Cogo Uk

About Cogo Uk

The app for conscious consumers.

CoGo makes it easy for you to find businesses that do good for people and the planet.

Available for free on all smartphones, download it today and join the conscious consumer movement!



By carefully choosing what we buy and looking behind the brands, we can choose products that have a positive impact on people and the planet.
Most of us apply ethical parameters to how we live our daily lives, so why should how we spend money be any different?
If you want to start spending in line with your values, check out our free app today 👉 💙✨🌿🌍


"We have 11 years to solve climate change. To stick with the fashion business model as it is at the moment is not fast enough. We need to understand the culture – the systemic part that fashion plays in this."…/6-things-fast-f ashion-has-to-do-urg…


Yesterday was pretty awesome. From 1100 entries we made it to the last 6 startups pitching at Katapult Future Festival in Oslo. We may not have won, but wow, what a great experience! It's always great to spread the word about what we're doing, connect with other tech for good businesses and get further confirmation that what we're doing is wanted and needed. Safe to say that we're feeling pretty happy right now. 🙌 Happy Friday all!


The founders of the ethical and sustainable businesses on CoGo are a treasure trove of knowledge when it comes to sustainable living! Check out some of their top tips in our latest blog post >> -tips


Changing 'business as usual' will require a mix of calling out bad practices and celebrating steps in the right direction, big and small. We think that transparency and access to comparable information allows consumers to make informed decisions about where they spend their money, which is why we're on a mission to make that much easier!…/how-super market-packaging-mak…


Green is the new black! In this week's news we're bringing you: Yoga mats made of cork | Earrings made from skateboard | Refillable beauty | Tips for living more sustainably and more ✨🙌 Read it now > > date-298075 …


We're pumped to be one of 9 firms accepted on to the FCA's Green FinTech Challenge! All those shortlisted have been recognised for developing innovative products and services to assist in the UK’s transition to a greener economy. Find out more and meet the other eight here >> /fintech-challenge


We were delighted to get invited onto BBC radio last Saturday to discuss sustainable and ethical fashion as part of #FashionRevolutionWeek. In the interview, our MD Yossi championed ethical trainers and talked about why we still need more people to adopt a conscious consumer mindset. Listen from 19 minutes. fghhqfss


Are you a marketing professional looking for your next challenge?
Come and join our team at Google for Start Ups and help us take CoGo to the masses!
Be part of a fun team passionate about sustainability and innovation, enjoy a fast moving start up environment and eat up baked goods* provided by our sales and marketing coordinator, Lucy.
... *occasional, but we reckon with some gentle persuasion she could be convinced to bake more!…/109275 01-marketing-and-com…
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Sustainability is so en vogue! We're only just starting out, but we've already made Vogue's list of the best apps to help you live more sustainably. Oh la la.…/the-10-bes t-sustainability-apps


The total number of plastic bottles used at the London marathon is expected to have gone down by over 200,000 this year. This is partly thanks to the introduction of seaweed pouches of water.
The pouches of water, made by Skipping Rocks Lab, have a thin membrane holding the water that’s both edible and tasteless, meaning runners can bite a hole in the capsule, guzzle the water inside, then swallow the cover.
Read more:…/seaweed-water-pou ches-will-handed-l…/…


On the anniversary of the tragic Rana Plaza collapse, our Founder Ben discusses London's contribution to the Fashion Revolution movement. Read the article now on City AM.…/london-leading- way-more-sustainable…


If we act now, we can make a difference!
Huge numbers of people have not given up on the environment. Off-gridders and off-setters, investors and institutions – and countless individuals, cutting their meat intake, installing solar panels, eschewing gas guzzlers and long-haul flights.
Are you one of them?
...…/we-are-no t-doomed-cutting-car…
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Looking to reduce your waste? Then check out these tips from CoGo business owner, Lynn:
“By individually making small changes we can effect great change. Plastic is polluting our countryside and damaging our marine life.
✅Switch from hand wash in a plastic dispenser to a bar of soap. ... ✅Take reusable mesh bags to the supermarket to buy loose fruit and vegetables. ✅Wrap sandwiches and food in reusable beeswax sheets.
These simple everyday sustainable tips will save waste and make us part of the solution.”
- Lynn, Founder of (find out more about them on the CoGo app!) 👏♻️😀
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