
About Compass

Compass is the home for everyone who wants to be part of a more equal, democratic and sustainable future.

Compass Description

Compass is the home for everyone who wants to be part of a more equal, democratic and sustainable future.



21st-Century Power: the state, citizens and civil society. Live from The Foundry, Vauxhall. With Lisa Nandy MP, Matthew Tayler, Sue Tibballs and Neal Lawson.


Our 21st-Century Power event this evening in London is sold out, but we'll have a live stream here on Facebook, and a recording of the event will be available afterwards.


The Common Platform will bring together thousands of people and hundreds of organisations to build not just the vision and ideas, but the means to build a good society – one that is much more equal, democratic and sustainable. Now is the best time to join the Compass family. Our members will be the first to be consulted on the Platform, and will help steer and steady the project in the months ahead.


"The Common Platform will build a shared vision, programme and set of alliances for a good society; one that is much more equal, sustainable and democratic. Crucially it will combine emerging new practice in civil society and the social economy with creative ideas and policy thinking to build the foundations for social and economic transformation."
This is our new big project for the next few years and we just launched our prospectus for the Common Platform.…/Commo n-platform-prospectu…


"I think that sense of working together to try to break open this dreadful electoral system is something where there is a good deal of agreement."
Listen as Jon Cruddas and Caroline Lucas plus #Richmond Lib Dem council leader Gareth Roberts discuss the #ProgressiveAlliance on BBC Radio 4's The Week in Westminster - starts 19:13 into the recording.


On Thursday people in Wandsworth voted in majority (55%) for progressive candidates. Indeed, even Labour alone got more votes than the Conservatives. Yet, the Tories keep a majority on the local council.
We need a fairer voting system. For that, we need a progressive majority. Until the system is fixed, progressives must work together. Where we don't, Tories benefit.
Labour MPs Clive Lewis and Jon Cruddas are taking this message to their party executive, also calling for the reinstatement of three Surrey members who were expelled last year for supporting a local progressive alliance to unseat Jeremy Hunt.


Where Progressives join forces, Conservatives are removed. Voters in Richmond are making the most of the opportunity the #ProgressiveAlliance offers - third time in a row!


"This year’s local elections are seeing the next chapter of #Richmond’s rise as the hotbed of a new politics: candidates from the #LiberalDemocrats and the #GreenParty are joining forces to put #progressives in charge of Richmond council. Together, they stand a good chance of taking the council from the Tories, collaborating to protect public services and oppose Heathrow expansion."


One year ago today Theresa May called a snap general election and we had to compress our envisaged three-year #ProgressiveAlliance strategy into 51 days. We all know what happened next, because we all came together to make it happen.
We look back with pride, but also with a feeling that a progressive Government was within reach, if it had not been for the tribalism that held back some parties, politicians, leaders on the left from working with others.
Our effort to transform politics and create a good society continues. We're building a #CommonPlatform. Join Compass today, and become a part of it.


Join us on Tue 24 April for a private evening with @lukewrightpoet, @johnharris1969 and others - get your tickets for this special staging of Frankie Vah (plus political chat) here:


Six days left to apply if you want to be part of a select team of office volunteers with us this summer!


Compass is recruiting #volunteers who want to help organise and promote our big event in the summer as well as supporting our wider work on #progressive #politics and #BigIdeas through the #CommonPlatform. Please see here for application details:


East Londoners! Don't miss this debate on #Democracy organised by Compass #Newham. Starts 7.30pm Tue 13 March at East Ham Working Men's Club. With Alexandra Runswick and others. See poster for details!


Powerful words from @ambitiousmamas on the Compass blog #IWD2018 od-society-for-al…/


This new report by Another Europe Is Possible is well worth a read, regardless whether #Corbynism is your favourite flavour of #progressive politics.


A special staging of this exciting performance by Luke Wright + interview and political chat after the show. Tickets are still available for Tue 24 April: h-by-luke-wright-c…


Don't miss this if you're going to the #LibDems conference this weekend!


Sadly our planned event and stall at the Green Party spring conference in Bournemouth will not go ahead due to wintry weather. Wishing friends there a good conference! #GPconf


WOW !!! UK has a Great Plan Here Bravo !!!!

here is The Prosperity Plan for Canada Pls Share with Canadian Friends!!!!asap to Help Canada Reach its Prosperity Package for All,.

(it is a Brilliant Initiative from Our Former Canadian Defense Minister : Honorable Paul Hellyer !!!

pls see more at


Sounds like a plan to me! Let's make a positive social change


More progress together builds strength against the chaotic competition of warring Parties to successfully find solutions to real worldwide challenges.


Labour and Lib Dem leaderships need to get on board with this asap #toriesout #progressivealliance


In the 38 years since 1979 the Tories have been in power for all but 13 years. It looks as if they will soon have another 5 years in which to destroy the welfare state and the British environment.

We need proportional representation to change this. Compass can bring this about. Labour should commit to it. Now.


I've been saying that resistance to the Tories needs to be unified for almost 30 yrs. Time for progressives to work together and defeat this oppressive rule by the rich for the rich.


I'm all for a progressive alliance or a new political party but most of all I want a change in the voting system. For 50 years I've voted in Tory safe seats and so effectively my votes have been worthless.


I wish my local LibDem, Labour and Green would get there collective act together and create the alliance.

NorthEastHampshire has one of the worst ToryBot incumbents, massive majority, overtly fails to represent all his constituents. I may have disagreed with his predecessors party alignment but at least he offered his representation without favour.


I wish every success to the Compass movement, particularly to make proportional representation the norm for UK elections. Political pluralism is healthy, and the smaller parties (and their voters) should have a voice in parliament.


Finally some sense from the political community to provide a viable opposition to a Tory dictatorship.


Essential that there is a progressive voice


As a former member of the Lab campaign for elec,reform(LCER) and a member of it`s national committee,and a member of `Get rid of `em` (GROT) from the early 90`s-hell,showing my age now!- applying such similar tactics in that period( pre-internet campaigning). i have been saying for the greater good of this nations anti--con. majority,we should have been doing this for sometime.Yes, we have perhaps different histories;cultures and even policies(still)but what is the point in having progressive policies,whichever party we ascend from, if none of us are going to be in a position to implement any part of it?. Let`s take this opportunity to stake a claim and a step towards retracting reactionary policies of certain rightist parties,and help build and re-setting a future progressive movement of shared values.


A progressive centrist alliance is the only way forward now.

The Right are united. The opposition to their noxious views and policies has to be united too.


A Progressive Alliance is, to me, the only way forward. Otherwise we will simply return to the unedifying spectacle of two 'dinosaur' parties baying at each other across the 'tar pits' of Parliament.


I support the idea of a progressive alliance, but Labour needs to change and support electoral reform. It doesn't 'own' the left.


I like the idea of working together on a progressive alliance. I see Labour as being the one which most must change, and where the motor must be among Compass members, simply because it is the biggest, richest and most powerful Party. But all of us have our part and I am looking for practical things I can do, as an individual, and also what the Green Party can do to better work towards real change.

More about Compass

Compass is located at 81a Endell Street, WC2H 9DX London, United Kingdom