Compulsive Copy

Writing Service
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About Compulsive Copy

Artist Bios
Press Release Writing
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Copy Writing
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OK, so now that I've battled with Facebook (my God it's complicated to set these pages up!!) and got a few 'likers' I thought I'd kick all this off by sharing a few tips and thoughts. I'll probably kick myself for doing this but here goes.
**How NOT To Write A Band Bio** 1. Unless it is particularly interesting, you don't have to include how you met - why does every band do that? 2. You don't have to write about why you started a band. 'We play crushing vegan black grindcor...e because once when I was 7 my mum accidentally gave all my lego away to the kid next door, and it's the only way I can get all the feelings out'. Don't do that. 3. Do not include every band you've played with ever. Just because you have heard of them, doesn't mean that everyone has. Include maybe 3 or 4 bigger bands (bands that aren't just from your home town) that will do. 4. Do not write pages and pages. A couple of short paragraphs will do. A recent bio I was sent with a release was 3 pages long, nobody will read that.
**How To ACTUALLY Write A Band Bio** 1. How people can contact you - THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!! I would say this is the number one piece of crucial information that people leave out. 2. What you sound like/what influences you. If you don't know, ask someone who will be honest with you and who you trust. 3. If you have done some interesting things as a band, maybe done a tour abroad or been played on the radio, include that, not an essay, a short paragraph will do. 4. Add quotes!!! If people have said nice things about your music, shout about it.
Of course, the easiest thing for you to do would be to drop me a message and I'll write it for you ;) I'll be doing reduced rates for unsigned bands, I know how expensive it can be to get things off the ground in the early days :) x x
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More about Compulsive Copy

Compulsive Copy is located at Leeds