Chronos London Dental Clinic

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Chronos London Dental Clinic

Dental Surgery. Completely refurbished to highest standards three years ago. CQC registered.



Tobacco use remains a leading cause of oral cancer but the tobacco landscape is evolving with increasing use of non-cigarette tobacco products and dual-use of multiple product types. Research by Chaffee and co-author Neal Benowitz from the University of California, San Francisco, evaluated exposure to known carcinogens according to recent use of different tobacco product types, alone or in combination. [ 206 more words ]…/e-ciga rettes-linked-to-or…/


Local authorities from across the United Kingdom should add fluoride to water supplies, following new research confirms it has no negative effects. That is the message from the Oral Health Foundation, which is calling for the introduction of widespread community fluoridation schemes, a move they believe will help protect millions of Brits from tooth decay. The extensive research, carried out by the National Toxicology Program in the US where 80% of water is fluoridated, states that following years of analysis, there is “no link between elevated levels of fluoride and cognitive learning deficits.” [ 152 more words ]…/fluori de-added-to-water-s…/


THE British Dental Association (BDA) has warned patients in Bradford that self-medication must not fill the NHS access gap. It comes following a study at the A&E unit of the Queen’s Medical Centre, Nottingham, which identified self-medication for dental pain with paracetamol as a significant cause of accidental overdose and potential liver failure. It revealed that lack of access to emergency dental care was a contributory factor to paracetamol overdose. [ 188 more words ]…/access -problems-leaving-d…/


In a bid to curb childhood obesity, Khan has suggested to ban advertising junk food. This would target advertising platforms such as tube stations, bus shelters and overground stations. However, the positive effect (encouraging healthier food choices) of this is debatable. The Advertising Association has argued this will have very little impact.…/mayor- of-london-proposes-…/


Jamie Oliver along with the BDA are campaigning to tackle energy drink consumption in children under the age of 16. They have urged to make 'sugar the new tobacco'. ASDA and Aldi have introduced a ban on selling energy drinks to under 16s. Tooth decay still remains as the main reason for hospital admissions of children and young adults. With energy drinks containing '20 teaspoons of sugar' and dangerously high levels of caffeine for children, its hoping to curve the number of hospital admissions.…/energy -drinks-fueling-an-…/


Another reason to avoid drinking heavily.…/heavy- alcohol-also-negati…/


Research from Public Health England (PHE) has shown alarming figures for oral health care in the child population. Around 141 children, everyday are admitted to hospitals to have their teeth extracted. The main culprit is tooth decay, caused by a combination of sugary drinks and brushing habits. As a result, PHE has launched a campaign, Change4life which aims to address the oral health risks. I also provides healthy alternatives and advice on healthy oral health habits such as brushing.…/public -health-england-lau…/


Will unhealthy foods see the same fate as sugary drinks?…/04/13/ tax-on-unhealthy-fo…/


Will the new sugar tax stop you from buying sugary drinks? Should it apply to sweets too?…/new-su gar-tax-will-it-be-…/


This April is Stress Awareness Month, and according to the Mental Health Foundation, around 12 million adults a year, in the UK see their GP for mental health problems. Majority of these cases are stress-related. As well as effecting mental health, stress can also be attributed to oral health problems. These include ulcers, gum disease and halitosis (bad breath). Although stress is in some cases unavoidable, there are ways to minimise its impact. These include: Exercise Keeping hydrated Regular check ups with your dentist…/01/ora l-hygiene-and-stress/


How often do you visit your dental hygienist?…/1-3-of -adults-admit-they-…/


It is well estabilshed that fluoride is beneficial for oral health. The mineral is naturally found in some foods and especially water. Since the early 20th century it is has been discovered, that people living in areas with high fluoride, have less tooth decay. However,some research has suggested that it had a negavtive effect on the intelligence of developing brains. [ 49 more words ]…/fluori de-in-drinking-water/


A recent study by King's College London has suggested that many eating disorders such as anorexia nervos and bulimia result in erosion of the tooth enamel. Although those who suffer from an eating disorder are reluctant to visit their GP/psychologist, many do visit their dentist. This gives dentist an 'uniquely placed' opportunity to provide an early warning, says the BDA. [ 35 more words ]…/dentis ts-may-be-a-key-rol…/


À votre santé!…/oral-h ealth-benefits-of-d…/


The British Dental Journal has published a study that suggests the NHS could save £8.2 million if children were encouraged to chew sugarfree gum. £2.8 million alone could be saved if children chewed just one piece of sugarfree gum per day. This figure rises to £8.2 million if they chewed 3 pieces of gum a day. The research showed that chewing sugarfree gum for 20 minutes after eating/drinking neutralised the plaque acid attacks from eating, which can result in tooth decay.…/sugarf ree-gum-an-unlikely…/


Cancer Research UK has launched 'Sugar Free February' for its second year inorder to promote awareness and raise money for the charity. During the month, participants have been asked to give up on all sugars. By cutting out on sugar people avoid putting on weight, reducing the risk of 13 types of cancer. With this there are oral health benefits too. [ 33 more words ]…/can-yo u-go-sugar-free-thi…/


We at Chronos love pancakes, however this year think oral health this pancake day!…/think- oral-health-this-pa…/


Research by the Internation Journal of Dental has investigated into what challenges elderly patients face when looking after their oral health. The main reasons that were found were: cost, mobility issues, poor general health and anxiety. Dr Carter, CEO of the Oral Health Foundation has suggested to bring the dental services to the elderly in order to tackle this issue. He said that 'with the help of authorities', services could be provided in care homes and local community centres to make 'services more accessible'. [ 27 more words ]…/the-ba rriers-stopping-the…/

More about Chronos London Dental Clinic

Chronos London Dental Clinic is located at 130 Chamberlayne Road, NW10 3JR London, United Kingdom
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -