Ciprian Pup - Physiotherapist

Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: 09:00 - 21:00
Thursday: -
Friday: -
Saturday: 09:00 - 11:00
Sunday: -

About Ciprian Pup - Physiotherapist

I love to help people to return back to sport and their relevant activities. This means a life free from painkillers, where you can do and enjoy all of the things you love, without the fear of pain holding you back



💥 Physio Truths 💥 by @kostas_koulidis . . The role of physiotherapy has changed massively in the last 10 or 20 years. Evidence based practice has become the norm, and the majority of physiotherapists now see the importance of the bio-psycho-social model of pain. .... . Unfortunately, in the era of social media, people love to sell the idea that patients in pain are damaged, that their body parts are mis-aligned and they need to be fixed. They love to advertise passive treatments, to suggest physio ''recipes'' forgeting that every person is unique, with unique experiences, beliefs and expectations. They promise quick fixes with magic techniques and fancy exercises. . . BUT research is quite clear on this. HUMAN BODY DOES NOT WORK LIKE THAT. Nobody is perfect. Nobody is symmetrical. Perfect posture does not exist. Perfect alignment does not exist. . . Human bodies are weird and wonderful. They adapt and they strengthen with the right load. . . Our job as physios is to re-assure our patients, to give them the ''green light'' to move again, to help them manage their symptoms, to understand their condition, to make them stronger and more robust to face the challenges of daily life and enjoy their hobbies and their family. . . There is not such thing like ''fixing''. . . #cprehab #squatlikeapro #physiotherapist #physicaltherapy #physiotherapy #osteopathy #rehab #rehab #exercise #sportperformance #workout #crossfit #running #weightlifting #cleanandjerk #snatch #fitness #personaltrainer #wod #mwod #fitness #healthyrecipes #oxford #oxfordlife
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TIGHT HIP FLEXOR FROM SITTING ______________ If you sit all day long in an office, you could be sacrificing your effectiveness in the gym, or even increase the risk for injuries. Continuous sitting causes certain muscles to adapt to that position tighten up over time and become more stiff, making various movements in the gym and everyday life more difficult. The good news is you can avoid all this with regular movement and some quick and easy stretches. All it takes is a few ...moments out of your workday every hour or so to perform these movements, all of which you can do right at your desk. Do them regularly, and you can kiss stiff muscles goodbye. In this video, I share a simple and easy way to stretch the front of the hip. If this area is very tight I would recommend doing this movement twice a day combining 10 active stretches with 30 seconds hold at the end, obviously on each side. . 🔎Follow me (Ciprian Pup - Physiotherapist), I share simple rehab tips . #squatlikeapro #physiotherapist #physicaltherapy #physiotherapy #osteopathy #rehab #rehab #exercise #sportperformance #workout #crossfit #running #weightlifting #cleanandjerk #snatch #fitness #personaltrainer #wod #mwod #fitness #healthyrecipes
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LOWER LEG PROPRIOCEPTION ___________ Proprioception is the sense of knowing where your body part is in space. The sense of self-movement and body position is critical for the effective control of motor behaviour. . The proprioception capabilities can be impaired when joints are injured, such as with ligament sprains. When you lose proprioception of your joint after a sprain, you may experience an unstable sensation of the joint. ... . Today’s drill is more advanced because it requires ’normal’ joint proprioception and is meant to help you improve the performance in your specific sport. This drill combines the explosive movement while challenging balance and body awareness. . Aim to 10 repetitions on each side, you can warm up for this ex with 1 minute of skipping of hopping movements. . #cprehab #squatlikeapro #physiotherapist #physicaltherapy #physiotherapy #osteopathy #rehab #rehab #exercise #sportperformance #workout #crossfit #running #weightlifting #cleanandjerk #snatch #fitness #personaltrainer #wod #mwod #fitness #healthyrecipes #oxford #oxfordlife
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SCIATIC RELEASE ___________ 'Sciatica' is a term used frequently by lay people and medical professionals alike. It refers to the presence of pain, tingling or numbness in the back of the thigh and calf. Sciatica occurs when there is irritation or compression of the sciatic nerve (hence the name). This may be directly in the buttock or thigh region where this nerve lies or through irritation or compression of the spinal nerve root s that merge to form the sciatic nerve. . When... any nerve is irritated by direct mechanical pressure, friction or inflammation, it can lead to pain along the nerve root and decreased nerve ability to perform (tingling, numbness, loss of strength, etc). The treatment for mild forms of neuropathy is conservative, non-surgical. Treatment includes medication, adapting activities and exercises with the aim of decreasing pain and improve function. . This particular exercise is a great way to slide or 'floss' the sciatic nerve. The nerves do not like too much tension, therefore, when in pain you have to limit the movement to comfortable levels. . Do 2-3 sets of 40 seconds on each side a few times a day. This should be combined with back and hips movements. . Any questions ⬇️⬇️ . . #cprehab #squatlikeapro #physiotherapist #physicaltherapy #physiotherapy #osteopathy #rehab #rehab #exercise #sportperformance #workout #crossfit #running #weightlifting #cleanandjerk #snatch #fitness #personaltrainer #wod #mwod #fitness #healthyrecipes #oxford #oxfordlife
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OVERHEAD SHOULDER MOBILITY _________ Shoulder mobility is crucial to the fitness athlete wanting to perform optimally. Many times athletes waste time using the foam roller or other passive techniques that only temporarily improve their mobility with no real long term benefits. The goal of mobility exercises should be long term improvement that translates to improved performance because this is the ultimate goal. Today’s drill is meant to improve the shoulders mobility from a ...functional position - bottom of the squat. Hold two small discs forward and from the bottom of squat lift one arm at the time as much as possible. If you struggle to stay in that position put 2 discs under the heels, this will compensate for the lack of mobility. Perform 2-3 sets of 12 as a warm-up or as a mobility drill. . #cprehab #squatlikeapro #physiotherapist #physicaltherapy #physiotherapy #osteopathy #rehab #rehab #exercise #sportperformance #workout #crossfit #running #weightlifting #cleanandjerk #snatch #fitness #personaltrainer #wod #mwod #fitness #healthyrecipes #oxford #oxfordlife
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PLANTAR FASCIITIS TREATMENT _________ This stubborn condition can be difficult to treat. Most of the times the cause of plantar fasciitis is a peak in activities like running or jumping. The first advice is to modify the activity or decrease the training volume. After things calm down you can start loading those structures and gradually return to normal activities. . When in pain, it is important to ensure that the exercises are actually helping you to progress and not making... the pain worst. It is normal to have pain up to a 3/10 during the exercise if that pain/discomfort return to normal within 24-36hours. . Frequency: there are 2 ways to approach this either light and often or heavy and rare. If you chose to do it often then you have to do the ex 3/day in a variation (on both feet in the same time, or leaning on a chair/desk) that feels easy and the pain/discomfort stops once you stop the exercise. Or, heavy, where the level of soreness/discomfort returns to the baseline within 24-36 hours. . #cprehab #squatlikeapro #physiotherapist #physicaltherapy #physiotherapy #osteopathy #rehab #rehab #exercise #sportperformance #workout #crossfit #running #weightlifting #cleanandjerk #snatch #fitness #personaltrainer #wod #mwod #fitness #healthyrecipes #oxford #oxfordlife
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The best was to prevent the soft tissue from injury is to adapt it to HEAVY LOAD .... Loaded heel raises with the ball of the foot on a step is a good exercise that allows loading the Achilles’ tendon and the plantar fascia throughout the full range of movement. In this video, I used a Smith machine (a barbell that is fixed within steel rails allowing only vertical movement) . Strengthening is the only way to avoid injuries, foam roller, massages and soft-tissue work are not gonna help you to avoid injuries, is like reading about pull-ups and expecting to be able to do it. You have to put in the work . If you already suffer from any of this 2 conditions a good progression would be: 1️⃣ Heel raises on a flat surface (this will not allow the heel to drop bellow the toes level) 2️⃣ Single leg heel raises on a flat surface 3️⃣ Heel raises on a step 4️⃣ Single heel raises on a step (like in video) 5️⃣ Hell raises (single or bilateral) with extra weight) . . 🔎 Follow me (Ciprian Pup - Physiotherapist) for the best physiotherapy tips . 🙋‍♂️🙋Tag a friend who needs to strengthen the calves . #cprehab #squatlikeapro #physiotherapist #physicaltherapy #physiotherapy #osteopathy #rehab #rehab #exercise #sportperformance #workout #crossfit #running #weightlifting #cleanandjerk #snatch #fitness #personaltrainer #wod #mwod #fitness #healthyrecipes #oxford #oxfordlife
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NECK STRETCH ON THE CHAIR __________ Sitting all day on the chair might create tension in the upper back and neck. This is usually getting worst in stressed periods. When I see patients with neck pain they explain to me how they feel trapped in a vicious cycle: the neck muscles get tight and painful, sitting becomes a problem, they have to sit and work, the fact that creates more pain and so on. Now I am asking: why not breaking this cycle before it starts? . All you have to is to create ‘healthy’ habits. Get an elastic band with you and do some shoulder shrugs, do some stretches for the neck, reach up with the arms a few times. There are so many options, all you need is to execute, do whatever feel right. . In today’s video, there are some examples of lateral neck stretch, all you need is 1 minute and to do them. . . #cprehab #squatlikeapro #physiotherapist #physicaltherapy #physiotherapy #osteopathy #rehab #rehab #exercise #sportperformance #workout #crossfit #running #weightlifting #cleanandjerk #snatch #fitness #personaltrainer #wod #mwod #fitness #healthyrecipes #oxford #oxfordlife
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SELF ANKLE MOBILISATIONS _________ Self ankle mobilisation is more important than it appears in this video but first let’s talk about the principles and biomechanics behind. To one extreme, this is a great mobilisation after an ankle injury and the same biomechanics apply when the objective is to increase the range of motion in dorsiflexion. . The main bones of the ankle joint are the talus (in the foot) and the tibia and fibula (in the leg). All the way around the joint ther...e are strong ligaments and long tendons that offer stability and control. If the integrity of ligaments is affected the bones that are on top have a tendency to slide forward or backwards more. In this case, the muscles around the joint will stiffen up to protect the joint and prevent further damage. . This is what happens after an injury and to a smaller degree when we try to increase the mobility of the ankle and the muscles adapt but the joint is not ready to take the load. . This mobilisation is going to pull the talus (bone of the foot) slightly backwards allowing the leg bone to slide forward into a full dorsiflexion. This will create a neural feedback to your brain that everything is all right, the biomechanics are in place, and will create inhibition (relaxation) of the muscles around the ankle. . HOW TO? Hook an elastic band around a rack and prepare 2 disks a few feet away. Put one disk over the elastic and hook the band on your ankle under the malleoli (the prominence on the outer side of the ankle). From this position put 3/4 of the foot on the disk in front, make sure that the band is pulling back and downwards, gentle mobilise the ankle by pushing the knee forward. Do at least 1 minute on each side rocking forward and backwards and hold 30-40 seconds in the end. . . #cprehab #squatlikeapro #physiotherapist #physicaltherapy #physiotherapy #osteopathy #rehab #rehab #exercise #sportperformance #workout #crossfit #running #weightlifting #cleanandjerk #snatch #fitness #personaltrainer #wod #mwod #fitness #healthyrecipes #oxford #oxfordlife
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MULTI-DIRECTIONAL LUNGES ________ Multi-directional lunges are an amazing way to add movement in multiple planes, incorporate sport specific training, and specifically for the ankle and hip, tailor a more specific training regimen for prehab or rehab. Here I am demonstrating a classic multi-directional lunge using the Y planes: anterior, posteromedial and posterolateral. These multi-directional lunges are great for your ankle and hip because not only are you forced to bear we...ight through the front of your ankle the entire time and challenge the hip to support the body weight in different positions, but by changing the direction you reach, you are adding an element of instability and perturbation in multiple directions. The direction in which you reach highly influences not only what muscles in your ankle are more active, but more importantly for rehab, what movements are occurring at the ankle. . They way I demonstrated the exercise can also be used as an outcome measure for dynamic balance. The test is called the Y balance test (YBT) and it is a simple, yet reliable, test used in practice to measure dynamic balance. The test measures the athlete’s strength, stability and balance in various directions. The YBT composite score is calculated by summing the 3 reach directions and normalising the results to the lower limb length. . The Y Balance Test was developed through years of research in injury prevention and identification of motor control changes that occur after injury. The YBT is a simple way to measure a person’s motor control and demonstrate functional symmetry. The result? A map that identifies roadblocks to a person’s functional performance both in rehabilitation and performance worlds. . . #cprehab #squatlikeapro #physiotherapist #physicaltherapy #physiotherapy #osteopathy #rehab #rehab #exercise #sportperformance #workout #crossfit #running #weightlifting #cleanandjerk #snatch #fitness #personaltrainer #wod #mwod #fitness #healthyrecipes #oxford #oxfordlife
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ACUTE ANKLE SPRAIN _________ The ankle sprain is a common injury and the recovery is most of the times uneventful. Immediately after the injury is recommended to follow the POLICE protocol. POLICE acronym stands for Protection, Optimal Loading, Ice, Compression, Elevation. This protocol works a lot better than the old RICE recommendations. . Optimal loading. While you are protecting your injured body part, gentle motion can, and should, be started. This progressive loading o...f your injury can help promote optimal healing of the injury, and it can prevent delays in returning to normal due to joint and muscle tightness or muscle atrophy. In the ankle case starting to work on the proprioception is the first step in order to avoid further sprains. . What is proprioception again? All muscles and ligament have receptors that determine where a joint is, after an injury to a muscle or ligament the receptors become diminished in this ability. There is a constant supply of information from the joint to your brain, which in turn activates the appropriate muscles to support the joint. The exercises used to train proprioception are mostly balance based on your ankle as the ones I talk about. This can be progressed or regressed depending on your ability. Balance can be further challenged by closing your eyes (but remember to be safe and stand next to a support).. . #cprehab #squatlikeapro #physiotherapist #physicaltherapy #physiotherapy #osteopathy #rehab #rehab #exercise #sportperformance #workout #crossfit #running #weightlifting #cleanandjerk #snatch #fitness #personaltrainer #wod #mwod #fitness #healthyrecipes #oxford #oxfordlife
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PINCHING HIPS ________ People usually complain of pinching sensation in the hips during squatting and this might be due to hip impingement or joint sensitivity. . Working on the hips strength and make the joint robust is part of the process but, when you need some release to be able to get into certain positions with less pain, this mobilisation is a great exercise.... . The description is in the video subtitle, make sure you have the right amount of tension in the band and find the angle which changes the symptoms in the hip and feels ‘right’. Do this drill as a warm-up routine or as a rehab exercise. . . #cprehab #squatlikeapro #physiotherapist #physicaltherapy #physiotherapy #osteopathy #rehab #rehab #exercise #sportperformance #workout #crossfit #running #weightlifting #cleanandjerk #snatch #fitness #personaltrainer #wod #mwod #fitness #healthyrecipes #oxford #oxfordlife
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TENNIS ELBOW TREATMENT ________ Tennis elbow is one of those stubborn injuries that are not going away easily. Lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow) is often a straightforward problem without complications, but as humans, we have to use our hands/arms all day long and any movement can become painful. The wrist extensor muscles that attach to this tendons work when we squeeze or grab something and when extending the wrist and fingers. . The treatment is common to any tendinopa...thy - ‘calm things down/ build things up”. If the tendons are very sensitised they will need a period of low load and let that sensitivity go away. On the other hand, if you get pain with more heavy stuff you have to build it up. As simple as that. . Today’s exercise is one of my favourites when it comes to treatment, a combination of isometric/isokinetic contractions. Holding the bar with hands in pronation (palms facing down) will isometrically contract the wrist extensors and bending the elbow will add extra load to the muscles. . Should I do that if it hurts? Think about that like traffic lights: GREEN (pain between 0 and 4 on a scale from 0 to 10) - carry on, YELLOW (pain between 4 and 6) - sweet spot, this is your maximum, for now, RED (pain over 6) - stop. The idea is to progress over time, think that the pain is like maximal strength, you physically can not push more but it will increase in time with an appropriate stimulus. Furthermore, the afterwards effect is also important if the area is sore for 24-36 hours is normal but it hurts and becomes really sensitive it means that the volume was too high. Aim for 3 sets of 12-16 repetitions. . . #cprehab #squatlikeapro #physiotherapist #physicaltherapy #physiotherapy #osteopathy #rehab #rehab #exercise #sportperformance #workout #crossfit #running #weightlifting #cleanandjerk #snatch #fitness #personaltrainer #wod #mwod #fitness #healthyrecipes #oxford #oxfordlife
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DYNAMIC CORE STRENGTH ____________ Core strengthening is essential for the progression of other developmental skills. The core muscles are the muscles in the abdomen, back, and pelvis, and are the centre of control for everything the body does. . The most primal function of the core is stable. It acts as a bridge between the upper and lower extremities and aids in proper biomechanics during movements like deadlifts, overhead squats, and pushups. More often than not, people do... not conceptually understand this function of the core and they mostly use it as a prime mover during flexion and extension exercises like crunches or back extensions. Those exercises do have a purpose, but the prime function of our core is stabilization. The core needs to be the force transfer centre of the body. . We can practice and obtain greater core stability to protect the spine and surrounding musculature by first using static movements like front and side planks or hollow body holds. I shared a video with all these movements a short while ago. . Today’s drill is going to work the core stability by using the limbs. Start from a four-point kneeling position but with the knees up the floor. From this positions lift the arm the opposite leg. Aim for at least 6 repetitions on each leg. . . #cprehab #squatlikeapro #physiotherapist #physicaltherapy #physiotherapy #osteopathy #rehab #rehab #exercise #sportperformance #workout #crossfit #running #weightlifting #cleanandjerk #snatch #fitness #personaltrainer #wod #mwod #fitness #healthyrecipes #oxford #oxfordlife
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KNEE PAIN WHEN LUNGING? __________________ A common problem for people that get anterior knee pain when lunging is knee vs hip contribution to the movement. When someone is lunging and the front knee comes forward over the toes, doesn't know how to use the hips at all to drive themselves out of the lunge and control themselves down into the depths of a lunge, is more prone to develop knee pain. If you could measure a percentage of knee/quad contribution vs hip/ glute contribu...tion to the lunge, I think you'd find that in lots of these anterior knee pain cases the person is too heavy on the knee/quad percentage and they need to distribute that to the hip/ glutes. . This lunging pattern will load the front on the knee more than usual. Poor lunging patter combined with a poor conditioning of the knee is increasing the risk of pain. . To learn how to lunge using a proper hips/knee distribution you have to keep the shin more vertical so you do not go to end range ankle dorsiflexion. To do this, you should start with the exercises I shared today. This is a backwards stepping lunge over a foam roller, there are few things happening: stepping backwards the shin remains vertical, having the foam roller will limit the knee flexion for the back leg. The foam roller might not be enough for some people because they have to limit the range more so you might have to use something bigger, the idea is to get to a point where feel comfortable and you’re able to do at least 6 repetitions per side. . . #cprehab #squatlikeapro #physiotherapist #physicaltherapy #physiotherapy #osteopathy #rehab #rehab #exercise #sportperformance #workout #crossfit #running #weightlifting #cleanandjerk #snatch #fitness #personaltrainer #wod #mwod #fitness #healthyrecipes #oxford #oxfordlife
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KNEE DROP WHEN SQUATTING? ___________ It doesn’t matter if you’re a weightlifter, powerlifter, CrossFit® athlete, or you just like to squat heavy. If you like to squat heavy, there’s a pretty good chance that at some point, your knees have started to cave inward on the ascent. This is not something bad if it’s happening only when doing 1RM because this is the way you get more efficient/stronger. This is an automatic coping mechanism. The problem arises when people are adoptin...g this coping mechanism as normal. . If your knees cave a little bit but they don’t go further than your big toe, it’s not such a big deal. It’s not great, and it’s still a good idea to experiment with the following exercise, but you probably don’t have to drop weight. . This is a squat with a band pulling the knee inward. The idea is to teach the body what a bad position is so it can learn to correct it — to teach it to feel for that collapse. It allows the body to push the knee outwards in the lateral side of the body and keep the knee stable and inline. Doing exercises like this with enough repetition teaches the body to recognize and react to movements that are poor so it can stabilize the body when it trains again. It’s basically muscle memory. . #cprehab #squatlikeapro #physiotherapist #physicaltherapy #physiotherapy #osteopathy #rehab #rehab #exercise #sportperformance #workout #crossfit #running #weightlifting #cleanandjerk #snatch #fitness #personaltrainer #wod #mwod #fitness #healthyrecipes #oxford #oxfordlife
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More about Ciprian Pup - Physiotherapist

Ciprian Pup - Physiotherapist is located at Unit 10 Parker Centre Industrial Estate, Mansfield Road​, OX2 0FA Oxford, Oxfordshire
Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: 09:00 - 21:00
Thursday: -
Friday: -
Saturday: 09:00 - 11:00
Sunday: -