Comforting Connections With Vicky Saywell

Monday: 09:00 - 15:00
Tuesday: 21:00 - 15:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 15:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 15:00
Friday: 09:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 17:00
Sunday: -

About Comforting Connections With Vicky Saywell

I am a Psychic Medium, I connect to your energies and guides and provide guidance through angel card, tarot card or photograph readings of passed loved ones.

Comforting Connections With Vicky Saywell Description

I am Comforting Connections' founder Vicky, I am a Psychic Medium and Spiritual Communicator. I have the ability to read photographs of passed loved ones to pass you any messages they may have for you. I also carry out card readings regarding the past, present and future of an area of your live. The information passed i receive during the individual card readings is given to me by the Angels, earth elements and the astrological vibrations.

Each of these processes will be described in more detail in my story. PLEASE NOTE that the services provided by Vicky-Jane as for entertainment purposes only and no liability lies with Vicky-Jane.

Being that I am a trainee studying to gain my certification I am only offering the following services. Once certified there will be other services available.

Although my gifts and abilities are real I do have to for legal reasons emphasise that they are for entertainment purposes only.

Please feel free to ask questions.



Good Afternoon spiritual souls. Please accept my deepest apologies for the lack of online presence and daily readings. I have unfortunately been unwell and unable to provide my high quality readings. I am hoping to spring back slowly over this weekend. As of Monday ALL email readings are on offer for Β£10 or Β£15 for two! Have a lovely weekend.
Namaste Vicky x


Good morning, afternoon and evening to you all. I hope your day has had a wonderful start and continues to be a good one!
From the beautiful Cornwall, UK todays' card has been selected from the Fairy Tarot deck by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine of Hay House Publishing.
Todays card and message is as follows;
Todays cards initial message is to respect past traditions and to consider both new and old ways of doing things.
If you are looking for creative ideas or just some new ideas in general then today is a good day for some old fashioned research and advice seeking. By displaying a older fairy teaching two younger fairies in the painting the fairies are advising you to consider old traditional ways, look into them, talk to people old and young about it to accumulate knowledge.
You may be needing to look for some kind of mentor, the fairies are suggesting you find one who is good at what they do, but they follow old and new ways of doing things.
The symbolism of the bird and the insect is to show that there may also be other ways to find your answer or end goal,by thinking outside the box. Consider your choices taking into account any aspect you can before choosing.
The old fairy is holding two keys one gold and one blue. Keys are a sign of trust and integrity, by showing these the fairies are reminding you that no matter what decisions you make, what paths you want to follow to do so with honest and truthful intentions. Your intention is what you manifest, so if your not honest and truthful then you wont be receiving true outcomes.
If you are embarking on a spiritual journey, the message the fairies are giving with this card is to find someone has wisdom of the old and new spiritual practices. Find a spiritual group for support and guidance.
Lastly the fairies are kindly asking you to respect your elders. We would not have the luxuries we have today if not for them.
I hope todays reading has resonated and assisted upi in some form. Have a wonderful day and be sure to thank the fairies for todays guidance.
Namaste Vicky x
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Good afternoon, my apologies for no daily readings. For those of you who did not know I am also an Artisan Artist. Today I have officially launched my new shop on Amazon Handmade πŸ˜€ my products can now be purchased all over the world! So exciting! So for those of you interested please click the link below if you wanted to know a bit more about me, the paintings I create and the way I recycle and upcycle items. I only have limited stock at the moment as obviously it takes a little bit of time in creating them. Much love. Enjoy the rest of your day/afternoon/evening πŸ’œ tions


Good morning, afternoon and evening to you all. I hope your day has had a wonderful start and continues to be a good one!
From the beautiful Cornwall, UK todays' card has been selected from the Angel Tarot deck by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine of Hay House Publishing.
Todays card is ACE OF WATER
... todays card is about reigniting and pastures new!
Today you may find yourself meeting a new person who is going to become very important in your life; either romantically or for friendship. The angels are nudging you to just go with the flow, your intuition knows which path to take you along so trust it and follow with an open heart and mind.
You may find that rather than being someone new, you could be having reignited feelings for a previous partner or an extremely close. If this is the case then you will know the signs and again the angels say go with the flow. Trust in your gut and follow the repetitive signs, but take it slow.
The suit of Water also is a card that signifies the depth of the spiritual aspect of our lives. The Ace represents growth and enhancement. So today you are advised to spend some time practicing and focusing on your intuition and spiritual journey.
As you can see the merman in the picture is reaching for the cup full of water, this represents you reaching for a fresh begining, a new body of liquid you want to absorb. The same being of enhancement and growth, fill yourself with the freshness of spiritual essence.
Also notice although the merman is 99% submerged into the water, he still has the tip of his tail out in the open, above the water. This is a message to stay grounded and keep your mind firm on where you are now when embarking on something new.
When working with your spirituality, ensure you are grounding and protecting yourself before and after doing so. Call on your guides and angels to provide you with divine and angelic protection.
So today is definitely about moving forward! I wish all of you the best of luck on anything this card resonates to for you.
Have a lovely day. Namaste Vicky x
Private email readings available
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Good morning, afternoon and evening to you all. I hope your day has had a wonderful start and continues to be a good one!
From the beautiful Cornwall, UK todays' card has been selected from the Angel Tarot deck by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine of Hay House Publishing.
Todays Card is the PAGE OF EARTH πŸ’šπŸŒ
... Today is all about change and positive news regarding financial matters (no you are not going to win the lottery!) Or your career path.
If you have been waiting for some financial news, then this card indicates today could be the day to receive that news. Start the day off with a positive affirmation of "My financial situation WILL improve or change" and keep this thought with you today. Positive thoughts bring positive avenues into your life.
If you have been considering a new career path or returning to study, then today is a day to look into this more closely.
The pink energy the butterflies are starting to encase the beautiful fairy in is an indication that new beginings and change. If you feel a change coming on, then go with the flow. Follow your hearts desire and your life will begin to change.
You may already be studying and have decided you would like to either learn something new or something more challenging, then go for it!! However the angels also inform me that some of you LOVE to study and learn new things, however you may be taking on too many avenues of study and will actually need a proverbial 'kick up the rear end' to get you to actually do the work that follows the reading! So for now put your books away and finish what you have already started. Then move onto something new.
The angels are telling you to today is only full or joy and happiness, this is illustrated by the blue butterflies flying around in the picture. The stars in the fairies wings and the sky are there for you to wish upon, so focus on the picture and make your wish!
Wishes DO come true when you least expect it, so place your wish and then have faith that your guides and angels are there listening and will work their hardest to help this wish come true. Your faith is what gives them the power to work on this for you. They are there to serve you as best as they can, however they can only do so if you ASK!
So today is about change, wishes and positive outcomes. Keep positive and wishing for that of which you really desire.
I hope todays card has helped or assisted you today. Enjoy the rest of your day.
Namaste Love Vicky x
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Good morning, afternoon and evening to you all. I hope your day has had a wonderful start and continues to be a good one!
From the beautiful Cornwall, UK todays' card has been selected from the Angel Tarot deck by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine of Hay House Publishing.
The Angel's and the universe must have lots into say today as two cards have jumped from the deck. The first card being;
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Beautiful products, would make great Christmas gifts. X


Amazing work by the amazing Hayley πŸ’œ


Good morning, afternoon and evening to you all. I hope your day has been wonderful so far and continues to be a good one!
From the beautifully sunny Cornwall, UK todays card has been selected from the Fairy Tarot deck by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine of Hay House Publishing.
... The BIGGEST message I have to pass on today is that "the world is your oyster" and "well done for your achievements".
Todays card is all about opportunities and achievements. So as they saying goes "carpe diem", today is the day to take opportunities that may be offered to you.
Today is also the day that you should give yourself a huge pat on the back and a round of applause, you have achieved something for yourself! If you have been going through a rough time, then todays card is indicating you have either completed that journey and have survived when you really didn't think you would or that as from today things will start to smooth out and be less bumpy.
Reaching an end goal no matter how small is a big achievement, your guides and the Faires are telling you to look back at what you have achieved and know that you are capable and have the power to succeed.
When looking at your next venture or idea, think BIG! Be fearless in choosing and dont be afraid to push yourself.
Todays card also reflects your spiritual development, as you see the fairy on the card looks like she is bursting towards you. This is indicating you have or will make some sort of break through in your path to enlightenment. It can indicate that you are seeing repetitive signs or having repetitive thoughts. These are your guides and fairies are showing you that you are on the right path and to continue on it, feel joy in your heart whilst doing so.
Overall todays message is positive, move towards goals, feel good for achieving them no matter how small. Finally follow the signs!
I hope you enjoyed todays reading and it resonates with you in some way and assists you in having a more peaceful day.
Namaste Vicky x
Private email readings starting from Β£10.
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Good morning, afternoon and evening to you all. I hope your day has had a wonderful start and continues to be a good one! πŸ’œπŸ˜€πŸ€—
From the beautifully sunny Cornwall, UK todays card has been selected from the Angel Tarot deck by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine of Hay House Publishing.
Ace of Earth. πŸŒπŸ’š
... What an amazingly positive card for everyone today! Today is a day of luck and abundance for us all.
Today we will all see some form of abundance flowing into our lives today, this isn't necessarily meaning money! It will be the Abundance of love and support from others, if you are needing some.
It will be possibly in the form of a new business venture taking off, promotion at work or just some good news in general. Today is also the day you may receive some important documents you have been waiting for, the Angel's are popping 'divorce papers' or similar into my connection today. Maybe you'll receive a certificate or important letter.
When looking into the number of this card within the tarot deck, it relates to the number 65. Your guides, Angel's are using the number 65 to encourage you to think about how you relate to money and change this view, in doing so will bring you more joy into your life.
The fairy on the card is all bright in her gold colour set against the autumn background, this is illustrating that the begining of autumn is coming and this is when your abundance will most likely surface.
This card also suggests that there is a new door to venture through but showing steps leading to a spot of green light! This is your GO light, meaning go for it. Take the steps but consider each step carefully as you proceed. Go through with an open mind.
Follow all new ideas that step festering in your mind, the angels are saying "you never know until you try. Keep your thoughts and energy vibes positive, you CAN do this, just have some confidence in your own abilities."
So todays card ultimately is a good luck message! I hope todays card has resonated with you and helps you have an enjoyable, lovely day.
Namaste Vicky x
Private email readings available.
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Good Morning, Good Afternoon and Good Evening!
I hope you are all having a wonderful day today, in the UK the sunshine is out and it's a beautiful start to the day. Unlike my day, after a technical glitch my write up of today's card has disappeared. Due to the way my ability works once the message is typed up it is no longer in my head πŸ˜• so today's card reading is very brief from what I can remember.
Today's card was taken from the Angel Tarot Deck by Doreen Virtue and Radl...eigh Valentine of Hay House Publishing.
Queen Of Earth;
Be kind to those you love and make sure you make time for them in your busy schedules, life is too short to miss out. Just have a think about someone you know who is having issues and understand that although you KNOW their situation, these is also a whole lot you unaware of.
Any challenges you face or decisions you have to make then step back and really think about it before jumping straight on it. This card represents success so if your worrying you are on the wrong path, the Queen assures you that you are not! Your path is EXACTLY where you should be.
The Queen is a brilliant manager of her time and anot amazing multi tasked, by pulling this card the Queen is congratulating all the women out there (sorry gents) for being efficient and excellent in your own ways of managing your career children and as a spouse and still have time to spend helping others!
The Queen also represents abundance and in this case she is highlighting to you its about finances today. You may be in a great financial position but you like the luxuries in life, the Queen suggests that you possibly need to stop spending or giving so frivolously and be prepared like the Queen with some money left in her pot for a rainy day.
I hope today's card has resonated with you and helped you along your way now matter how little.
Have a lovely weekend, Namaste Vicky x
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Todays cards were pulled from the Fairy Tarot card deck by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine from Hay House Publishing.
Two cards have popped out today, they are the Queen of Winter and the Six of Winter. I πŸ₯ΆπŸ‘Έ
Your messages for today are;
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Good Morning! Have a lovely day, daily reading coming up πŸ˜€


Saturday 7th September 2019.
Todays' card has been taken from the lovely Angel Tarot by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine of Hay House Publishing.
Ace of Earth πŸ’šπŸ΅
... Todays card is focusing on Abundance.
Moat people think of finances and money when it comes to the word 'abundance', however it isn't always about the money!
Abundance can mean a gift, an inflow of positive energy and spiritual growth. It can also mean dreams or ideas you have may be coming true. You just have to have faith a d hope to manifest your ideas and dreams.
The gift you may receive today could come totally unexpected, it could be the answer you have been eagerly waiting for! Or something totally out of the blue happens.
If you do have random ideas pop into your head today, be sure to focus and follow them. This is your guides way of helping you towards what you would like to achieve.
Today you may find yourself being introduced to new people, little do you know that this is the universes way of helping you achieve your end goal. Be sure to pay attention to who and what this person is connected to as it will be of some benefit to you, especially if your thinking of just starting a new business venture or looking for a new type of contract for work or similar.
The fairy in todays card seems very focused on the orb gift she has received, this is showing you that when you put your mind to things and focus on them success starts to happen for you.
The card is showing autumn colours, which are very fitting for our time at the moment. Be assured life and opportunities will flow well in the coming months.
This card is also one that symbolises spiritual growth, manifestation and spiritual concern for others. If you feel you need to help someone in need then do so. A little kindness goes a long way, be their for your friends and family no matter what they are going through or asking advice for.
Be sure to connect with nature and your surroundings more and more. This will help ground you and pull your spiritual energy along the right path.
I hope todays card reading has resonated and assisted you in one way or another. Enjoy your weekend.
Thanks for reading and feel free to share with your friends.
Namaste Vicky X
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Good Morning all, I hope you are all having a wonderful start to this dull day. Xx

More about Comforting Connections With Vicky Saywell

Monday: 09:00 - 15:00
Tuesday: 21:00 - 15:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 15:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 15:00
Friday: 09:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 17:00
Sunday: -