Cirencester Hypnobirthing - Kgh Method

Monday: 09:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: -
Thursday: -
Friday: 09:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 16:00
Sunday: 10:00 - 16:00

About Cirencester Hypnobirthing - Kgh Method

Offering 4 week or intensive Hypnobirthing courses in either a small group or one to one setting.



🎤Celebrity endorsements really do help the cause. Congratulations to Tom and Giovanna Fletcher on their third Hypnobirth and beautiful baby boy 👶🏼💙
Join the fearless birth movement, see for yourself what everyone is harping on about! 💪🏻🧡 s/10156873133445572/



Take a deep breath and strike your Wonder Woman pose.
Top 5 must knows for a Mum-to-be that’s being told she’s ‘not allowed’
💜 It’s your body, no one can do anything to it without your informed consent
... 🧡 Don’t take anything on face value. Ask for your options. There are always options!
💙 Talk facts. Fear mongering and non-evidence based statements are no good to you. Ask your caregiver for the stats. You may feel different.
💚 Take out the emotions. Never agree on the spot. Take a break, sleep on it if you can. Cool down, breathe, then decide with a clear head
💛 Change caregiver. If you’re being coerced, bullied, belittled or dismissed then politely ask for someone who will support your birth rights. pnobirthing/permalink/1782980261751165/< br> See more


There is absolutely no single right way to give birth. Every woman, baby and situation is different. 💚 I support woman through all their choices by letting them know that they have them. This is informed choice! 💚 I then teach couples to trust their body, their instincts and their baby. To own their birth and be proud of it!... 💚 If you want me on your empowered birth preparation team...drop a PM and find out more.
Image from #rockstarbirthmagazine who seem to read my mind on the daily
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Full Hypnobirthing Antenatal programme


💚💙🧡 /posts/2018000841585550/


This is so important so please share with mums to be! The blood in the placenta belongs to baby. Unfortunately unless requested your medical team with not ‘wait for white’ (cord pulsing to stop) so please ensure you read up on this and consider it in your birth plans. A adult without 1/3 of their blood volume would be very sick indeed!…/a.1486112741 4…/1631013790244930/…


This is just beautiful! I wish all mums had access to the training, care and support that allows births like this to be possible. One day I truly hope women will be liberated from excessively medicalised births and trust in the tools that nature gave them. Birth without fear ladies! s/1686041858173674/


🙌🏻 Preach


Birth is one of the most formative experiences of our lives. Hypnobabies enter the world in the most calm and serene environment possible and this often has a very positive effect on their adjustment to the outside world. Invest in your babies birth #calmbirthmatters posts/1672285732839463/


I love this woman lol! Pelvic floor exercise is so important during late pregnancy for your uterine health after birth! Get squeezing ladies posts/1712935452093904/


Lying flat on your back is the most typical and very worst position to give birth in. Our courses will help guide you in active birth positions for a more efficient and comfortable experience. centre/posts/1701072473294122

User centre/posts/1693683437366359


Welcome to the topside baby Oscar. Very pleased to get the birth announcement from this fab Hypnobirthing couple. Both Mum and Dad were a great team and support for each other. They engaged with the course, asked lots of great questions and committed themselves to the process.
If you’re interested on how Hypnobirthing can help prepare you for your birth get in touch 🥂💙🎉

User centre/posts/1672285732839463

User /videos/10156057635166539/


I think just about my favourite thing about being a Hypnobirthing teacher is getting a birth announcement! Welcome to the world little man. I feel privileged to get to work with such positive couples who are committed to being prepared for birth. In a KG Hypnobirth we always visualise our ideal birth, but learn a set of skills that help us whatever the outcome will be on the day. What matters above all is that you feel you’ve had the best birth for you! Enquire today for the... May Course block 👍🏻
Birth story below.....
Hi Becky
I thought it would be nice to email you with an update following the birth of our son, ******, last week.
It's fair to say that nothing went according to plan! I had hoped and planned for a natural vaginal birth in water and although I was open to being flexible, I had never really considered that it wouldn't turn out like that. As it happened, I started labour on Friday 16th March and got 'stuck' in the latent phase of labour for 3 days. It was incredibly painful and frustrating, as I was experiencing contractions, sometimes just 2-3 minutes apart, but my body was not dilating as it should have and I was sent home from hospital twice as a result of this. Finally, they admitted me into hospital on Sunday 18th due to some suspect blood loss and this changed everything. I had to be monitored and ended up with my waters broken and an oxytocin drip and epidural. In the end, on Monday 19th, they proposed a caesarean to me as Wilbur was lodged in a very difficult position, his heart rate started to fluctuate and I was totally, totally exhausted. So, nothing quite went as I'd hoped! However, Wilbur was delivered safely at 4.20pm and he is doing very well. We are totally in love with him and so delighted to be a family!
Although the birth was a difficult and challenging process to say the least, throughout the whole process I was able to stay calm and in control, being positive, asking questions when I felt I needed to, taking my time to consider options etc, and I believe this is largely down to my hyonobirthing practise over the last few months. The staff at Gloucester were very supportive and able to explain things to me when I asked them to do so. This meant I felt that I was in control of what happened even if it wasn't quite my plan! I have been practising breathing, affirmations and positive visualisations almost everyday in the last few months and this enabled me to keep my cool and go with things, while not allowing people to take over. A number of the midwives spoke about how calm I was and how positive, despite being in real pain at points. I really think this is down to the prep and the skills I learnt in your sessions. Hypnobirthing has also provided me with a skill for life and as a teacher I think it will be a lifesaver!
Thanks for your help over the hypnobirthing sessions. I would certainly recommend hypnobirthing to anyone.
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Heartwarming! It takes so much confidence, self belief and support to achieve the birth you want. Doubt, fear and panic will not be your friends and allies in labour. Trust, calm and relaxation will! When we look back on our first difficult birth we might identify the first knocked domino that started us on the cascade of interventions... For some it is as much as leaving their own safe space, perhaps the uncomfortable sweeps, trying to work in their stressful job until ful...l term, neglecting to focus on themselves and feelings of contentment so necessary to start the process off, being pressured by those that have their own agenda to bring baby out sooner than it’s ready, allowing those that truly fear birth to tell you that your too old, too overweight, too high risk to allow your body’s natural processes to do their job. So many of the ‘risk factors’ are not that unusual at all...variations on normal yes, but normal still.
Whatever it was for you it doesn’t need to be the same the second time. Every birth can be different, but if you enter into the process in the same mindset as the previous it is unlikely to be. Those fears need to be identified and released and most of all you need to have the confidence to decide what is right for you. Hypnobirthing is so much more than the picture perfect birth. It’s about achieving the very best birth for your unique situation. I always speak openly about how my Hypnobirth was a C-Section pre-term. An unexpected result of a condition with my placenta but it was exactly as it was supposed to be and whilst my skin may carry a scar my heart does not! tiveBirthSupport/posts/1015742828573921< br> See more

More about Cirencester Hypnobirthing - Kgh Method

Cirencester Hypnobirthing - Kgh Method is located at 1, Reeves Close, GL7 1QR Cirencester, Gloucestershire
Monday: 09:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: -
Thursday: -
Friday: 09:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 16:00
Sunday: 10:00 - 16:00