Coggin Sketchbook

About Coggin Sketchbook

My name is Sara. I explore the 🌍 and draw places people love
🌻DM to collaborate with me🌻
⬆️ check out my website



Sketchbook pages | I'm on a bus winding around these lanes. Past every corner I keep seeing my dream house: slate roof, colourful shutters, palm trees and a glimpse of craggy coast and blue sea behind. This bus is free. It runs every Tuesday and Friday morning. Everyone who gets on the bus says hello to everyone else and when they leave they say goodbye in the same way. My french is really coming along. "Bonjour!!!" I say. I don't understand all of the conversations but I'm smiling and nodding a lot.


Sketchbook pages | Yesterday I saw a toddler being carried down the street. He was looking around at the city and pointing at everything excitedly. The buildings! The cars! The people! The balconies!!! He was so amazed and delighted at what he was seeing that he couldn't help wriggling in his father’s arms and smiling at everyone he saw. It was early evening and it’s early summer and everyone in the street was happy to be heading home from work, even the people who were rushing or stressed felt a little bit better just for being outside, surrounded by the noise and the orange glow and the clear sky and the palm trees and the gentle heat and the thought of a cold beer waiting for them in a full plaza at the end of their journey. @ Barcelona, Spain


Sketchbook pages| From the week in the sand filled car in Uruguay and from being flung around in my bag, wherever I go, everyday, there is literally mud and dust and pasta sauce as well as ink and paint smudges splattering these pages, amongst the tickets and receipts stuck down with tape that is starting to curl at the edges. This is STEP 1. I’m making pretty postcards on separate pieces of paper and there will also be some digital prints that will be clean and nice, pattern...s extracted from the sketches and chaos (that will be STEP 2) For now, around the smudges and stains I’m drawing more and more lines, hoping to accurately depict the images that I keep in my head and on my camera roll. I’m realising, however, that the pages won’t be accurate depictions, it’s a sketchbook not a video streamed live from my brain. However, hopefully, on the journey from my eyes to my brain to my pen (via my heart and my soul? Maybe, whatever), to your eyes, to your brain, something beautiful or exciting or interesting will happen. I’m going to keep drawing and sharing with you as I go, I hope you will enjoy whatever we uncover.
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I'm back in Barcelona and ready to spend the summer complaining about my sunburn and hiding in shady parks. (Seriously, I'm extremely ecstatic to be back) if you know anyone looking for an arty person to make arty things please take them gently by the hand and point them lovingly in my direction. Always excited for new projects and new people. @ Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya


This old hotel in San Telmo was converted into a gallery and houses the studios and shops of more than 40 artists and craftspeople. We sat on the patio in the middle of all of the workshops until the sun started to set.
“.. una de las principales atracciones de la Galería, para vecinos y turistas, es el bar-restaurante de la planta baja. Allí también suelen juntarse los artistas de la casa para debatir en grandes mesas hasta que arremeten empanadas, vinos y cervezas. Al por estos pasillos, se respira el olor de las paredes recién blanqueadas, se aprecia el verde de las plantas que se extienden de balcón a balcón mediante hilos bien dispuestos."

🌍 🌎 🌏 #illustration #print #travelsketchbook #sketch #sketchbook #postcard #galeriadelviejohotel #santelmo #buenosaires 🌏 🌎 🌍
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Postales para Alana 🇺🇾🇦🇷🇪🇸 @ Jardín Botánico Carlos Thays


Buenos Aires -> Colonia @ Río de la Plata


Buenos Aires -> Colonia @ Río de la Plata


Dangerously incomplete directions | swipe for details and 10 points if you spot the LSP quote @ Buenos Aires, Argentina


Dangerously incomplete directions | swipe for details and 10 points if you spot the LSP quote @ Buenos Aires, Argentina


The endpapers | mark making & warming up @ Buenos Aires, Argentina


I suppose it looks a bit chaotic at ground level.. Me and my paints coming out of hibernation


I arrived in Buenos Aires a few days ago and to be honest I am still a bit overwhelmed. For now I just have this snapshot to share. There will be more drawings, I promise, once I find my way to depict this sprawling, ferocious and beautiful city 🌍 🌍 🌍 #illustration #travelsketchbook #sketch #traveljournal #buenosaires #argentina #continuouslinedrawing


Sometimes travel accidents work out better than anything you could have planned.. Like the time I missed a flight and ended up in Angoulême...


One of my favorite commissions for the birthday of someone who loves to cycle 🚴🚴 To get your own personalised design check out my Etsy shop 😉


The best travel/life advice: IT'S BOUND TO BE A WASTE OF TIME IN THE END SO YOU MIGHT AS WELL GO MAD - Jack Kerouac or someone equally as cool I'm sure


"it's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't know your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." The Lord of the Rings

More about Coggin Sketchbook

Coggin Sketchbook is located at Manchester, United Kingdom