Community Colab

About Community Colab

We're a social enterprise working with individuals, groups and organisations wanting to explore new ways of engaging, meeting and collaborating

Community Colab Description

We're a social enterprise working with individuals, groups and organisations wanting to explore new ways of engaging, meeting and collaborating



#Transform the way you gather and share complex information within and from meetings, events, organisations and trainings you take part on. Learn and practice your listening and sense making skills to create better results in your life and work. Only 5 (full price) spaces left on this unusually affordable #GraphicFacilitation workshop which usually costs ££££ and don't happen very often! #Bristol Hamilton House Dec 6-7th 9-5pm with a special guest from Colombia: Zulma from Pataleta, Brought to you by Community CoLab #ArtofHosting #GraphicRecordingTraining #VisualThinking #VisualHarvesting #UK


Friends and beyond (please share), I am very pleased to announce the launch of this Graphic Facilitation training Community CoLab is putting on with the amazing Zulma Patarroyo from Pataleta coming all the way from Colombia to share with us the power of #GraphicFacilitation which can help us (regardless of our artistic) capacity to transform complex ideas and information into visual language that can enable better listening, learning, understanding, collaboration and action. ...No more long minutes for meetings and fat documents no one reads our understands.
Through this training you will:
Explore a range of diverse visual tools you can apply to your learning, project, business or organisation.
Re-connect with your natural ability to comprehend and speak with images.
Communicate ideas in a concise and powerful way through simple and impactful images.
Make your workshops and meetings more productive, participatory, engaging and memorable.
​Learn a number of tools you can apply to your work, studies or personal life immediately.
And much more!!!
10% Early Bird discount if you sign up before the 12 of November
To register you must do so via our website: -introduction-to-g…
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This event is now fully booked with the most amazing and diverse group of people and looks like we will be running another one in partnership with Bristol City Council in a couple of months.... so if this interests you, sign up to our mailing list via our website to be on the loop.


Hey folks we are now fully booked with an amazing and diverse group of 30 participants! We are beginning conversations about another training in Bristol by the end of the year. Also we will soon be launching: An Award L2/L3 in Community Organising A Practical Introduction to Graphic Facilitation And plenty of opportunities for connection with wonderful humans!
... If you missed out now, don’t miss out twice.... sign up to our mailing list on our website to be on the loop!
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This is bound to be great!


Our last Introduction To Community Organising training this year and only a few spaces left.... pay as you feel build your capacity to engage and activate communities whilst connecting to other people who know a better world is possible if WE make it happen.


Early bird discount of 10% For this practical facilitation and participatory leadership training finishes tomorrow Sept 10th. Sign up and pay tomorrow by midnight to get the early bird..... spaces are flying and the mix of participants is really amazing, you will leave with powerful, tools, insights and connections


If you have been thinking about, but not daring to give life to that project waiting to happen then this is for you! A great opportunity facilitated by Jamie Pike


Many of us experience network meetings where it feels like very little changes, where conversations feel more like debates, and invitations to participate and take part turn out to be something all together different. Instead the real conversations take place in the hallways and in the spaces between our meetings.
Individually we are doing great work, but are we harnessing our collective potential?
The Art of Hosting as a practice has played a significant role in my way of being, working and collaborating over the last 6 years since I had the privilege of training in it. I am very excited about bringing this to Bristol and sharing it with people who want to explore new ways of designing spaces for conversation, projects and organisations.
THE PURPOSE OF THIS TRAINING: ​The purpose of this training is to offer tools, models and practices to think through how conversations, networks and organisations can become really participatory, self organising, purpose driven, insightful and effective. ​ The Bristol Social Action Hub also wants to seed the creation of a self-organised network of community organisers, community development practitioners and activists across bristol bringing together those who are aware that the exponentially growing complexity of our present time invites us to explore new ways of working and collaborating beyond our egos and silos, and the best way to this is by entering into conversation, exploring new and better ways to connect with ourselves, each-other and our challenging environments at a deeper level.
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WHY NOW? Many of us experience network meetings where it feels like very little changes, where conversations feel more like debates, and invitations to participate and take part turn out to be something all together different. Instead the real conversations take place in the hallways and in the spaces between our meetings.
Individually we are doing great work, but are we harnessing our collective potential?
...Continue Reading


Are you looking for better ways to motivate people to get involved in your community or organisation? Are you bothered about what’s going wrong in society? Do you want to bring people to work together to make a change?
Our training will help you start to understand how to listen to people using open ended questions, understand your community and motivate people to take action for a better community.
Community Organising is the work of bringing people together to take acti...on around their common concerns and overcome social injustice. Community Organisers reach out and listen, connect and motivate people to build their collective power.
“We believe that Community Organising has the potential to significantly enhance and strengthen the relationship between individuals, communities, and the institutions and organisations that serve them.”
Our one day training course introduces you to the core foundations of community organising – genuine, effective listening which sparks dialogue and explores motivations, an analysis of power in community and how to build it, and an exploration of how to organise and motivate people to take effective action together to address common concerns.
If you’re keen to start organising in your community and learn more, there are more one-day courses available focusing on specific aspects of the process, and accredited Award and Certificate qualification courses for those who want to go even deeper into the theory and practice of community organising through The Bristol Social Action Hub
“Through community organising the realisation of individual potential and the creation of self-determining communities go hand in hand.”
Come along to the training and further your potential at the same time as finding out how to motivate others in your community.
For details and to register, please visit tion-hub.html
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Work for a great organisation doing amazing work and as part of a lovely team


How can we build meaningful relationships that have real impact to bring about lasting change?
We are glad to invite you to Tools for Meaningful Connections, an intensive and practical two day training to reinforce your capacity to lead group dialogue, make deeper connections, explore issues that matter to your community and build the network that will sustain action.
Explore how to work with collective intelligence, diversity, complexity and conflict... Learn how to design and facilitate large groups using a suite of powerful conversation tools Practice Circle, Open Space, World Cafe, Appreciative Inquiry, Design For Wiser Action
You can find out more following this link -meaningful-conver…#
We are four community organisers with diverse backgrounds and experiences creating a tool set to make organising, facilitating and leading groups more powerful, dynamic, fun and effective.
We would love to welcome your community work experiences to enrich the collective learning on Tuesday 2 and Wednesday 3 of July at St Christopher's Church, Nottingham, NG2 4AL.
This workshop was initially priced between £200- £300, however as we want to invite diversity, we are keen to not have a fee, and ask you to make a contribution to costs on the day. Pay as you feel, trusting in the generosity and synchronicity of rightful economy.
We are looking forward to hear from you, so please let us know how we can make this happen together.
Warm regards
Georgina, Fausto Jose and Paulette. -meaningful-conver…#
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This organisation is getting to the roots of issues and helping people to change things , just what we need in our communities . Deasy Bamford


Great training, focused on enabling real participation for real change. Bullshit-free!


Coming from a country where community cohesion is a natural part of life, Jose has a good template to work with. Very important work, keep it up!


A door open to transformation of people and the networks they live in...


This organisation is getting to the roots of issues and helping people to change things , just what we need in our communities . Deasy Bamford


Great training, focused on enabling real participation for real change. Bullshit-free!


Coming from a country where community cohesion is a natural part of life, Jose has a good template to work with. Very important work, keep it up!


A door open to transformation of people and the networks they live in...

More about Community Colab

Community Colab is located at Bristol, United Kingdom