Core Clinic

About Core Clinic

*personal training for core fitness*



Let’s make your exercise habit stick.
1. Plan your ūüŹčūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôÄ on the calendar 2. Put on your workout clothes 3. Healthy behaviour before your workout ... 4. Write down your workout plan 5. Set realistic goals 6. Plan your rewards 7. Log your workouts 8. Do something you like
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How to avoid a stitch when you ūüŹÉūüŹĽ‚Äć‚ôÄūüôŹūüŹľūüĎć
Nobody knows what causes a stitch, but one theory is irregular breathing. So try swallowing and breathing deeply. Another is trying to run when the stomach is too full. Try leaving 2-3 hours between eating and going for a run. Dehydration can also trigger a stitch, so can drinking too much liquid. ... Don’t give up the chance to have running in your life. Prepare differently each time before your runs to conquer the dreaded stitch!!!!
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Is a vegan diet healthy?ūüćŹūüćźūüćČūüćĆūüććūü•ĎūüĆĹūüĆ∂ū ü•¨ūü•íūüćÜūü•Ěūü•¶ūü•ē
Vegans frequently eat foods wonderfully rich in a whole host of natural nutrients such as the phytonutrients, fibre, folate, magnesium, potassium and vitamins C and E, due to an increased intake of fruit and vegetables which are has been linked in numerous studies with health benefits.
However vegan diets do need to be carefully planned to ensure adequate intake of protein, B12, vitamins A & D, iodine, iron, zinc, calcium and omega-3 f...atty acids.
Although it’s not just people following a vegan diet who can be low in these nutrients!
As with any diet, food choices and variety are important. There are plenty of unhealthy vegan foods (e.g. foods high in sugar etc) and some people eat a restricted diet with limited food types.
Eat a ūüĆą of foods every day and over the week aim to eat a wide variety of different foods.
PLEASE NOTE it is worth seeing a qualified nutritional therapist before embarking on a vegan diet or seeing one if you have any health/ diet concerns.
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MONDAY MOTIVATION: remember why you started, keep focused on your goals


Why not have a session with a friend or partner! Get in contact today to book your session.


Free taster sessions available at the Core-Clinic. Get in contact today to book your session!


If you fancy a change from the traditional ab crunch, try these. Use some yoga blocks to help give you lift. Place the hands and blocks forward of your pelvis. Hold for 5 breaths and repeat. ūüí™ūüŹľūüĎĆūüŹĽ


Achieve your fitness goals this summer. Buy a pack of 6 sessions at Core-Clinic and save ¬£22 ūüĆł


Try each day to open up our upper back and shoulders. It‚Äôs great for posture and stiffness in our shoulders. ‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä Have a try !!! ūüí™ūüŹľ


Did you know that lemonsūüćč have more potassium than apples or grapes?ūüćŹūüćá
This interesting fact is just one of the many reasons why drinking lemon juice every morning can impact your health.‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä ‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä Starting your day with lemon juice is an excellent way to boost vitality, increase energy and cleanse out your system. The first thing you put in your body each day can have a big impact on your productivity and mood.‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä... ‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä That‚Äôs why it‚Äôs recommended to start the day with a warm cup of lemon water. You can use anywhere from one half to a whole lemon each morning.‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä ‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä (Citrus fruits can soften enamel so be careful not to brush teeth straight after eating/ drinking any citrus fruitsūü§ď)
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MOTIVATION MONDAY: It’s a new week so set some new goals to achieve!


Why not have a session with a friend or partner! Get in contact today to book your session.


Free taster sessions available at the Core-Clinic. Get in contact today to book your session!


There are countless ways to measure your wellness (energy levels, sleep quality, mental/emotional stability, specialised blood testing, etc.), and the definition of health is different for everyone. But one way you can see your progress with certain health goals is by keeping track of your physical measurements and weight.
This lovely client worked with Core Clinic and learnt to move better and with The Heath Edit and learnt to eat smarter. The pictures for her were a great ...way to keep track of progress. As well as the inch loss, some other benefits she experienced are *improved mood, *headaches disappeared, *joint pain is gone, *bowels work better. Her relationship with food is better and cravings have disappeared.
She has not been on a diet, or a punishing exercise regime. We don‚Äôt believe in these - ever!ūüöę We believe in treating your body with respect and love and that‚Äôs exactly what we guided this client to do. ūüďěGet in touch for a chat if you have any health issues or goals or just want to learn how to treat your body with love and respect. ūüėä‚ú®‚̧ Core clinic and Health Edit Packages available.
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Achieve your fitness goals this summer. Buy a pack of 6 sessions at Core-Clinic and save ¬£22 ūüĆł


ūüôŹūüŹľThis is a fantastic postural stretch and is great for your obliques (side of your waist). Some tips are to keep your extended leg strong, hold for ten slow breaths and reach through you finger tips to make your body as long as possible. ūüĎćūüŹĽ


Living a healthy life is not about doing something ‚Äėperfectly‚Äô.‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚ †Ä ‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä It‚Äôs about treating our bodies and ourselves with kindness. From personal and clinical experience, I‚Äôve found that being too strict backfires. When we deprive ourselves of food, we often end up bingeing and then feeling guilty for doing so. This causes us to be stuck in a vicious cycle. ‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä ‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä Foods aren‚Äôt good or bad - they‚Äôre just foods. Relieve the pressure. Once you do, you‚Äôll ...start to relax and adopt a different approach to food.‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä ‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä So I try and follow the 80:20 rule, not always perfectly but I aim to eat nourishing foods 80 percent of the time. The remaining 20 percent of the time, I allow for flexibility and indulgence. I love a glass or two of wine on the weekends and dessert after dinner...‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä ‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä I believe in everything in moderation while eating with joy and mindfulnessūüėčūüėć
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MOTIVATION MONDAY: Work hard and be patient and you will see the results ūüí™ūüŹľ

More about Core Clinic

Core Clinic is located at Hamilton road., RG1 5RB Reading, England
+44 7721 994612