Conservative Calling

Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: 18:00 - 20:00
Thursday: -
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Conservative Calling

The Conservative Party call centre and calling activity



You've Got To Ring To Win...


We are delighted to be hosting an evening of Conservative Connect Calling in association with the Young Conservatives!
Come and join us at the CCHQ Call Centre in making the calls that count
There will be prizes awarded to our top callers on the night and we will be joined by VIPs during the course of the evening - So make sure you don’t miss out!
... I look forward to seeing you on the 4th July 6pm-8pm @CCHQ
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Connect Calling summer sessions! Are you ready to pick up the phone?
The first summer session we will be hosting, is an evening of Calling for the upcoming parliamentary by-election in Lewisham East & other local by-elections in the UK.
... Come and join us at the CCHQ Call Centre in making the calls that count.
We will have VIPs and a Connect favourite, PIZZA!
See you all on the 23rd May 6pm-8pm @CCHQ
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We need your help!
There is only one week left before the local May elections, so it's time to pick up those phones and get calling!
It’s not only a victory in May, but a better country that we are helping achieve by picking up the phone.
... We’ll have VIPs making calls, including Sarah Newton and as always, there will be lots of pizza!
See you there :)
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We are delighted to be hosting an evening of Conservative Connect Calling in association with the Conservative Women’s Organisation, Women2Win and Conservative Young Women.
Come and join us at the CCHQ Call Centre in making the calls that count this May.
We will be joined by a number of VIPs including Liz Truss, Chief Secretary to the Treasury, during the course of the evening - So make sure you don’t miss out!
... I look forward to seeing you on the 24th April 6pm-9pm @CCHQ
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Join us at the call centre this week and pick a role from the link below to become part of Philip May’s Calling Community. mmunity
Our next session: Wednesday 11th April 2018, 6pm – 8pm
... Sign up below to be there:
We have limited space, so please help the team by rotating with other callers so everyone gets the chance to call!
I’d love for you to join us – we will have VIPs & Pizza!
Like this post / comment below letting me know if you’re coming.
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A huge Thank You to everyone who came to both, the London Uni night and our Wednesday call centres this week, it’s been brilliant! I can’t wait to see you all there on the phones next Wednesday.
Special thanks to the presidents of the London Unis, Sam Gyimah, Party Chairman Brandon Lewis, the Party Vice Chair’s Ben Bredley, Marcus Jones, James Morris, Maria Caulfield and Minister for International Trade Liam Fox - who all dropped by and helped out on the phones here at CCHQ!...
Join us tonight for our Outreach Diverse Community calling session, 6pm-8pm @ CCHQ
Have a lovely Easter weekend! 😊
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We need your help!
With only 5 weeks left before the local May elections, it's time to pick up those phones. It’s not only a victory in May, but a better country that we are helping achieve by picking up the phone.
... Sign up below for a chance to win our exclusive prizes - the more calls you make, the more chance of winning!
We’ll have cabinet and senior ministers making calls & handing out prizes - and as always, there will be lots of pizza!
See you there :)
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Thank You everyone who came to the phonebanks this week, it’s been amazing! I can’t wait to see you all there on the phones next week.
A special thanks to Amber Rudd, Michael Gove, Brandon Lewis, the Vice chairs and the PM’s Husband Philip May, who all dropped by and helped out on the phones both here at CCHQ & in Wandsworth!
... I would love for you to join us on the phones next week, 28th March 6pm – 8pm
Like/Leave a comment below if you’re joining us next week – Have a great weekend!
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Join us for tonight’s phonebank 6pm-8pm @ CCHQ Michael Gove will be making calls & various VIPs dropping in during the session. We also have prizes for last week’s top callers & of course, there will be pizza! Sign up below to be there:


Want one of these limited edition t-shirts?
We’re giving them away! The more calls you make - The more chance of getting one.
For a chance to win - come along to one of our Connect Calling sessions (Wednesdays 6pm – 8pm) and make the calls to help us win!
... Sign up below
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"Terrific evening at CCHQ telephone canvassing, where I met none other than the Rt Hon. Philip Hammond MP, our chancellor!" - Ali, who joined us on Wednesday evening.


We need your help!
There are important local elections coming up in May, both in London and across the country, so we’re planning to make the calls that count and reach as many voters as possible.
Leave a comment below to let me know if you’re going to be there on 7th March between 6pm and 8pm!


Polling day is tomorrow, and we’ve had a packed week at the call centre, with visits from special guests including Philip Hammond, Jeremy Hunt, Damian Green, Michael Dobbs, and Jim Messina.
But tonight there are thirty fantastic reasons to come to the CCHQ phone bank. It is our Hugo’s 30th birthday, and Mann is he celebrating in style! Between 6 and 6:30pm, HUGO MANN will be hosting the call centre. He wants to see all the old faces and meet the new gang.
So, come along tonight, celebrate Hugo’s 30th, and make calls to help us win!


Polling day is one week from today, and Boris Johnson needs you to make your PLAN TO CALL over the next 7 days.
Remember, anything can happen in this election. A loss of just 6 seats will mean that Theresa May’s government will lose its majority. That means Jeremy Corbyn in charge of Brexit in a hung Parliament, with the SNP and minor parties calling the shots.
So, make your plan to call and help us out from home, from CCHQ, or from a phone bank near you.


West Midlands Conservatives had a visitor at their Birmingham phone bank! Home Secretary Amber Rudd was hitting the phones with Northfield candidate, Meg Powell-Chandler.
You can join teams like this one wherever you are, and this Friday at CCHQ we'll be joined by Environment Secretary, Andrea Leadsom.
Head to to sign up and get involved.


17 days to go and we'll be calling on every single one of them.
You can make a massive difference to our campaign. Join in, wherever you are, at


Join newly elected Mayor for the West Midlands, Andy Street, at the CCHQ call centre!
We made thousands of calls for Andy's campaign. He's returning the favour and joining us to speak to voters in key seats ahead of June's General Election.


Very hardworking people who are committed to the cause: I would go as far as to say that they helped significantly in the election result in 2015! Great conversations with so many likeminded people commuted to securing a better future for everyone. Long may it continue. Keep it up guys


Top work occurs here supporting the party and country. Thank you to all the staff and activists who make this possible, and consequently help to forge a better Britain!


People in UK voted to leave European Union. So why don't all the Government parties stand together and stop trying to find a way out of leaving, and get on with the job as they let the country vote on this. At moment, Government are going against what people want with back hand talks to find a back door to stay in the EU.

We DON'T need a second referendum.

.....Brexit means leave the EU.....!


Call at my house and you will be told exactly what my feelings are towards the Conservatives, and I won't be polite. You can sod off. Your party, with its rabid Eurosceptics and your deluded PM have wrecked this country. Once you might have had my vote, but on 4 May I'm voting tactically for LibDems. Your glorious leader says the UK is United - she is never more wrong. We are more divided than ever. Brexit is not MY will. I am a European citizen. I will do all I can to remain a European citizen and will never forgive those who are driving this country over the cliff for what they have done.


council tax is a fraud.

Its another excuse to pay tax on tax on tax on tax.

This country is a disgusting joke.

I pay tax on materials, tax on transport, tax on everything.

Now i pay hot food tax.

This country has been stealing from the people that put the people into power

We are the deciders, the decision makers, this is what has been forgotten about and lost.

Britain needs another uprising.

We are over 200 years past our uprising date.

Government should be abolished because it does not represent the people anymore.

The people have the power.

We went to war against the crown , the next war shall be against the establishment


You are going to lose a lots of votes over the idea of bringing back Fox Hunting. Have a referendum and you'll know just how much people in this country hate it. Shame in you �


You are a pathetic party. You running the same campaign as last time. No real policies, just 'This is what will happen if Labour gets in. You know the real reason the PM won't do live debates. She would have to answer questions, which is one thing she does not do in PMQ's. Mrs May's favourite phrase when avoiding giving an answer in PMQ's? "The party opposite"!


Well, I'm not rich. I'm a caring person who believes in equality, a person who sees the struggle in this country. The Nasty party has done nothing for the poor in this country apart from making their situation even more desperate.

If I were rich, didnt really care for the less well off, destitute family's reliant on food banks, free health care with first class standards of care etc, I'd vote Tory in an instant, you're my kind of political leadership.


We have to get rid of these people. They are killing us, both literally and figuratively, illegally selling us, and our infrastructure, off, not even to the highest bidder, but to the companies they have shares in.

Isolating us from our nieghbours by spreading fear, isolating us from the World by restricting our knowledge and ability to travel.

If you had a partner who treated you like the Tories treat the great British public your friends and family wouldn't rest till they made you realise just how abusive and toxic that person is.

So this is me as a friend telling you, your Government is robbing you of your spirit, shitting on your dreams, isolating you from your friends, stealing your property, mentally abusing you, and laughing in your face while cheating on you


Theresa may the bad, bad, baddest loser in the whole of history ! Resign you loser!

Weak and wobbly, weak and wobbly, weak and wobbly, Weak and wobbly, weak and wobbly, weak and wobbly, Weak and wobbly, weak and wobbly, weak and wobbly, Weak and wobbly, weak and wobbly, weak and wobbly, Weak and wobbly, weak and wobbly, weak and wobbly, Weak and wobbly, weak and wobbly, weak and wobbly,


Some bloke posted a tory leaflet through my letterbox so i shouted him bacķ and pointed to the big red & yellow sign in my window that in my opinion pretty much indicates which way im voting! Ignorance? Arrogance? Neither are good traits. Made me dislike the tories even more......if that's even possible!


NHS privatisation, fracking, fox hunting, benefit sanctions and cuts, demobilisation of the disabled, prices sky rocketing while real wages are in decline, national debt doubled from £979 billion in 2010 to 1,731 trillion in 2016, housing crisis, mass privatisation of all public services... just to name a few reasons the "Cons" don't belong in parliament ! People like you will be the death of what was once a great country, built by Labour, destroyed by the "cons". Time to get your heads out of the toilet !! Jeremy Corbyn for PM.


May is a foul creature with foul intentions. A hateful shrew with coal where her heart should be. Warfare before welfare, thats her motto. Sell weapons to Saudi Arabia, threaten the world with preemptive nuke strikes, cover up evidence of pedophilia, slime her parties way out of election fraud prosecution, cause the deaths of thousands through evil benefit sanctions, inflate the numbers of children in poverty situations into multiple millions. All the while the UK debt has skyrocketed under the austerity regime. Despicable witch! Despicable party!


Is this not really a conservative wall? Were is there support I've seen so much support for labour so many angry people how are these people even in its mind blowing. You know what I don't get why hasn't the royal family not stepped in surly the queen has the power to sand up and have an out right say!! Will she let the Tories carry on untill its to late if they win am not gonna pretend I know a lot about them but wasn't it the queen that choose to have a government surly there's no one who can talk down to her I just don't get it! This isn't a game this is life and so many people are rock bottom for the first time am not proud of where I come from people looking down on the poor like haveing money makes you better in anyway! I hope there is a god and everyone who has shown evil in this world gets theres . shame on every uncareing selfish money grabbing Tory there the scroungers robbing and getting away with it. I admire your cleverness as much as I admire watching a horse take a shit �


Instead of calling people - you should be getting your PM to do what any party leader does and that is contribute to the leader debates instead of sending some representative. Strong and stable - that does not come across - weak and afraid of standing her ground is what comes across. This is not what we expect from a Prime Minister. I will not be voting for you although I always have in the past. Having TM as your leader has let you down. Don't bother phoning me you will get short shift.


I have never heard,and witnessed, so much lies and untruths for any political party in my life time. I will never think of voting for a racist crowd of thieves and liars. that this. power grabbing party have become. I will certainly vote for SNP freedom from Westminster austerity.


I hate the conservatives and everything they stand for. Mrs may is spineless and clueless and a proven liar. I am totally ashamed of our government failing the British people putting the needs of the bent tax dodging elite and rich bankers who ruined us above the needs of the country they should be ejected not elected


Don't vote for conservative this Thursday because the rich are getting richer and the poor getting poorer they're not help in the right people stand up with us on Facebook to stop conservative getting in


Don't bother coming to my door! Your ruining this country with you elitist outdated and arrogant policies. I hope the day comes where just like at Nuremberg you are all dragged into the street and held to task for what you are guilty of.

More about Conservative Calling

Conservative Calling is located at 4 Matthew Parker Street, SW1H 9HQ London, United Kingdom
0207 984 8222
Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: 18:00 - 20:00
Thursday: -
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -