Cleethorpes Coastguard

About Cleethorpes Coastguard

Cleethorpes Coastguard is based on the Central Promenade opposite Brighton Slipway next to the RNLI Station. The team are on call 24 /7, 365 days a year.



Incident 079 / 2019
***Callout*** 19:17hrs 19/06/2019
Search / Water Rescue
... CGOC Humber paged the team after receiving a call from Humberside Police stating there was a possible unresponsive person in the water near to the Sea Wall at East Halton. The team deployed expecting to carry out a water rescue / recovery.
Humber Rescue & RNLI Cleethorpes were also tasked to carry out a search. Humber Rescue arrived on scene and confirmed that the object was not a human body. It was the remains of what is believed to be a Lama, which was badly decomposed. This was a call with good intent from a member of the public who notified police.
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Incident 076 / 2019
***Callout*** 15:50hrs 17/06/2019
Water / Mud Rescue
... CGOC Humber paged the team after receiving a call stating two people were stuck in the mud next to the rock groyne on the North Promenade. RNLI Cleethorpes, HM Coastguard Donna Nook Rescue Teams were also paged to assist with the rescue. The Cleethorpes Beach Safety team were also on scene and assisted us with the incident.
This was a time critical incident due to the flooding tide. On our arrival we could see the two casualties, next to the rock groyne. The female was stuck in the mud up to her hips and the water was already waist height. The male was trapped by one leg and was unable to release his other leg. Cleethorpes RNLI team arrived on scene at the same time and deployed two crew members who started to dig the casualties out while we prepared our mud rescue equipment.
Two Mud Rescue Techs quickly deployed and split between the male and female. The male was rapidly released from the mud and was taken ashore to safety by the Mud Ops. The female was completely stuck and it took three rescuers to release her, as the tide continued to rise.
If you find yourself stuck in the mud, stay calm, dial 999 and ask for the Coastguard. Do not struggle or try to free yourself, you will only sink deeper into the mud. Sit down and spread your weight to prevent you from sinking further into the mud. Do not encourage onlookers to try and rescue you, we will only end up with multiple casualties.
Photos are courtesy of the Beach Safety Team, the video footage is courtesy of Cleethorpes RNLI.
HM Coastguard Humber Coastguard HM Coastguard Yorkshire & Lincolnshire DN35 CrimeWatch Tourist Information Centre 999: What's Your Emergency
Video footage of the incident captured on a crew members helmet camera.…/cleethorpes-lifeboat -rescues-two-from-mu…
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Incidents 061, 062 and 063 / 2019
***Callout*** 22/05/2019
It's been a busy few hours with three callouts in a six hour period.
... Incident #1 at 18:07hrs
CGOC Humber tasked us to our first incident after receiving a call stating that two people had been cut off by the tide on the sandbank near to Haile Sand Fort, this turned out to be a call with good intent. The two people where in fact paddle boarders. However due to the profile of the beach and sandbank, from shore it did look like they were stranded on the sandbank.
Incident #2 at 19:32hrs
Our team was tasked to 4 persons stuck in the mud near to the Green Shore, opposite the Leisure Centre. Due to the location and the fact that the tide was flooding, teams from HM Coastguard Donna Nook Rescue Team, HM Coastguard Hull and the RNLI Cleethorpes were tasked to assist us with the rescue. When we arrived on scene, there were three youths on the sandbank and a fourth youth who was stuck in the mud and had the tide coming in around her.
As the team was preparing to execute a mud / water rescue, CLeethorpes Lifeboat arrived on scene and quickly reached the female who was stuck in the mud with the tide quickly rising. The lifeboat landed one of their crew to stay with the people on the sandbank and returned to the female in the mud and water. She was rapidly extracted from the mud into the safety of the boat. The crew returned her to the Lifeboat Station where there was an ambulance crew waiting for her. The boat then was then relaunched and returned to the other three youths and their crew member. They were all safely returned to shore.
The Coastguard team carried out checks on the other youths who were suffering from hypothermia. While waiting for another ambulance to come and take them to hospital to be checked over. No one suffered from any serious injuries and was only taken to hospital as a precaution.
Thanks to the fast response of the Coastguard teams and the Cleethorpes Lifeboat Crew, there was a happy ending to the incident, the speed and professionalism of the teams prevented a fatality from occurring, #TEAMWORK works.
Incident #3 at 00:10hrs (23/5/19)
Our third incident we were tasked to was a report of a person in the water, in Grimsby Docks near to Corporation Road bridge. We were stood down while on route after CGOC Humber received a call stating that the person was out of the water and was with Police. RNLI Cleethorpes were also tasked to the incident.
HM Coastguard Donna Nook Rescue Team HM Coastguard Hull Cleethorpes Coastguard RNLI Cleethorpes East Midlands Ambulance Service Humberside Police HM Coastguard Yorkshire & Lincolnshire Humber Coastguard
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Cleethorpes beach, phosphorus shell.


A post by our colleagues from Donna Nook, who attended to the EOD incident on Sunday 5th May.
If you find anything that resembles the object in the photograph, DO NOT touch it. Dial 999 and ask for the Coastguard.
HM Coastguard Yorkshire & Lincolnshire HM Coastguard Humber Coastguard Mablethorpe Coastguard HM Coastguard Donna Nook Rescue Team Cleethorpes Beach Safety


Tide tables for May and June, for Grimsby / Cleethorpes.


Incident 043/ 2019
***Callout*** 22/04/2019 at 15:03hrs
Its been a busy Bank Holiday weekend in Cleethorpes with thousands of visitors coming to the resort, soaking up the sun. Members of our volunteer team spent some time out on local patrols, on standing-by in preparation for any incidents.
... At 15:03hrs CGOC Humber contacted the mobile patrol via radio and paged the rest of the team, after receiving reports that an adult female was stuck in the mud near to the Big Wheel ride opposite the North Promenade.
On arrival at the scene, the female was about 100 metres from the shore and was knee deep in the mud. Rescue equipment was quickly assembled and two Mud Rescue technicians made their way out to the casualty. She was quickly released form the mud and brought back to the safety of the shore, to a rapturous round of applause from the crowds that had gathered to watch what was going on. The lady did not require any medical assistance from the eastmidlands ambulance service paramedic.
HM Coastguard Donna Nook Rescue Team were also on scene assisting with the rescue and the clean down afterwards. Cleethorpes Beach Safety were also in attendance to assist with the incident and were first on scene.
Our advice to anyone who finds themselves in an area of mud, is to stop and make your way back out the way you came and find an alternate safe route back to the shore. If you do become stuck, DO NOT try to free yourself, the more you move about, the deeper you will sink into the mud. Sit down and spread your weight to prevent you from sinking further into the mud.
Under no circumstances should anyone attempt to carry out the rescue, as they could very easily become another casualty. Leave the rescue to the Coastguard teams, we are trained and have all the equipment to carry out the rescue safely and quickly.
HM Coastguard Yorkshire & Lincolnshire HM Coastguard Humber Coastguard Grimsby News and Pictures Agency.
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Incident 042/ 2019
***Callout*** 20/04/2019 at 10:49hrs
CGOC Humber paged Cleethorpes Coastguard Team and tasked us to assist HM Coastguard Hull after a sailing vessel was returnng to Barton Haven, but had an engine failure and had become grounded in the mud near to the entrance of the haven. Humber Rescue lifeboat had taken four crew members off the vessel, but ran out of water before they could take the four remaining crew off the vessel.
... Mud rescue equipment had to be used to gain access to the crew and bring them back to the safety of the shore.
No one required any medical assistance and the vessel owner made arrangements to tow his vessel into the haven on the next high tide.
This was the second incident that the Coastguard had attended to in as many days at the same location.
On the 19/04/2019, we were involved in a multi agency Search and Rescue incident, assisting Humberside Police to locate a vulnerable missing male. The search lasted for six hours and involved, Coastguard teams from Cleethorpes and Hull, Humber Rescue Lifeboat, Lincolnshire Lowland Search and Rescue and Humberside Fire & Rescue Service search dog.
We would like to thank the staff at the Waters' Edge Visitor Centre & Country Park for their very kind and excellent hospitality by providing the Search and Rescue teams with refreshments and lite snacks, throughout the incident
HM Coastguard Yorkshire & Lincolnshire HM Coastguard
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Knowing the difference between all emergency services could make all the difference to saving someones life.


Tide Tables for March and April 2019 for Humber Estuary, Grimsby.
RNLI Cleethorpes Cleethorpes Tourist Information Centre HM Coastguard Yorkshire & Lincolnshire HM Coastguard Donna Nook Rescue Team Hull Coastguard Rescue Team EBB & FLO


Breakfast celebration for our Station Officer, on his 40 + 20 birthday!! Nearly 40 of those years dedicated to the Coastguard Service. Happy birthday Steve from your team.
HM Coastguard Yorkshire & Lincolnshire Humber Coastguard


Incident #018/ 2019
***Callout*** 017/02/2019 at 09:31hrs
CGOC Humber paged Cleethorpes Coastguard Team after receiving a report from a beach safety Officer, stating he had found what he believed to be ordnance on the beach in the area behind Pleasure Island. HM Coastguard Donna Nook Rescue Team were also tasked to assist with the incident.
... Photographs were sent to the EOD team in Nottingham, they attended and declared the items safe and confirmed the items were not EOD.
HM Coastguard Yorkshire & Lincolnshire HM Coastguard RNLI Grimsby News and Pictures Agency. Maritime and Coastguard Agency 999: What's Your Emergency Search and Rescue UK Cleethorpes Beach Safety
HM Coastguard #ToSearch, #Torescue, #Tosave, #999coastguard
MCA #SaferLives, #SaferShips, #Cleanerseas
#staysafeonthecoast #999emergency #emergency #respectthewater #teamwork #volunteers #coastguard #searchandrescue #999family #humbersidepolice #mcamedia
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Incident #014/ 2019
***Callout*** 06/02/2019 at 20:10hrs
CGOC Humber paged Cleethorpes Coastguard Team and tasked us to assist in a search in the area of North Coates for a high risk missing 86 year old male. The search was coordinated by staff at Humber Coastguard Operations Centre in conjunction with Lincolnshire police.
...Continue Reading


Incident #012 / 2019
***Callout*** 03/02/2019 at 14:31hrs
Third incident of the day, CGOC Humber paged the team after receiving reports about a female who had got stuck in the mud in the marshlands area of the beach, opposite Cleethorpes Leisure Centre.
... On arrival at the location, Humberside Fire & Rescue Service and Cleethorpes Beach Safety were already on scene. A Beach Safety Officer was with the female and the Fire Service had deployed a team to assist with the rescue.
The female, who had been out walking her dog, managed to free herself from the mud before the Coastguard and Fire Service reached her location. She was returned back to safety by the Beach Safety Officer. She did not require any medical assistance. East Midlands Ambulance Service were also on scene.
Our advice is, to stay off the Green Marshlands completely, it is not what it seems. There are deep creeks, many of which have deep mud in them, the terrain is dangerous to walk across due to the amount of creeks and holes that are covered by grass. You could very easily step into one of the holes and sustain a serious injury.
HM Coastguard Yorkshire & Lincolnshire Humber Coastguard HM Coastguard RNLI Cleethorpes Cleethorpes Beach Safety RNLI Humber Lifeboat Station RNLI Grimsby News and Pictures Agency. Cleethorpes News 24
HM Coastguard #ToSearch, #Torescue, #Tosave, #999coastguard
MCA #SaferLives, #SaferShips, #Cleanerseas
#staysafeonthecoast #999emergency #emergency #respectthewater #teamwork #volunteers #coastguard #searchandrescue #999family #humbersidepolice
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More about Cleethorpes Coastguard

Cleethorpes Coastguard is located at Cleethorpes Coastguard Central Promenade, DN35 8SE Cleethorpes