Conference Series

About Conference Series

Meet Inspiring Speakers and Experts at our 3000 + Global Events with over 600 + Conferences, 1200 + Symposiums and 1200 + Workshops on Medical, Pharma, and Eng.

Conference Series Description

Meet Inspiring Speakers and Experts at our 3000 + Global Events with over 600 + Conferences, 1200 + Symposiums and 1200 + Workshops on Medical, Pharma, Enginee



Euro #Oncology Summit October 18-19, 2018 | Amsterdam, Netherlands
... Theme: Fight Together For A #Cancer Free World
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Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Electrochemistry 2018: Biosensors Journal : Volume 7 ========================================= ====== June 11-12, 2018 Rome, Italy Key Topics ========================================= ====== Download Free Ebook : ls?id=_iVmDwAAQBAJ... Theoretical and Computational #Electrochemistry, #Physical and #Analytical Electrochemistry, #Photoelectrochemistry, #Electrochemical Energy, #Sensors, #Organic and Bioelectrochemistry, #Batteries and Energy Storage, Corrosion Science and Technology, #Electronic Materials and Processing, #Carbon #Nanostructures, #Dielectric Science and Materials, Electrochemical Electroless Deposition, Electrochemical #Water Treatment, Electrochemical Surface Science, Electrochemical Engineering, Environmental Electrochemistry, Applied Electrochemistry, Inorganic Electrochemistry, Market Surveillance of Electrochemistry,
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Proceedings of 7th International Conference and Exhibition on Cell and Gene Therapy 2018: Journal of Stem Cell Research & Therapy : Volume 8 ========================================= ====== March 15-16, 2018 London,UK Key Topics : ========================================= ====== Download Free Ebook : ls?id=c71lDwAAQBAJ... #StemCell Therapies, #Cell Culture and #Bioprocessing, #Viral #Gene Therapy, Gene and Cell Therapy for Rare & Common Diseases, #Tissue #Science & #Regenerative Medicine, Molecular Basis of Epigenetics, Clinical Trials on Cell & Gene Therapy, Cell Science and Stem Cell Research, #Bioengineering Therapeutics, Nano Therapy, #Gene Editing Technology, Advanced Gene Therapeutics, Genetics & Genomic Medicine, Ethical Issues in Cell and Gene Therapy, Markets & Future Prospects for Cell & Gene Therapy, Cell Therapy, Gene Therapy, Cell Therapy of #Cardiovascular Disorders, Cell Therapy for #Neurological Disorders, #Regulatory and #Safety Aspects of Cell and Gene Therapy, Commercialization,
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World Congress & Expo on Healthcare_IT August 21-22, 2018 Paris, France
URL: https://healthcareit-expo.healthconferenc
... Theme: Innovative Technologies to Enhance the Current Healthcare Systems
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Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Laboratory Medicine & Pathology 2018: Journal of Diagnostic Pathology: Volume 3 ========================================= ====== June 25-26, 2018 Berlin, Germany Key Topics : ========================================= ====== Download Free Ebook : ls?id=lzlmDwAAQBAJ... #Molecular #Pathology, #Hematology, #Laboratory Management, #Cytogenetics, #Clinical #Microbiology, #Diagnostic Laboratory #Medicine, #Microscopy, #Transfusion #Pathology and #Medicine, #Pediatric Laboratory Medicine, #ClinicalPathology, #Antibiotics in Laboratory Medicine, Clinical Applications of Molecular Biology, Laboratory #Toxicology, Automation in Laboratory Analysis, Quantitative Techniques, Blotting Techniques, #Tissue #Engneering, #Animal #Biotechnology,
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Proceedings of 5th International congress on Infectious Diseases 2018: Journal of of Infectious Diseases and Therapy : Volume 6 ========================================= ====== March 1-2, 2018 Berlin, Germany Key Topics : ========================================= ====== Download Free Ebook : ls?id=hTlmDwAAQBAJ... #Infection and #Immune System, #Host and #Microbial Genetics, Food & Water Borne Infectious diseases, #Microbes and Infections, Host and #Pathogen Interactions, Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Infections Pathogen #Biology, Hemorrhagic Fevers, Inflammatory Infectious Diseases, Vector borne Infectious diseases, #Zoonotic Infectious Diseases, Neglected & Tropical #Infectious diseases, Rare Infectious diseases, Infection prevention & Control, Airborne & Contact Infectious Diseases, #Epidemiology - Infectious Diseases, #Laboratory Diagnosis - Infectious diseases, Health Care - Infectious Diseases,
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International Conference on #Artificial_Intelligence, #Robotics & #IoT August 21-22, 2018 Paris, France
URL: https://artificialintelligence-iot.enggco
... Theme: AI -The Real Race For Future
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Study examines #alcohol's effects on #sexual aggression. #Research


Proceedings of 11th World Bioenergy Congress and Expo 2018: Journal of Fundamentals of Renewable Energy and Applications : Volume 8 ========================================= ====== July 02-04, 2018 Berlin, Germany key Topics: ========================================= ====== Download free Ebook : ls?id=zLxlDwAAQBAJ
... #Biomass, #Biomass feed stocks for #renewable energy generation, Renewable Energy, #Biogas, #Biofuels, Bioethanol, Bioenergy Conversion Methods, #Bioenergy Applications, #Greenenergy and economy, Energy and Environment, Processes for Bioenergy, Solar Energy, Bioenergy Transition, Advances in Renewable #Chemicals, Sustainable Energy, Sustainability and #Climate Change, Biodiesel, #Entrepreneurs Investment Meet
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Proceedings of 6th International Conference and Exhibition on Materials Science and Chemistry 2018: Journal of Material Sciences & Engineering : Volume 7 ========================================= ====== May 17-18, 2018 Rome, Italy Key Topics : ========================================= ====== Download Free Ebook : ls?id=pTlmDwAAQBAJ
... #MaterialsScience and #Chemistry, Materials Science and Engineering, Materials Chemistry in Developing Areas, Materials Synthesis and Characterization, #Analytical Techniques and Instrumentation in Materials Chemistry, Polymeric Materials, #Nanomaterials, Inorganic Materials Chemistry, #Organic Materials Chemistry, #AppliedMaterials Chemistry, Materials Chemistry and #Physics, #Science and Technology of Advanced Materials,
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#Stress during #Pregnancy increases risk of Mood Disorders for Female Offspring. #Research #Pediatric #Women Ref:…/20 18/…/180816101944.htm


Proceedings of 4th International Conference and Expo on Ceramics & Composite Materials 2018: Journal of Material Sciences : Volume 6 ========================================= ====== May 14-15, 2018 Rome, Italy Key Topics : ========================================= ====== Download Free Ebook : ls?id=8gxmDwAAQBAJ... #Ceramics and #Glasses, Advanced #Ceramic Materials, Ceramics and Composites, #Composite #Materials, Ceramic Coatings, Advanced Materials and Technologies, Materials and Innovative Processing Ideas, #Nanostructured Ceramics, Porous Ceramics, #Sintering, #Crystalline Materials, Ceramics Applications, #Bioceramics and #Medical Applications, Functional Ceramics and Inorganics, Ultra-High Temperature Ceramics, Ceramic Compounds: #CeramicMaterials, Ceramics in #Biology and Medicine, Ceramic Industry and Environment, Non-oxide Ceramics, #Nuclear Ceramics, Sols, Gels and #Organic Chemistry, Entrepreneurs Investment Meet, Ceramics Art, Bioceramics and Medical Applications
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Parasitology 2019 invites all the participants from all over the world to attend '6th International Conference on #Parasitology & #Microbiology July 29-30 2019 Amsterdam, Netherlands. which includes prompt keynote presentations, Oral talks, Poster presentations and Exhibitions. Parasitology-2019 is to gathering people in academia and society interested in parasitology to share the latest trends and important issues relevant to our field/subject area. The scientific programme ...of the conference is broad and embraces different research aspects with focus on applied and ecological parasitology, and in particular with a veterinary and medical interest. The conference will include invited speakers, oral presentations, poster session and the young scientist award. With members from around the world focused on learning about parasitology and its advances, this is your best opportunity to reach the largest assemblage of participants from the parasitology community. Conduct presentations, distribute information, meet with current and potential scientists, make a splash with new drug developments, and receive name recognition at this 2-day event.
For more details of the conference please have a glance at our website : /
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8th European Conference on Predictive, Preventive & Personalized Medicine and Molecular Diagnostics August 20-21, 2018 Rome, Italy
URL: https://personalizedmedicine.conferencese
... Theme: Unleashing the novel approaches in advancing #Personalized_Medicine
Email Us: euro-personalizedmedicine@geneticcon
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#Study suggests talking with children from early age could promote language skills regardless of socioeconomic status. #Brain #Medical #Science #Research


Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Food and Beverage Packaging 2018: Journal of Food Processing & Technology : Volume 9 ========================================= ==== July 16-18, 2018 Rome, Italy Key Topics : ========================================= ==== Download Free Ebook : ls?id=skFmDwAAQBAJ... #Food and #Beverage #Packaging, #Food Process Engineering, Food Chemistry, #FoodSafety and #Quality, Sensing Technology, Food #Nanotechnology, #Material #Science & #Technology, Food #Package #Testing, Food Adulteration, Advances in #Packaging, Food and Beverage Marketing, #Robotics Food Packaging, Food Packaging-Environmental Impact, Packaging Methods for Processed Foods, Food Packaging & #Microbial Activity, Food Entrepreneur Investment Meet, Food Analysis, #Baby Food Packaging, #Pharmaceutical Packaging, Canned/Preserved Food Packaging, Sustainable Packaging, Active & Intelligent Packaging,
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Proceedings of 23rd International Conference On Nanomaterials and nanotechnology 2018: Journal of Nanomaterials & Molecular Nanotechnology : Volume 7 ========================================= == March 15-16, 2018 London, UK Key Topics : ========================================= == Download Free Ebook : ls?id=ITtmDwAAQBAJ... #Nanoparticles, #Nano #electronic devices, #Advanced #Nanomaterials, #Nanotechnology applications, Nanomaterials #Safety and regulations:, #Nanoscale materials, Scope of Nanomaterials, Nanomaterials Characterisation and Synthesis, #Nanomedicine, Applications of #Nanomaterials, #Nanotech products, #Nanodevices and Systems, Nanomedical Devices, #Nanozymes, #Biomedical Nanomaterials, Nanomaterials manufacturing technologies, Nanostructures, #Materiomics, Characterization and properties of Nanomaterials,
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Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Theoretical and Applied Physics 2018: Journal of Physical Chemistry & Biophysics: Volume 8 ========================================= ====== July 02-03, 2018 Vienna, Austria. Key Topics: ========================================= ====== Download Free Ebook : ls?id=YWtlDwAAQBAJ... #Lasers and #OpticsComputational #PhysicsMany #Body #Physics #Medical Physics and #BiophysicsBiophotonicsNanophotonics and #Nano DevicesGrapheneSolid State #PhysicsSemiconductor #DevicesSpintronics #Superconductivity #Plasma Physics #Astrophysics Particle PhysicsTheory Of Relativity #Quantum Field TheoryExperimental PhysicsTheoretical PhysicsMagnetism
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13th Euro-Global #Gastroenterology Conference August 20-21, 2018 Rome, Italy
URL: https://europegastroenterology.gastroconf
... Theme: Exploring New Dimensions of Gastroenterology
Email Us:
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The 8th Global Summit on Microbiology and Infectious Diseases” on February 22-23, 2018 at Paris, France, was really excellent in terms of inviting different scholers arround the globe, this conference was a great plateforme for networking and collaboration for pathologist, microbiologist from developed countries. Such conference are helpful for all stakeholders to get together and advance thier knowledge and look forward to make difference.

Just one suggestion that next time it should be larger with lots of expertise would be more useful.

The negative point for me was this that, little bit it was disorganized.


It was very pleasant to be a speaker on the Euro Organic Chemistry 2018.

This conference was perfectly organized. It is important to mention that Euro Organic Chemistry 2018, March 01-03, 2018 London, UK was truly international conference with good possibilities for scientific discussion between researchers from over the world.


I would like to thank the organizing committee very much for inviting me and having had the opportunity to participate with first level researchers motivates me to move forward in the field of research and teaching.

Thank you for believing in my work and in Mexico, I was the only Mexican who stepped on borders. for which I am very grateful.

For this congress I studied English to be able to express myself well.

and I will be happy to be in Denmark in 2018. Again for inviting me and there I will be with much desire


I enjoyed and learned from the conferences I attend and, also I was able to built a relationship with great scientists who attend the conference and I kept contact them since two years. Definitely I encourage scientists, postgraduate students especial the new generation to attend the conference within their area of interest. However, the accommodation was very good, the conference will need more direct management especially with IT people to cover and solve any issues which could arise at any time of the conference presentation.


I attended the ENT conference in Rome 2017 and it was a great experience and I am looking forward to attending more conferences. I have always had no problem in communicating with them by email and they are very supportive. They had experts in hearing issues, tumor research and multiple interesting case reports.

Thank you for inviting me.



Best knowledge information about medicine, it is helpful to again more information in the medical field.


I would like to express my sincere gratitude for inviting me to 4th European Organic Chemistry Congress and for giving me the opportunity to talk about my research work. I can conclude that the conference, in general, was well-organized! Many people from different countries have contributed to interesting presentations and posters and a very good atmosphere for discussion and networking.


Organization ahead of the conference (Vaccines Summit 2018) was professional.

During the conference, the staff was virtually absent, to the point that the chairs had to manage organizational maters that should have been dealt with by the organizers.

Attendance was limited, raising doubts as to the trustworthiness of the count of registered attendees indicated ahead of the conference.

Overall, not a very memorable experience. The only upside was the opportunity to meet a few delegates with whom it will be pleasant and useful to remain in contact.


Euro Midwifery, London November

The conference was very worthwhile and I enjoyed hearing from and learning from others and the opportunity to meet people from different countries.

The only thing is that there weren't many people at the conference (20 people); I think if they had of lowered your prices and also set up deals for groups of people (for example groups from different hospitals/ communites) then it could have been even more a sucess and benefited more people. One delegate told us at the meal the night before that he could have bought 50 people from hs areas of practice and he sugested this but no response from conference perhaps conference series need to rethink this.

Otherwise, it was good and I am glad that I attended.


와 횩시 환쿡솨람 요기 올 띵킹이 있다면 뙁좡 같돠 붜뤼쉡 . 캐ㅆㄺ에요. 일처리 캐썅묫화고 연락도 쪌때 ㅈ째깍째깍 ㄴㄴ임. 쮜금 쑥뽝비 마이 뭐뉘 토해놔라 이쒜리들아 라고 백방으로 전보쳐도 해도 무쓰을모임당.... 등록한게 참.. 소잃고외양간입니다. 잘 알아보고 하시길.. 유유네요..뿬역큐ㅣ 됼로ㅑ보았쫘몰류을껫위다.

I registered ‘2018 7th clinical trial conference’ in chicago(Holiday Inn Chicago O’Hare Area hotel). And I registered accommodation too. (Holiday Inn Chicago O’Hare Area hotel.).

But i want to refund only accommodation fee(750$).

I paid 750$ for accommodation fee by credit card.(150$ x 5night.)

I have to refund until 2018-08-03.

already I sent e-mails to clinicaltrialsconference in a few days ago.

But i didn't receive any answer.

I look forward to your prompt reply. I have no time to lose.


The conference cost was above average. The organisation was poor, with no-one from the organising committee present to open the conference. The moderator of the first session had only been informed that she was the moderator 1 hour prior to the conference commencing. The conference used our institutions’s logos without permission. In my case, they had used the logo of a completely different hospital with a similar name! Many of the speakers didn’t turn up, meaning there were substantial gaps in the programme. I met some lovely, interesting, talented people, but the poor organisation of the conference was a running joke throughout the 2 days.


Scam. Never received my CME so was not reimbursed by my employer. Tried to call and left several messages, when I did get ahold of someone they told me I would receive my CME shortly. I have never heard back from them. Also they screwed up my hotel reservation and I was told I would receive reimbursement within 2 weeks and have not. Most speakers did not show up.


I was sent an invitation letter for a conference by your group. Since I was approved for funding from my school I accepted. I went to a different city to get my visa done. Paid $1300 for flight tickets. Recently I contacted them again to confirm my slot details. Only then they told me the conference was cancelled. Now I am left with $1800 charges that the conference is accountable for and they are unwilling to pay. I am a student I told them this is a very big amount for me and asked them to reimburse. They stopped repying to my emails or answering my calls. Please take care of this ASAP


I signed up for and paid for attendance of the Psychiatry and Somatic Medicine Conference in Brussels in November 2018. I am no longer able to attend and have requested a refund with sufficient notice as per their cancellation instructions. I have sent multiple emails requesting a refund and had no reply to any of these. I am hoping that this message will provoke some response from the organizers but having read the reviews online I am not hopeful.


I really had exact same experience as Mr. Mohammad Abd EI Maaboud. After I request a refund, I have not received any responses from the organization team. I tried to call many numbers, and many of them are unavailable....After a couple of days, they replied they will refund withing 20 working day!!! It is not acceptable...


I have attended the 11th International Hematology and Oncology conference on the 8th and 9th of Nov 2017 Las Vegas. I am sad to say that my experience of attending the conference was less than impressive. I have paid the full expense out of my pocket, as I didn't have a sponsor and spent more than 2000 pounds for the trip and registration. However the conference was not as advertised and it didn't meet the learning and networking opportunity it stated will offer.

On the first day of the conference around 5 people were present in the morning; that had improved to about 10 people in the early afternoon. Overall around 70% of speakers didn't attend on the first day. On the second day there were 15 people in the morning that had dropped to around 10 by the afternoon. Again substantial number of speakers didn't attend. Thus the poster presentation section had to be moved to soon after lunch and the conference had to be concluded early.

I have attended several national and international conferences and I was shocked to find the lack of organization and consistency the conference had been prepared. I had travelled over 10 hours of flight and missing days of work as i was made to believe the conference is a great learning opportunity and not to be missed. But what I found was quite disappointed and unprofessional. I felt I was treated as a foul and wasted my time and money for nothing.

I contacted the program organiser called Alisha Summer when I got back to the UK. After several emails and phone calls she agreed to refund my registration fee in full as they didn't delivered what they had advertised. However a month had gone by and i am still waiting for refund. I have contacted her several times since then but my emails have not been replied too. I don't expect them to keep their word and refund me at all.

Since i complained and highlighted my concerns my picture and details had been removed from the list of presenters who attended and presented in the conference, even though i presented poster and was awarded best poster. However, they still use details of presenters who didn't attend the conference to advertise the next conference and give credibility to their conference .

I feel Conference-series is a money making conference and absolutely waste of time and money attending it. They will never address concerns and complaints afterwards. They don't even reply emails once they have taken your money. I would never have paid and/or attended the conference if i had known, thus i thought to inform others so that they will not make the same mistake i had made and would not waste their money or time. DON'T BELIEVE WHAT YOU READ ON THEIR WEBSITE!!


I had registered for the 7th International Conference on Climate Change and Medical Entomology in Dubai on 15-16 October. But due to unforeseen circumstances I am not able to attend it and have been asking for a refund since July. The program manager agreed to a refund and told me that she forwarded it to the finance department, but I have received no refund. As per refund policy, I am to receive $99.


I enjoyed the conference but the hotel accommodations were extremely frustrating and disappointing. My personal judgment/experience is that the management of the hotel (Best Western in Mahlow, Berlin) is clearly the worst which I have ever experienced in my life. I have an extensive travel background so this is quite a significant evaluative statement. I reported my experiences to the management, to no avail, of course! This is emblematic of my experience: abject disrespect with impunity!

The conference was fine but the hotel was an unfortunate choice for a professional conference. I would never recommend this site to family, friends or colleagues. I value their time, money and the quality of their experiences. I was told by the Manager on site "to return to the United States ..... and see what Best Westerns are like there!" I will not be doing so! Thank you anyway.


I attended the 20th APAC Diabetes conference in Sydney last week as an industry sponsor and I have to say I was really unimpressed by the level of service and information delivered by @conferenceseries. While over 200 attendees were expected as communicated by email, only 47 showed up in the morning of day 1. Same afternoon: 13 people in plenary session... No booth location, invisible speakers and an organiser absolutely clueless about how to handle it.

A complete swindle vs. the initial commitments.

I've asked for a refund of our participation but of course no one is answering my calls / emails...

Will definitely not work with you again and spread the word across the industry


The 8th Global Summit on Microbiology and Infectious Diseases” on February 22-23, 2018 at Paris, France, was really excellent in terms of inviting different scholers arround the globe, this conference was a great plateforme for networking and collaboration for pathologist, microbiologist from developed countries. Such conference are helpful for all stakeholders to get together and advance thier knowledge and look forward to make difference.

Just one suggestion that next time it should be larger with lots of expertise would be more useful.

The negative point for me was this that, little bit it was disorganized.


It was very pleasant to be a speaker on the Euro Organic Chemistry 2018.

This conference was perfectly organized. It is important to mention that Euro Organic Chemistry 2018, March 01-03, 2018 London, UK was truly international conference with good possibilities for scientific discussion between researchers from over the world.


I would like to thank the organizing committee very much for inviting me and having had the opportunity to participate with first level researchers motivates me to move forward in the field of research and teaching.

Thank you for believing in my work and in Mexico, I was the only Mexican who stepped on borders. for which I am very grateful.

For this congress I studied English to be able to express myself well.

and I will be happy to be in Denmark in 2018. Again for inviting me and there I will be with much desire


I enjoyed and learned from the conferences I attend and, also I was able to built a relationship with great scientists who attend the conference and I kept contact them since two years. Definitely I encourage scientists, postgraduate students especial the new generation to attend the conference within their area of interest. However, the accommodation was very good, the conference will need more direct management especially with IT people to cover and solve any issues which could arise at any time of the conference presentation.


I attended the ENT conference in Rome 2017 and it was a great experience and I am looking forward to attending more conferences. I have always had no problem in communicating with them by email and they are very supportive. They had experts in hearing issues, tumor research and multiple interesting case reports.

Thank you for inviting me.



Best knowledge information about medicine, it is helpful to again more information in the medical field.


I would like to express my sincere gratitude for inviting me to 4th European Organic Chemistry Congress and for giving me the opportunity to talk about my research work. I can conclude that the conference, in general, was well-organized! Many people from different countries have contributed to interesting presentations and posters and a very good atmosphere for discussion and networking.


Organization ahead of the conference (Vaccines Summit 2018) was professional.

During the conference, the staff was virtually absent, to the point that the chairs had to manage organizational maters that should have been dealt with by the organizers.

Attendance was limited, raising doubts as to the trustworthiness of the count of registered attendees indicated ahead of the conference.

Overall, not a very memorable experience. The only upside was the opportunity to meet a few delegates with whom it will be pleasant and useful to remain in contact.


Euro Midwifery, London November

The conference was very worthwhile and I enjoyed hearing from and learning from others and the opportunity to meet people from different countries.

The only thing is that there weren't many people at the conference (20 people); I think if they had of lowered your prices and also set up deals for groups of people (for example groups from different hospitals/ communites) then it could have been even more a sucess and benefited more people. One delegate told us at the meal the night before that he could have bought 50 people from hs areas of practice and he sugested this but no response from conference perhaps conference series need to rethink this.

Otherwise, it was good and I am glad that I attended.


와 횩시 환쿡솨람 요기 올 띵킹이 있다면 뙁좡 같돠 붜뤼쉡 . 캐ㅆㄺ에요. 일처리 캐썅묫화고 연락도 쪌때 ㅈ째깍째깍 ㄴㄴ임. 쮜금 쑥뽝비 마이 뭐뉘 토해놔라 이쒜리들아 라고 백방으로 전보쳐도 해도 무쓰을모임당.... 등록한게 참.. 소잃고외양간입니다. 잘 알아보고 하시길.. 유유네요..뿬역큐ㅣ 됼로ㅑ보았쫘몰류을껫위다.

I registered ‘2018 7th clinical trial conference’ in chicago(Holiday Inn Chicago O’Hare Area hotel). And I registered accommodation too. (Holiday Inn Chicago O’Hare Area hotel.).

But i want to refund only accommodation fee(750$).

I paid 750$ for accommodation fee by credit card.(150$ x 5night.)

I have to refund until 2018-08-03.

already I sent e-mails to clinicaltrialsconference in a few days ago.

But i didn't receive any answer.

I look forward to your prompt reply. I have no time to lose.


The conference cost was above average. The organisation was poor, with no-one from the organising committee present to open the conference. The moderator of the first session had only been informed that she was the moderator 1 hour prior to the conference commencing. The conference used our institutions’s logos without permission. In my case, they had used the logo of a completely different hospital with a similar name! Many of the speakers didn’t turn up, meaning there were substantial gaps in the programme. I met some lovely, interesting, talented people, but the poor organisation of the conference was a running joke throughout the 2 days.


Scam. Never received my CME so was not reimbursed by my employer. Tried to call and left several messages, when I did get ahold of someone they told me I would receive my CME shortly. I have never heard back from them. Also they screwed up my hotel reservation and I was told I would receive reimbursement within 2 weeks and have not. Most speakers did not show up.


I was sent an invitation letter for a conference by your group. Since I was approved for funding from my school I accepted. I went to a different city to get my visa done. Paid $1300 for flight tickets. Recently I contacted them again to confirm my slot details. Only then they told me the conference was cancelled. Now I am left with $1800 charges that the conference is accountable for and they are unwilling to pay. I am a student I told them this is a very big amount for me and asked them to reimburse. They stopped repying to my emails or answering my calls. Please take care of this ASAP


I signed up for and paid for attendance of the Psychiatry and Somatic Medicine Conference in Brussels in November 2018. I am no longer able to attend and have requested a refund with sufficient notice as per their cancellation instructions. I have sent multiple emails requesting a refund and had no reply to any of these. I am hoping that this message will provoke some response from the organizers but having read the reviews online I am not hopeful.


I really had exact same experience as Mr. Mohammad Abd EI Maaboud. After I request a refund, I have not received any responses from the organization team. I tried to call many numbers, and many of them are unavailable....After a couple of days, they replied they will refund withing 20 working day!!! It is not acceptable...


I have attended the 11th International Hematology and Oncology conference on the 8th and 9th of Nov 2017 Las Vegas. I am sad to say that my experience of attending the conference was less than impressive. I have paid the full expense out of my pocket, as I didn't have a sponsor and spent more than 2000 pounds for the trip and registration. However the conference was not as advertised and it didn't meet the learning and networking opportunity it stated will offer.

On the first day of the conference around 5 people were present in the morning; that had improved to about 10 people in the early afternoon. Overall around 70% of speakers didn't attend on the first day. On the second day there were 15 people in the morning that had dropped to around 10 by the afternoon. Again substantial number of speakers didn't attend. Thus the poster presentation section had to be moved to soon after lunch and the conference had to be concluded early.

I have attended several national and international conferences and I was shocked to find the lack of organization and consistency the conference had been prepared. I had travelled over 10 hours of flight and missing days of work as i was made to believe the conference is a great learning opportunity and not to be missed. But what I found was quite disappointed and unprofessional. I felt I was treated as a foul and wasted my time and money for nothing.

I contacted the program organiser called Alisha Summer when I got back to the UK. After several emails and phone calls she agreed to refund my registration fee in full as they didn't delivered what they had advertised. However a month had gone by and i am still waiting for refund. I have contacted her several times since then but my emails have not been replied too. I don't expect them to keep their word and refund me at all.

Since i complained and highlighted my concerns my picture and details had been removed from the list of presenters who attended and presented in the conference, even though i presented poster and was awarded best poster. However, they still use details of presenters who didn't attend the conference to advertise the next conference and give credibility to their conference .

I feel Conference-series is a money making conference and absolutely waste of time and money attending it. They will never address concerns and complaints afterwards. They don't even reply emails once they have taken your money. I would never have paid and/or attended the conference if i had known, thus i thought to inform others so that they will not make the same mistake i had made and would not waste their money or time. DON'T BELIEVE WHAT YOU READ ON THEIR WEBSITE!!


I had registered for the 7th International Conference on Climate Change and Medical Entomology in Dubai on 15-16 October. But due to unforeseen circumstances I am not able to attend it and have been asking for a refund since July. The program manager agreed to a refund and told me that she forwarded it to the finance department, but I have received no refund. As per refund policy, I am to receive $99.


I enjoyed the conference but the hotel accommodations were extremely frustrating and disappointing. My personal judgment/experience is that the management of the hotel (Best Western in Mahlow, Berlin) is clearly the worst which I have ever experienced in my life. I have an extensive travel background so this is quite a significant evaluative statement. I reported my experiences to the management, to no avail, of course! This is emblematic of my experience: abject disrespect with impunity!

The conference was fine but the hotel was an unfortunate choice for a professional conference. I would never recommend this site to family, friends or colleagues. I value their time, money and the quality of their experiences. I was told by the Manager on site "to return to the United States ..... and see what Best Westerns are like there!" I will not be doing so! Thank you anyway.


I attended the 20th APAC Diabetes conference in Sydney last week as an industry sponsor and I have to say I was really unimpressed by the level of service and information delivered by @conferenceseries. While over 200 attendees were expected as communicated by email, only 47 showed up in the morning of day 1. Same afternoon: 13 people in plenary session... No booth location, invisible speakers and an organiser absolutely clueless about how to handle it.

A complete swindle vs. the initial commitments.

I've asked for a refund of our participation but of course no one is answering my calls / emails...

Will definitely not work with you again and spread the word across the industry


The 8th Global Summit on Microbiology and Infectious Diseases” on February 22-23, 2018 at Paris, France, was really excellent in terms of inviting different scholers arround the globe, this conference was a great plateforme for networking and collaboration for pathologist, microbiologist from developed countries. Such conference are helpful for all stakeholders to get together and advance thier knowledge and look forward to make difference.

Just one suggestion that next time it should be larger with lots of expertise would be more useful.

The negative point for me was this that, little bit it was disorganized.


It was very pleasant to be a speaker on the Euro Organic Chemistry 2018.

This conference was perfectly organized. It is important to mention that Euro Organic Chemistry 2018, March 01-03, 2018 London, UK was truly international conference with good possibilities for scientific discussion between researchers from over the world.


I would like to thank the organizing committee very much for inviting me and having had the opportunity to participate with first level researchers motivates me to move forward in the field of research and teaching.

Thank you for believing in my work and in Mexico, I was the only Mexican who stepped on borders. for which I am very grateful.

For this congress I studied English to be able to express myself well.

and I will be happy to be in Denmark in 2018. Again for inviting me and there I will be with much desire


I enjoyed and learned from the conferences I attend and, also I was able to built a relationship with great scientists who attend the conference and I kept contact them since two years. Definitely I encourage scientists, postgraduate students especial the new generation to attend the conference within their area of interest. However, the accommodation was very good, the conference will need more direct management especially with IT people to cover and solve any issues which could arise at any time of the conference presentation.


I attended the ENT conference in Rome 2017 and it was a great experience and I am looking forward to attending more conferences. I have always had no problem in communicating with them by email and they are very supportive. They had experts in hearing issues, tumor research and multiple interesting case reports.

Thank you for inviting me.



Best knowledge information about medicine, it is helpful to again more information in the medical field.


I would like to express my sincere gratitude for inviting me to 4th European Organic Chemistry Congress and for giving me the opportunity to talk about my research work. I can conclude that the conference, in general, was well-organized! Many people from different countries have contributed to interesting presentations and posters and a very good atmosphere for discussion and networking.


Organization ahead of the conference (Vaccines Summit 2018) was professional.

During the conference, the staff was virtually absent, to the point that the chairs had to manage organizational maters that should have been dealt with by the organizers.

Attendance was limited, raising doubts as to the trustworthiness of the count of registered attendees indicated ahead of the conference.

Overall, not a very memorable experience. The only upside was the opportunity to meet a few delegates with whom it will be pleasant and useful to remain in contact.


Euro Midwifery, London November

The conference was very worthwhile and I enjoyed hearing from and learning from others and the opportunity to meet people from different countries.

The only thing is that there weren't many people at the conference (20 people); I think if they had of lowered your prices and also set up deals for groups of people (for example groups from different hospitals/ communites) then it could have been even more a sucess and benefited more people. One delegate told us at the meal the night before that he could have bought 50 people from hs areas of practice and he sugested this but no response from conference perhaps conference series need to rethink this.

Otherwise, it was good and I am glad that I attended.


와 횩시 환쿡솨람 요기 올 띵킹이 있다면 뙁좡 같돠 붜뤼쉡 . 캐ㅆㄺ에요. 일처리 캐썅묫화고 연락도 쪌때 ㅈ째깍째깍 ㄴㄴ임. 쮜금 쑥뽝비 마이 뭐뉘 토해놔라 이쒜리들아 라고 백방으로 전보쳐도 해도 무쓰을모임당.... 등록한게 참.. 소잃고외양간입니다. 잘 알아보고 하시길.. 유유네요..뿬역큐ㅣ 됼로ㅑ보았쫘몰류을껫위다.

I registered ‘2018 7th clinical trial conference’ in chicago(Holiday Inn Chicago O’Hare Area hotel). And I registered accommodation too. (Holiday Inn Chicago O’Hare Area hotel.).

But i want to refund only accommodation fee(750$).

I paid 750$ for accommodation fee by credit card.(150$ x 5night.)

I have to refund until 2018-08-03.

already I sent e-mails to clinicaltrialsconference in a few days ago.

But i didn't receive any answer.

I look forward to your prompt reply. I have no time to lose.


The conference cost was above average. The organisation was poor, with no-one from the organising committee present to open the conference. The moderator of the first session had only been informed that she was the moderator 1 hour prior to the conference commencing. The conference used our institutions’s logos without permission. In my case, they had used the logo of a completely different hospital with a similar name! Many of the speakers didn’t turn up, meaning there were substantial gaps in the programme. I met some lovely, interesting, talented people, but the poor organisation of the conference was a running joke throughout the 2 days.


Scam. Never received my CME so was not reimbursed by my employer. Tried to call and left several messages, when I did get ahold of someone they told me I would receive my CME shortly. I have never heard back from them. Also they screwed up my hotel reservation and I was told I would receive reimbursement within 2 weeks and have not. Most speakers did not show up.


I was sent an invitation letter for a conference by your group. Since I was approved for funding from my school I accepted. I went to a different city to get my visa done. Paid $1300 for flight tickets. Recently I contacted them again to confirm my slot details. Only then they told me the conference was cancelled. Now I am left with $1800 charges that the conference is accountable for and they are unwilling to pay. I am a student I told them this is a very big amount for me and asked them to reimburse. They stopped repying to my emails or answering my calls. Please take care of this ASAP


I signed up for and paid for attendance of the Psychiatry and Somatic Medicine Conference in Brussels in November 2018. I am no longer able to attend and have requested a refund with sufficient notice as per their cancellation instructions. I have sent multiple emails requesting a refund and had no reply to any of these. I am hoping that this message will provoke some response from the organizers but having read the reviews online I am not hopeful.


I really had exact same experience as Mr. Mohammad Abd EI Maaboud. After I request a refund, I have not received any responses from the organization team. I tried to call many numbers, and many of them are unavailable....After a couple of days, they replied they will refund withing 20 working day!!! It is not acceptable...


I have attended the 11th International Hematology and Oncology conference on the 8th and 9th of Nov 2017 Las Vegas. I am sad to say that my experience of attending the conference was less than impressive. I have paid the full expense out of my pocket, as I didn't have a sponsor and spent more than 2000 pounds for the trip and registration. However the conference was not as advertised and it didn't meet the learning and networking opportunity it stated will offer.

On the first day of the conference around 5 people were present in the morning; that had improved to about 10 people in the early afternoon. Overall around 70% of speakers didn't attend on the first day. On the second day there were 15 people in the morning that had dropped to around 10 by the afternoon. Again substantial number of speakers didn't attend. Thus the poster presentation section had to be moved to soon after lunch and the conference had to be concluded early.

I have attended several national and international conferences and I was shocked to find the lack of organization and consistency the conference had been prepared. I had travelled over 10 hours of flight and missing days of work as i was made to believe the conference is a great learning opportunity and not to be missed. But what I found was quite disappointed and unprofessional. I felt I was treated as a foul and wasted my time and money for nothing.

I contacted the program organiser called Alisha Summer when I got back to the UK. After several emails and phone calls she agreed to refund my registration fee in full as they didn't delivered what they had advertised. However a month had gone by and i am still waiting for refund. I have contacted her several times since then but my emails have not been replied too. I don't expect them to keep their word and refund me at all.

Since i complained and highlighted my concerns my picture and details had been removed from the list of presenters who attended and presented in the conference, even though i presented poster and was awarded best poster. However, they still use details of presenters who didn't attend the conference to advertise the next conference and give credibility to their conference .

I feel Conference-series is a money making conference and absolutely waste of time and money attending it. They will never address concerns and complaints afterwards. They don't even reply emails once they have taken your money. I would never have paid and/or attended the conference if i had known, thus i thought to inform others so that they will not make the same mistake i had made and would not waste their money or time. DON'T BELIEVE WHAT YOU READ ON THEIR WEBSITE!!


I had registered for the 7th International Conference on Climate Change and Medical Entomology in Dubai on 15-16 October. But due to unforeseen circumstances I am not able to attend it and have been asking for a refund since July. The program manager agreed to a refund and told me that she forwarded it to the finance department, but I have received no refund. As per refund policy, I am to receive $99.


I enjoyed the conference but the hotel accommodations were extremely frustrating and disappointing. My personal judgment/experience is that the management of the hotel (Best Western in Mahlow, Berlin) is clearly the worst which I have ever experienced in my life. I have an extensive travel background so this is quite a significant evaluative statement. I reported my experiences to the management, to no avail, of course! This is emblematic of my experience: abject disrespect with impunity!

The conference was fine but the hotel was an unfortunate choice for a professional conference. I would never recommend this site to family, friends or colleagues. I value their time, money and the quality of their experiences. I was told by the Manager on site "to return to the United States ..... and see what Best Westerns are like there!" I will not be doing so! Thank you anyway.


I attended the 20th APAC Diabetes conference in Sydney last week as an industry sponsor and I have to say I was really unimpressed by the level of service and information delivered by @conferenceseries. While over 200 attendees were expected as communicated by email, only 47 showed up in the morning of day 1. Same afternoon: 13 people in plenary session... No booth location, invisible speakers and an organiser absolutely clueless about how to handle it.

A complete swindle vs. the initial commitments.

I've asked for a refund of our participation but of course no one is answering my calls / emails...

Will definitely not work with you again and spread the word across the industry

More about Conference Series

Conference Series is located at 47 Churchfield Road, London, W3 6AY, W3 6 London, United Kingdom