Chrysalis Foundation: For Self Expression

About Chrysalis Foundation: For Self Expression

Pencil For Change

Chrysalis Foundation: For Self Expression Description

"Pencil for Change" is a cusp of indomitable hope and a holder of a vital life force. When left unharmed and untouched, it blooms itself into a beautiful and colorful butterfly.

As its name says, "Pencil for Change" strives to provide a conducive environment for children to reach their full potential by helping them imbibe moral values, ethics and an awareness about the world around. This, we believe, in addition to academics goes a long way in defining a child’s future and character. Our focus is to reach out to children who have been deprived of life’s greatest privileges – in form of love of a parent or who don’t have basic amenities like many other children, living in slums or tribal areas in remote parts across India.

We engage children in role play, art and craft activities and storytelling sessions, all activities focusing on imparting moral education and values in their vulnerable minds in a way they enjoy learning the most. To start with, we have taken Śrīmad Bhagavad Gītā as our source of inspiration. Its teachings impart a knowledge and morality that is universal. We have used selected verses of Gita to come up with few stories in a contemporary and interesting enough setting for children with references to current affairs, social studies, humanities, art, literature, social values, science & technology and general knowledge linking with moral values to possible extent. These are then played out to them in an interactive workshop. At the end of each workshop, we encourage the children to freely express their feelings and understanding in the form of a painting or drawing. We believe, this little step can boost the confidence in young minds and at the same time the children can learn and realize life’s values in an effective manner.

We aim to utilise these priceless expressions by the kids by converting them into a multitude of products, which can be used as a means to raise funds. This will help us achieving our mission as a social enterprise and take all possible efforts to support these kids financially too.

Our starting point was with few angelic kids in Bhubaneswar, Odisha, where we started conducting storytelling and painting workshops. Each workshop encompassed teaching of a moral value, in a fun and interactive way. We were overwhelmed by the talent and confidence the children showed and equally we were enthused by the response and warm smiles we received from these God’s special children. We are now striving hard to engage with them with more fun activities and also expand our reach to other such children in need – who just need a smile and a friend they can trust and lean on.

Our belief is, like a chrysalis, every child can have a colorful future they want, and we just support them find their inner voice.

As it is said, the beauty of life lies within each one of us. We just need to discover it ourselves.

More about Chrysalis Foundation: For Self Expression

Chrysalis Foundation: For Self Expression is located at 4, THE PAVILION, SL23FN Farnham Royal