Clear Cannabis Law Reform

About Clear Cannabis Law Reform

Founded in 1999, CLEAR Cannabis Law Reform aims to end the prohibition of cannabis, most urgently for those who need it as medicine.

Clear Cannabis Law Reform Description

CLEAR does not advocate, condone, or encourage breaking the law. It exists to promote a change in the law by legitimate means. All information on this website should be viewed in this context.



“A shotter is someone who is really just an employee of a drug dealer. They don’t own the cannabis. They get a percentage of the profits.” Patrick is a polite, high-performing 18-year-old A-level student. He began using the drug aged 14 and avoided becoming a dealer, but his friends were less wise."


On 5th September 2018, CLEAR was invited to participate in a teleconference with representatives of the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) and the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). This followed our written submissions made over the last few weeks. This is a summary of our advice and seven principal recommendations.


"A group of scientific minds recently banded together to examine the genetic data of volunteers. The results, which were published in Nature Neuroscience, uncovered around 35 genes that they claim makes a person more prone to “lifetime cannabis use.” Researchers put 180,000 respondents from all walks of life under the microscope to arrive at this conclusion — making it the largest study of its kind to explore the human code and its connection to cannabis."


VIDEO. Six police and crime commissioners say cannabis possession 'should not always be a criminal offence'. Film 16:48 - 29:35. Discussion 1:08:28 - 1:25:05


"The ACMD advice demonstrates that a UK legislative regime for the provision of “Cannabis-derived medicinal products” (CDMPs) will not occur in a matter of days or weeks. Any contrary expectation was perhaps fuelled by the statement (often made) that moving cannabis from schedule 1 to the Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2001 to Schedule 2 would enable doctors to prescribe “medicinal cannabis”."


On 5th September 2018, CLEAR was invited to participate in a teleconference with representatives of the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) and the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). This followed our written submissions made over the last few weeks. This is a summary of our advice and seven principal recommendations.


“A shotter is someone who is really just an employee of a drug dealer. They don’t own the cannabis. They get a percentage of the profits.” Patrick is a polite, high-performing 18-year-old A-level student. He began using the drug aged 14 and avoided becoming a dealer, but his friends were less wise."


"Medicinal cannabis is due to become available on the NHS this month – a move that experts say will help thousands of people with chronic conditions such as epilepsy and multiple sclerosis. But what will the relaxing of restrictions around treatments derived from the drug actually mean in practice?"


On 5th September 2018, CLEAR was invited to participate in a teleconference with representatives of the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) and the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). This followed our written submissions made over the last few weeks. This is a summary of our advice and seven principal recommendations.


"Anne Longfield, the children’s commissioner for England, said that young people were at the bottom of the ladder of cannabis distribution and “the most expendable in the chain, where violence and exploitation are rife. We may need to look again at how we protect our young people from harm while not rushing to criminalise them too soon.”


"A group of scientific minds recently banded together to examine the genetic data of volunteers. The results, which were published in Nature Neuroscience, uncovered around 35 genes that they claim makes a person more prone to “lifetime cannabis use.” Researchers put 180,000 respondents from all walks of life under the microscope to arrive at this conclusion — making it the largest study of its kind to explore the human code and its connection to cannabis."


VIDEO. Six police and crime commissioners say cannabis possession 'should not always be a criminal offence'. Film 16:48 - 29:35. Discussion 1:08:28 - 1:25:05


"The Hydrology 9 has reawakened my enthusiasm for vaporisers. It has its faults but overall this is a great machine and a real advance in vaporiser technology. It also has one nifty little feature that is very simple but makes a huge difference. It’s genius in fact and more of this later."


"Consumers feel the maximum effect of cannabinoids and terpenes when they’re consumed together in their natural state. This synergy among various combinations of terpenes and cannabinoids is the reason why many medicinal cannabis experts advocate for whole plant medicine, rather than taking specific compounds in isolation."


"The ACMD advice demonstrates that a UK legislative regime for the provision of “Cannabis-derived medicinal products” (CDMPs) will not occur in a matter of days or weeks. Any contrary expectation was perhaps fuelled by the statement (often made) that moving cannabis from schedule 1 to the Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2001 to Schedule 2 would enable doctors to prescribe “medicinal cannabis”."


On 5th September 2018, CLEAR was invited to participate in a teleconference with representatives of the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) and the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). This followed our written submissions made over the last few weeks. This is a summary of our advice and seven principal recommendations.


"The Syqe Inhaler is a new technology that allows doctors and patients to precisely dose pharmaceutical quality ‘cannabis flos’ by inhalation."


"The criminalisation of the drug has had the exact opposite effect to the deterrence it was meant to induce. We ought to consider a more mature approach to drugs policy, which is based in health rather than criminality."

More about Clear Cannabis Law Reform