health problems. Is there a way of increasing your stomach acid levels naturally? Here are some suggestions.
#stomach #digestion #nutrition


One of the most common misconceptions when it comes to digestion is that many people believe they suffer from high stomach acid, when in reality, this is rarely the case. Most of us actually have low stomach acid which unfortunately causes a number of digestive and overall health issues. Because, you see, your stomach’s job is break down the food, as well as to kill foreign intruders that should have no place in your body. Your stomach can do this job if it has enough acid. W...hen acid levels are lower than ideal, you may end up with vitamin and mineral deficiencies (less food digested and absorbed) and parasites that have survived in the less acidic environment of your stomach.
I hear you say “How come I get that acidic taste in my mouth then?” When you consume coffee, chocolate, alcohol, sugary and/or processed foods, your lower esophageal sphincter gets weakened and lets the food (and all those gastric juices and acid with it) go upwards when it should actually stay down to be digested. In Chinese Medicine we call this “Rebellious Stomach Qi”. Conventional Medicine calls it “Reflux”.
Other than what’s listed in the image, low stomach acid can also cause bacterial or fungal overgrowth, stomach upset after taking vitamins, indigestion, weakened nails and hair, diarrhoea, excessive fullness, sweat with strong odour, low appetite or on the contrary unexplained hunger, malabsorption problems, compromised immunity and anaemia.
#heartburn #anaemia #acid #antacids #stomach #gastric #badbreath #nausea #vomiting
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Known as "Pearls of the desert" or "King of Oils", Frankincense has many health benefits.
For our skincare range at NYR Organic , please check this link: /area/shop-online/
#frankincense #immune #healing #breathe #antiaging #skin


#Sleep is extremely important for overall health. Did you know that #acupuncture can help with sleep disorders?
Here is a little video for better sleep tips: .be&v=FulTaDhEtDY


Headaches and migraine are common ailments we come across in clinic as TCM practitioners. Patients who have suffered long enough from these, come to us as a last resort. Surprisingly for them, Chinese Medicine can be helpful in both symptomatic relief and addressing the root cause as there are many, many headache and migraine types and you have your own kind.
Yes, that’s right. We do know that a migraine manifests due to imbalances in the individual’s body and there is no “on...e fits for all” kind of approach in its treatment. As we treat the whole person and not only their head, we consider all aspects of our patients’ health and by doing so, we arrive in our unique diagnosis.
Instead of providing only pain relief and masking the signals your body is trying to send you, we investigate the root cause which can be anything from imbalances in your organ systems to how your body reacts to specific times of the year and month or certain deficiencies. Our questions are carefully selected to find the root cause: The type and severity of the pain, when it occurs, its location, its frequency and duration and its patterns. At the end of the consultation you may be told that the imbalance lies in your Liver, Kidney, Stomach or Spleen organs or meridians which may sound unusual but has proven to be surprisingly accurate for many patients. Please bear in mind though, that organs in question differ from their conventional medicine versions.
Suffering from headaches and migraines and want to know if we can help? Please send us a message to book an appointment.
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There is a NYR product for everyone! What a lovely way to show yourself some TLC in these cold and wet winter months, and without hurting our planet too! Our products and ingredients are organic and cruelty-free, which means they are not tested on animals. They will make lovely Christmas gifts. Please contact to put an order xx #NYR #BeautyWithoutCruelty #Natural #Pamper

More about Chiron Integrative Health

Monday: 10:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 17:00
Friday: 10:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 14:00
Sunday: -