Choose Canterbury

About Choose Canterbury

Encouraging investment in the Canterbury District and supporting our local businesses with advice, workshops and networking events.

Choose Canterbury Description

What is GrowMyBiz?

Let us help you GROW your business! GrowMyBiz Is a partnership of organisations in and around Canterbury, including Canterbury City Council, dedicated to helping local entrepreneurs take their business to the next level.

How Will We Help You To Grow Your Biz?

Most of our events and training are FREE! We provide you with mentoring, seminars, workshops, 121 sessions, expert advice from our social media pages and the website Support Directory. We'll be talking with you about how to source talent and make new hires, pitching for investment, joint ventures and partnerships, capitalising on existing markets and expanding into new ones.

The GowMyBiz Project will grow and develop in response to YOUR specific requests for help and support. You tell us what you need and we will see that you get the right support!
Who can Become a Member of GrowMyBiz?

GrowMyBiz is a sister project to StartMyBiz Canterbury (SMBC) and targeted both at SMBC members who are ready to expand and new members who have not worked with SMBC or the Council before.

Anyone with an interest in business no matter where they live is welcome to join all of our social media pages:

https://www. /Grow-My-Biz-8136121 /about
http://linkd. in /1rw4jmn

All business people and entrepreneurs within a 25 mile radius of Canterbury are welcome to become GMB members. Just call 01227 862053 and ask for Natalia Sukhram.