Christian Aid

About Christian Aid

We work globally for profound change that eradicates the causes of poverty, striving to achieve equality, dignity and freedom for all. www. uk



'We are conducting an experiment with the atmosphere and it is a dangerous one.
'It is only right that we permit the experiment to proceed no further, by eliminating greenhouse gas emissions as soon as we can.
'Doing so will not cost the Earth and may yet succeed in ensuring that we pass it on to our grandchildren in a condition fit for them to enjoy.'
... Former Conservative party leader Michael Howard on climate change. #BigShift
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Picture Power - Sunday marked International Youth Day and to celebrate it we're sharing a look at photographs captured by teenage mothers and pregnant girls in Kenya.


It's been a year since the Rohingya crisis - and there's still so much work to be done.


Aster was overburdened because she is a woman. No matter how hard she worked, she could never save enough money to support her family. But Aster refused to give up. She's come together with women in her village to set up their own shop powered by the sun. This shop is now a thriving business!
This Harvest we're investing in women across Africa and Latin America to improve their lives through sustainable energy - increasing jobs and income, improving working and living conditi...ons, promoting gender equality and strengthening women's social status.
Find out more about our work with women like Aster:
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'This is a family meal, a mix of maize and beans, sometimes I feel like cooking them and frying them nicely, but I can’t afford oil and other things to make it nice. This is very hard for a baby to chew, so my baby can’t eat it.' - Faith Chebet
In mid-July 2018, Christian Aid, alongside our partner the Transmara Rural Development Programme, trained seven pregnant teenage girls and six teenage mums in basic photography.
Follow the link to find out more about this project which aims to improve nutrition amongst teenagers in Kenya.


Cheap, durable, and easy to make 🛍️ Plastic is a huge part of our lives. But it's also taking its toll on the environment. Could you go a month without it?
Learn more with Christian Aid Collective:


'Many people are fleeing their homes due to increased violence at the hands of armed groups. In the Naya river region, four Afro-Colombian community leaders were recently kidnapped, and consequently killed.'
Christian Aid's Kas Sempere writes about the effects of ongoing displacement and violence in Colombia for the Open University's series of blogs on migration.


Brilliant synergy! As the sun provides clean and green power to Aster, over 5,500 churches in the UK have switched from fossil fuels to renewables.
Could you #StandTogether this Harvest and help invest in powerful women like Aster?


'Thanks to the melting of ice sheets, the seas could be 10-60 metres higher than now.
'Essentially, this would mean that some parts of the Earth would become uninhabitable.'
The risks posed by a 'Hothouse Earth' shows why campaigns like the #BigShift are so important.


The Christian Aid offices in the Democratic Republic of Congo are now powered entirely by solar energy! 🌞
Prior to the installation, the office suffered multiple power cuts, sometimes for hours at a time. Now it's more environmentally friendly and saving money! This money goes back into our work supporting people like Aster, featured in our Harvest appeal, who are using solar power to bring themselves out of poverty.
#StandTogether with Aster this Harvest - ppeal


‘These children were playing, and I came to them, and asked: “who among you is sick?” They replied none of us is sick. I told them that they should go and play.
‘It makes me feel happy. All of the children are in the school because they are treated.’
Peter Agbo, another participant in the Picture Power Nigeria programme, highlights the positive impact of the UK Aid Match funded work to reduce mortality in children under 5.
... See more photos from the Picture Power project here: e-in-pictures-the-…
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John Jerome is one of 10 community participants who took part in Picture Power, a Christian Aid project in Nigeria, where they can tell their own stories and share their experiences through images.
The images highlight some of the successes and challenges of the programme to reduce mortality in children under 5, in Benue State, and the factors that prevent children under five from being healthy.
John explains what this photo shows: ‘This is a volunteer treating a child using ...a malaria testing kit, it shows an intervention from the project which provides basic healthcare for children under five.
‘Before the project, we had to take children to hospital and travel far distances. Sometimes people didn’t have the money to go there, but today the project has trained a volunteer in the community, so people no longer need to pay or go far. Now, when there’s an emergency they rush to the health volunteer for treatment’.
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We're calling for peace and an end to violence in Zimbabwe.
Read more: hristian-aid-call…/


We are using up our planet's resources faster than nature can make them.
Within 8 months we have used up a year's worth of Earth's resources. And the date gets earlier every year. Learn more for #EarthOvershootDay 🌍


As counting continues in the Zimbabwean elections, Nicholas Shamano, our country manager, explains the role that Christianity could have in building a new future for the country.


Today is International Day of Friendship! Tag someone special to tell them how much their friendship means to you!
'Before this project, any issue I faced, I had to solve alone. But I adopted 17 sisters; another family. They share my burden and help me face my challenges' – Aster and her friends set up their own shop powered by the sun.
Check out their inspiring story of friendship here: e-in-pictures-the-…


Good luck wishes and prayers to all the Prudential RideLondon cyclists taking on their 100mile challenge for Christian Aid this morning - you are all Christian Aid champions!
If you're taking part or spectating please keep a special eye out for the two Christian Aid staff cyclists who are taking part - Nick Guttmann and Philip Evans.

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