Clearing At London Community College Of Education

About Clearing At London Community College Of Education

Clearing at London Community College of Education

Clearing At London Community College Of Education Description

Clearing is a service available between July and September, but for most people it is used after the exam results are published in August. It can help people without a university place to find suitable vacancies on higher education courses. LCCE has a dedicated team to help students who find themselves in a difficult situation when there results arrive and are offering a wide range of professional courses at affordable prices.
If you are flexible and you have reasonable exam results, or have decided on viewing other options available to you then clearing with LCCE will be the right option for you.
Apply for Clearing at LCCE if….
• You have not received any offers.
• You’re looking for a more affordable option
• You have declined all your offers or not responded by the due date.
• Your offers have not been confirmed because you have not met the conditions (eg you have not achieved the required grades).
• You have declined a changed course, a changed date of entry and /or changed point of entry offer.
• You applied for one course which has been declined /unsuccessful
• You sent your application late therefore have been given no places in any universities or colleges
• You don’t want to be in so much debt
What you need to do to enroll at LCCE through Clearing
Feel free to approach us during any time during the Clearing process. We will have dedicated phones to answer all of your queries.
Read through these points below to help you through the clearing process and join LCCE
1. Get advice
Talk to a member of our team. They can help you decide which courses and subjects would be most suitable for you.

2. Look at the vacancies
Investigate and research all the course options available to you before you make your decision. You don't have to stick to the subject choices you made originally when you were applying first time round. - there may be other areas which might suit you better.
3. Contact us as soon as possible
You don’t have to wait until you receive your results , you can contact LCCE about the possibility of gaining a place through Clearing. If you do not have your exam results, and you are unsure what to do before then still contact us and we will help and advise you accordingly.
We understand the importance of the choice you make so why not come in and see us and we can go through all the available options available to you.

Course Options available to you
LCCE is very passionate about the professional and affordable education including Certificates, Diplomas & Graduate Diplomas qualifications, and have progression relationships with universities for any students still wanting to go into further education.
Here are just some of the course options that will be available to you at LCCE:
• The Institute of Commercial Management (ICM) Business Studies diploma & Advance diploma

Covering all the major business studies areas and topics, the ICM Diploma in Business Studies programme has, over a fifteen year period, achieved international recognition and is now undertaken by students in over 100 countries.

In addition to providing a comprehensive knowledge of each of the major business functions, the structure of the course ensures that students have the widest possible range of career, employment and higher education options open to them on completion of their studies.

• ICM Accountancy and Finance

The ICM Accountancy and Finance Programme has been designed for those contemplating employment within the accountancy field. It is also suitable for those already in employment who seek to develop their business, accountancy and finance skills for career progression purposes.

• ICM Management Studies – Advanced Diploma, Graduate Diploma

Rising competition between national and international companies calls for a greater amount of skill and professionalism on the part of a manager and that’s where management studies comes in.
This higher level in management studies is often selected by employers seeking a suitable course of study for their middle and line managers.

The structure of the course ensures that students are able to develop both educational knowledge and useful management skills. The qualification also gives entry to a range of other post graduate courses.

• ICM International Business Studies Diploma

In addition to providing a comprehensive knowledge of the major functional areas of business the International Business Studies Course also prepares students for employment with organisations involved in exporting.

It is particularly suitable for those who wish to join multi-national corporations and the course structure ensures that students have the widest possible range of employment opportunities open to them on completion of their studies

• ICM Travel and Tourism Certificate and Diploma

The worldwide growth in tourism, together with the matching growth in the amount of business travel has made Travel and Tourism the fastest growing business in the world. The ICM course in Tourism and Business Studies has been designed to provide students with an understanding of the worldwide structure of the industry and its component parts, and the business skills which are necessary for sustainable tourism increase.

In order to enhance employment prospects the course incorporates important business studies subjects in order to ensure that students understand the structure of business and business systems.

More about Clearing At London Community College Of Education

Clearing At London Community College Of Education is located at 141 -143 King Street, W6 9JG Hammersmith, Hammersmith And Fulham, United Kingdom
020 3393 1733