Clh Fitness

About Clh Fitness

Reach your potential today.

1-2-1 / /Buddy (2 people) / /Group / /Sports club specific / /Technique / /CrossFit / /Mobility / /Bespoke. . . . . Training available <3



Amen ūüôŹ and putting the gear away after ūüėā
‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚Ä Ē‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ #personaltrainer #pt #manchester #manchesterfitness #fitness #training #coach #failsworth #cfns #oldham #tameside #crossfituk #strong #weightlifting #gains #weightloss #movewell #gym #nutrition #health #healthy #happy #progress #goals #results


My gym is nuts ūüėćūüėćūüėćūüėć CrossFit Northern Soul
Teams work out on a Saturday @ 11 AM ūüĎĆūüĎĆūüĎĆ
‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚Ä Ē‚ÄĒ... #personaltrainer #pt #manchester #manchesterfitness #fitness #training #coach #failsworth #cfns #oldham #tameside #crossfituk #strong #weightlifting #gains #weightloss #movewell #gym #nutrition #health #healthy #happy #progress #goals #results
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A lot of Power Cleans in the gym this week thought I would give this a share from the big man.
Need to get under the bar guys! ... ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ #personaltrainer #pt #manchester #manchesterfitness #fitness #training #coach #failsworth #cfns #oldham #tameside #crossfituk #strong #weightlifting #gains #weightloss #movewell #gym #nutrition #health #healthy #happy #progress #goals #results
#Repost Torokhtiy Oleksiy with @get_repost „ÉĽ„ÉĽ„ÉĽ POWER CLEAN From the Platform to Quarter Squat. In the moment of final catching of the barbell, angle between your shin and hip should be 90¬į and more. ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ @TorWod ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ #weightlifting #haltrofilia #crossfit #crossfiter #weightlifter #powerclean #clean #hangclean #deficitdeadlift #squatclean #torwod #torokhtiy #torokhtiy_gang #warmbodycoldmind
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A picture of me flying my gyms flag and doing what I love..... watching people giving their all and loving fitness!
Love your gym and the people ‚̧ԳŹ
Love what you do ‚̧ԳŹ
... ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ #personaltrainer #pt #manchester #manchesterfitness #fitness #training #coach #failsworth #cfns #oldham #tameside #crossfituk #strong #weightlifting #gains #weightloss #movewell #gym #nutrition #health #healthy #happy #progress #goals #results
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Grab some friends and get this DONE ‚úÖ
Any questions or help for scaling or making it harder please drop me a message!
You have got this. ūüí™... ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ #personaltrainer #pt #manchester #manchesterfitness #fitness #training #coach #failsworth #cfns #oldham #tameside #crossfituk #strong #weightlifting #gains #weightloss #movewell #gym #nutrition #health #healthy #happy #progress #goals #results #wod #workout #endurancewod #sweatfest #opengym #newyear #newyearnewme
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The most important thing and the hardest by a long shot!
Just remember... ‚ô¶ÔłŹ You aren‚Äôt alone ... ‚ô¶ÔłŹ You don‚Äôt have to make lots of changes all at once ‚ô¶ÔłŹ Small steps and build ‚ô¶ÔłŹ Track your progress ‚ô¶ÔłŹ You are allowed a bad day just don‚Äôt make a bad month ‚ô¶ÔłŹ Source advice to stick you on the right path ‚ô¶ÔłŹ It‚Äôs changing the way you eat and the way you think about food ... not ‚Äúgoing on a diet‚ÄĚ ‚ô¶ÔłŹ Happy new year! Forget resolutions just see it as fresh start and a year full of endless possibilities if you go for it! ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ #personaltrainer #pt #manchester #manchesterfitness #fitness #training #coach #failsworth #cfns #oldham #tameside #crossfituk #strong #weightlifting #gains #weightloss #movewell #gym #nutrition #health #healthy #happy #progress #goals #results
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Christmas coaching tips being dished out at @crossfit_northern_soul internal comp ūüėČūüéĄ @mrs_p_and_d smashed it as usual ūü§ė
. .... . ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ #personaltrainer #pt #manchester #manchesterfitness #fitness #training #coach #failsworth #cfns #oldham #tameside #crossfituk #strong #weightlifting #gains #weightloss #movewell #gym #nutrition #health #healthy #happy #progress #goals #results #christmas #santa
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You know who you are ūüĎÄūüćĎ#embracethegains #gains
‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ #personaltrainer #pt #manchester #manchesterfitness #fitness #training #coach #failsworth #cfns #oldham #tameside #crossfituk #strong #weightlifting #gains #weightloss #movewell #gym #nutrition #health #healthy #happy #progress #goals #results


Working on Hang snatch today with Jake and drilling the movement so it is second nature ūü§ė . . Got some good video clips but pulled a still of him jumping the bar into the air and messed about with it. . . This guy is strong, awesome and listens to instruction really well!! ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ.. . #personaltrainer #pt #manchester #manchesterfitness #fitness #training #coach #failsworth #cfns #oldham #tameside #crossfituk #strong #weightlifting #gains #weightloss #movewell #gym #nutrition #health #healthy #happy #progress #goals #results #strongmen #crossfitmen #snatch @jake potts
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A snap from internal team comp last Saturday ‚̧ԳŹ . . Both nervous before every work out. Brought their A game, laughed after and pushed themselves out of their comfort zones. These kind of competitions are all great if you come top 3 however if you also do a better scale or get a personal best or even, just not die as much as you thought you would. That‚Äôs amazing! .... . Both gorgeous, strong and awesome ūü§ė Team Wall baubles ūüéĄūüéÖ . . Photo credit @londinj ūüí•ūüėć ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ #personaltrainer #pt #manchester #manchesterfitness #fitness #training #coach #failsworth #cfns #oldham #tameside #crossfituk #strong #weightlifting #gains #weightloss #movewell #gym #nutrition #health #healthy #happy #progress #goals #results #strongladies #girlswholift #crossfitgirls
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Proud of this bird ūüí™ . She Has worked hard on her over head mobility and strength. Starting to see some awesome progress! . Recently started to be confident enough to do some hand stand holds and presses! Which she has never done before ‚̧ԳŹ... . . Mega chuffed for her and can‚Äôt wait to see her get better and better when back from her travels ūü§ėūü§ėūü§ė ūüá¶ūüáļ . . ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ #personaltrainer #pt #manchester #manchesterfitness #fitness #training #coach #failsworth #cfns #oldham #tameside #crossfituk #strong #weightlifting #gains #weightloss #movewell #gym #nutrition #health #healthy #happy #progress #goals #results
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Today was #girlstribe day CrossFit Northern Soul ūü§ėūü§ėūü§ė
We lifted, we WOD’d and 3 of the coaches including myself gave a talk to the girls on ways to motivate yourself, stay motivated and some wisdom and experiences. .... I spoke a little about mental health and drew from my own experiences and share some key points that we may already be aware of but need reminding from time to time.
I wanted to share.
ūüí•It‚Äôs ok not be ok
ūüí•If you broke your leg you would make steps to heal and recover.... why not with a mental health issue?
ūüí•It is bad to bully others but why is it ok to bully yourself?
ūüí•There is always help and information to explore the feelings you have
ūüí•Say thank you to a genuine compliment. It doesn‚Äôt mean that you think that too but accept that someone else has seen something worthy of a compliment
ūüí•Love yourself.
ūüí•Instead of knowing all your flaws off by heart, know your awesome bits
ūüí•Lean on your people
ūüí•Be nice to people
ūüí•Don‚Äôt have time for things/people that don‚Äôt make you shine
ūüí•Know that you are not alone
ūüí•You are loved
ūüí•The gym is your good and happy place. Keep it that way.
ūüí•Your crap day could be made the best day by going to train
ūüí•Think of where you have come from and how far you have come
Some images of me this year (first image). And also me either overweight, repressing some serious symptoms of depression and anxiety and hating myself. Family, Friends, ‚̧ԳŹ and the gym helped me want to get better. ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ #personaltrainer #pt #manchester #manchesterfitness #fitness #training #coach #failsworth #cfns #oldham #tameside #crossfituk #strong #weightlifting #gains #weightloss #movewell #gym #nutrition #health #healthy #happy #progress #goals #results #mentalhealth #mind #anxiety #depression @ CrossFit Northern Soul
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Getting stronger isn‚Äôt all about PB‚Äôs, looking hench or sharing IG posts. . . It‚Äôs moving for longer ‚̧ԳŹ .... Performing everyday tasks well ‚̧ԳŹ Opening a jar first time.... to taking the shopping to the house in one go .... to carrying your kid up to bed ūü§∑‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹ . . Be strong for life ūüí•ūüí™ ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ- #personaltrainer #pt #manchester #manchesterfitness #fitness #training #coach #failsworth #cfns #oldham #tameside #crossfituk #strong #weightlifting #gains #weightloss #movewell #gym #nutrition #health #healthy #happy #progress #goals #results
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Sisters smashing it ‚̧ԳŹ . . Both training and sorting their nutrition to smash their goals ūüí™ūüí™ūüí™ ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ-... #personaltrainer #pt #manchester #manchesterfitness #fitness #training #coach #failsworth #cfns #oldham #tameside #crossfituk #strong #weightlifting #gains #weightloss #movewell #gym #nutrition #health #healthy #happy #progress #goals #results
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Client @jezza90x looking lean, mobile and strong ūüí™ . . Happy Monday guys, get after it!! ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ #personaltrainer #pt #manchester #manchesterfitness #fitness #training #coach #failsworth #cfns #oldham #tameside #crossfituk #strong #weightlifting #gains #weightloss #movewell #gym #nutrition #health #healthy #happy #progress #goals #results #mondaymotivation


Partner Work outs/Buddy sessions ūüŹÉūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹūüŹÉūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹ . Great way to push yourself (don‚Äôt want to let your buddy down)
Support each other to get through the work out
... Play to each other’s strengths
Listen to each other
If you mess something up, laugh about it together and take the mick ūüėā
Example of 2 working well together this morning ‚̧ԳŹ Danny and Ant @rockchoireastmanchester ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ #personaltrainer #pt #manchester #manchesterfitness #fitness #training #coach #failsworth #cfns #oldham #tameside #crossfituk #strong #weightlifting #gains #weightloss #movewell #gym #nutrition #health #healthy #happy #progress #goals #results #gymbuddy #partnerworkout
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When you get to team with not only your gym fam but one of your PT clients ‚̧ԳŹ . . The best day. Thank you @leannemurphy92 @maria_idle_hands #strongladies ... . ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ #personaltrainer #pt #manchester #manchesterfitness #fitness #training #coach #failsworth #cfns #oldham #tameside #crossfituk #strong #weightlifting #gains #weightloss #movewell #gym #nutrition #health #healthy #happy #progress #goals #results @londinj ūüď∑ @cfsaddleworth ūüŹčÔłŹ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹ
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CrossFit Competitions .... why? . . Test of your fitness ūüí• A good set of hard work outs ūüí•... Hold yourself accountable ūüí• Something to train towardsūüí• Meet new peopleūüí• Have a laugh with your matesūüí• See what your true potential is when pushed ūüí•
. Why do you do CrossFit comps? ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ #personaltrainer #pt #manchester #manchesterfitness #fitness #training #coach #failsworth #cfns #oldham #tameside #crossfituk #strong #weightlifting #gains #weightloss #movewell #gym #nutrition #health #healthy #happy #progress #goals #results #crossfitcompetition #ukcrossfit #crossfituk #crossfitgirls @crossfest_uk ūüď∑
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More about Clh Fitness

Clh Fitness is located at crown street, m359bg Manchester, United Kingdom