
About Co-Kinetic

Save yourself time and money with our ready-made marketing content and continuing education resources for physical and manual therapists.

Co-Kinetic Description

Co-Kinetic is an online hub of business growth and professional development resources for physical and manual therapists.

We create lead-generating social media, lead collection pages with a corresponding lead magnet & email nurture sequences to help physical therapists and massage therapists win more clients. We also write a monthly blog post for you to publish on your website. . . PLUS a whole lot more!



So this image shows the three lead magnets we produced for this campaign (Hangover Smashing Smoothies, Hangover Food Super-Heroes and Booze Busters). The Festive Follies Survival Strategies is the 2-page newsletter. In reality you can do whatever you want with these resources.
They all include areas where you can add your own branding. If you want to see them in the flesh so to speak, you can follow the journey your prospective clients would take by visiting my lead generation page here‚Ä ¶


Well, it does what it says on the tin!


As an enthusiastic wine drinker, the story this infographic image tells is very pleasing :-) In fact, I'm almost considering moving to France!


We actually used this as a Christmas card a couple of years ago, when kinesio tape was at a popularity high. It reinforces an application of therapy in a topical way.


Whiteboard animations or explainer videos as they're often also called, get some of the best engagement rates as well as providing a fun variation in media-type in your social media feed. We provide you with the raw MP4 file, so if you have video-editing skills (or you have kids who do) you can also add your logo to the end of the video!
You can also feature these videos directly on your website to increase engagement on your site and post them to other social networks like YouTube of Vimeo if you have these set up. Video is king at the moment, so I really encourage people to take advantage and make good use of the videos we supply with each of our campaigns.‚Ä ¶


A key part of any gift campaign involves vouchers and gift certificates, so we designed those for you as part of this campaign.


Most of our campaigns focus on generating email leads and then giving you resources to gently move these new (and existing) email leads towards becoming a paying customer because our focus is very much about keeping a low 'sales' profile on your behalf.
However occasionally, when the time is right, there's nothing wrong with being a bit more direct in your sales approach, as long as this is the occasion rather than the rule.
Christmas is a good time to make the most of this opportunity, as are other seasonal events like Valentines' day and other national celebrations. We created this campaign for Christmas and it specifically promotes the 'Give the Gift' message. More to follow....


When it gets a little technical we like to reference the facts and figures included in our infographics. We are historically a publisher of professional education for physical and manual therapists, so the integrity and accuracy of our content is paramount.
And this very much still goes for the content we create for you, that's consumer-facing. The more reputable the content we create, the better it is for you, your brand, reputation and authority.


So one of the other pieces of content we create on your behalf each month, is a 2 page colour newsletter. You can print it out from your home/office printer and we also provide it in high resolution if you want to have it printed professionally.
It's surprisingly cheap to do this, in the UK you can get 100 copies of a 2-sided colour A4 leaflet like this, printed for as little as £22. They're great to distribute through your clinic, in your waiting room areas and even through local businesses partners. It's completely focused on adding value, there's nothing salesy in the content.
However, there is an area at the bottom of each newsletter where you can add your own branding and contact details which makes it an amazingly cost-effective marketing resource.


One of the great things about infographic images, is they're eye-catching. As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. If you want to explore the rest of the contents of this lead generation marketing campaign you can check it out here ies


With each post that goes out from our system, we give you suggested text that you can copy and paste into the actual text box that gets published. You don't have to use our suggested text, it's just there to save you time.
In fact if you do use it, it'll take you less than 5 minutes to set a campaign of around 25 social media posts going (I did it in 4 minutes 22 seconds in this video
But of course, if you fancy yourself as a copywriter and you creative juices are flowing, then you can edit or write each from scratch too.


The goal of your social media posts is to generate new email leads of prospective customers for you (or at least it should be, because it's the best way of getting a real ROI from your social media efforts). We do this by offering some high value content (lead magnets) which the people reading your social media pages are keen to download.
Unless you choose to remove the link, each post that is sent out from our marketing system contains a link to a page which gives more deta...ils about this resource and a form (the page has your branding on it). When they complete the form they're taken to another page where they can download this resource. And that new lead is collected in your Co-Kinetic account (and sent over to Mailchimp if you've connected the accounts).
The image in this post, is the page they reach when they've filled out that form, and where they can download the resources for the Festive Follies campaign. They click on the red stars in the box, and each resource pops up as a downloadable/printable PDF. If you want to try it out yourself, here's the link to my page‚Ä ¶
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The goal of a big picture infographic is to tell a story. We break our infographics into individual images, a bit like scenes in a movie.
And they are great individually, but as with the very best things, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts - see for yourself here…/booze-bust ers-in-numbers-infog…


A good lead magnet is something people want to get their hands on, and this is proving to be one of our best ones yet.
As you probably know by now, we create these lead magnets for you, put them behind an email collection form, and use them to collect new leads for your business. We track which social media posts generate the most new leads for you. And this one is proving popular :-)
If you want to see how the process would work for your clients, you can visit my lead collection page at the following link‚Ä ¶


Want to know how we put our infographics together? Well the first step is that my in-house physio does the research and sends me (also a physio by training) a bunch of facts and figures she thinks will make good visuals.
I then go through her file, cut some stuff, add to other sections and start to visualise in my head what the story is that we're going to tell, and how we're going to tell it.
Once I've finished meddling, I send it to two other health care professionals (th...ey vary from month to month) who then peer-review our efforts. After a bit of nagging, I eventually get it back, at which point my designer and I get down to the nitty gritty.
It's a lot of work, but when my designer finishes the full version, it's SO well worth it....and hopefully you guys think so too!…/booze-bust ers-in-numbers-infog…
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Educational, doesn't have to mean boring. We work really hard to create content that not only boosts your reputation but also makes you more approachable from a digital perspective.
Let's face it, most of us have the odd hangover here and there, and our goal is to create lead magnets that will work hard for you in generating new email leads, while also adding value to the reader AND demonstrating your authority.
The key component is building trust and adding value. You can explore this campaign in more here ies


One of the other advantages of using infographic data is that it's a great way of demonstrating knowledge and expertise. It aligns well with the trust and responsibility that people look for in health care practitioners.
You can explore the content in this campaign in more detail at this link…/booze-bust ers-in-numbers-infog…


Sometimes we look for images that are just going to be eye-catching and help you promote the existence of your lead magnets. This is one of those. To explore the campaign in more detail, I put an interactive image together on this page ies


The idea of the social media we create on your behalf is three fold: 1. To look engaging and exciting 2. To be interesting - that could mean educational, informative or just fun (or all of the above) 3. And to be something people want to share
... Which is why infographic images work so well. You can check out the full monty at this link…/booze-bust ers-in-numbers-infog…
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Tor's article on marketing in the July printed edition was brilliant. The timing was fantastic as I have recently graduated from my level 5 prof dip in sports massage and am setting up my therapy business now. I feel like the article (13 steps to a thriving therapy business) has removed the intimidation that I was feeling towards establishing an online present. I'm not somebody who is particularly techy but now feel empowered to get started on the way to a decent website and the steps beyond that the I wouldn't otherwise have considered. Thanks Tor, Wordpress here I come!


There is so much useful information contained here, from clinical CPD through to marketing guides which even a technophobe like me can get to grips with. Tor and her team do an awesome job!


The Co-Kinetic journal is an important tool for staying up to date personally and for my teaching team. I love the summaries and my favorite section is the 'top ten most talked about research papers' I need to make better use of the PDF downloads for my patients because these are also a great additional resource. Keep up the great work Co-Kinetic, we are relying on you.


Invaluable source of information. The resources are well thought out and so great to know there is a whole bunch of high quality research in one place! Thank you!


I have been a subscriber of Sportex/co-kinetic from the very beginning and it has progressed and evolved as the sports medicine/sports therapy field has, it has helped me as a physiotherapist keep up to date with the very latest research in this area as well excellent articles written by experts from all sections of sport injury management.


Highly Recommend Co-Kinetic! Tor and co. do an Awesome job!!


Fantastic resource throughout learning and clinic practice


Fantastic resource in every way! Up to date, interesting and informative literature which is now easily transformed into a smart and effective marketing tool for my business. Great for individual CPD and amazing for business development. I use the marketing tool for face book posts, blogs and also for Pateint information hand outs. It also helped me for a 10 minute presentation for a business conference on Tennis elbow. Thank you Co-Kinetic for making accessing information and marketing in healthcare so much easier!


Tor's article on marketing in the July printed edition was brilliant. The timing was fantastic as I have recently graduated from my level 5 prof dip in sports massage and am setting up my therapy business now. I feel like the article (13 steps to a thriving therapy business) has removed the intimidation that I was feeling towards establishing an online present. I'm not somebody who is particularly techy but now feel empowered to get started on the way to a decent website and the steps beyond that the I wouldn't otherwise have considered. Thanks Tor, Wordpress here I come!


There is so much useful information contained here, from clinical CPD through to marketing guides which even a technophobe like me can get to grips with. Tor and her team do an awesome job!


The Co-Kinetic journal is an important tool for staying up to date personally and for my teaching team. I love the summaries and my favorite section is the 'top ten most talked about research papers' I need to make better use of the PDF downloads for my patients because these are also a great additional resource. Keep up the great work Co-Kinetic, we are relying on you.


Invaluable source of information. The resources are well thought out and so great to know there is a whole bunch of high quality research in one place! Thank you!


I have been a subscriber of Sportex/co-kinetic from the very beginning and it has progressed and evolved as the sports medicine/sports therapy field has, it has helped me as a physiotherapist keep up to date with the very latest research in this area as well excellent articles written by experts from all sections of sport injury management.


Highly Recommend Co-Kinetic! Tor and co. do an Awesome job!!


Fantastic resource throughout learning and clinic practice


Fantastic resource in every way! Up to date, interesting and informative literature which is now easily transformed into a smart and effective marketing tool for my business. Great for individual CPD and amazing for business development. I use the marketing tool for face book posts, blogs and also for Pateint information hand outs. It also helped me for a 10 minute presentation for a business conference on Tennis elbow. Thank you Co-Kinetic for making accessing information and marketing in healthcare so much easier!

More about Co-Kinetic