Core Oxford

Monday: 09:00 - 19:30
Tuesday: 09:00 - 19:30
Wednesday: 09:00 - 19:30
Thursday: 09:00 - 19:30
Friday: 09:00 - 19:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Core Oxford

Central Osteopathy Rehabilitation & Exercise



Pop over to our website for more info and our handy booking system, that allows you to book an appointment at your own convenience!


POSTURAL ASSESMENTS @ Buzz Gym Oxford - 18th & 19th Feb . A postural assessment looks at your standing posture and takes note of any imbalances that could cause or are causing any pain or discomfort. . The body works best when it is in correct alignment, which allows for the distribution of weight evenly, so that our muscles, joints and bones can work together efficiently.... . We look for abnormalities & compensations, and aim to find and treat the underlyingly cause, so you can move freely without pain. . To book a slot with us, head to the front desk at BUZZ, or talk to the gym manager 😄 @buzzgym_oxford
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Do you have ‼️Pain‼️ in the heel and sole of the foot? . ➕This pain can often come from things happening further up the body such as the calf or hips. . ➕This patient came in with severe pain in the sole of the foot and heel upon waking or whenever she rested for half an hour or more.... . ➕By the end of the treatment, she was feeling so much better and we hadn’t even touched the foot. We had worked through the posterior chain of musculature from hips down to the heel and she was so happy to find that things felt looser and there was a decrease in pain. . ➕We also did some work mobilising the bones of the foot and went through some mobility exercises for her to do at home.
➕This is a great example of how looking globally can solve a problem locally.
➕If you have any issues like this, please get in contact!
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Where does your ‼️Headache‼️ come from?
This wonderful client came in with shoulder, back and neck issues. As they were dealt with, his recurrent headaches also reduced in intensity and frequency. Understandably the client had thought of headaches as a “head” problem (its in the name after all!).
Often however, especially in desk workers, headaches can originate from compression of nerves or from trigger points in the neck and shoulders. Once posture is improved, muscular decreased and trigger points reduced, headaches can be significantly reduced.
Headaches can have a variety of causes so stay hydrated, do your mindfulness and move well! If you would like to understand what’s happening with your head and reduce symptoms, get in touch!
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1. 💦 DEHYDRATION - reduces your blood volume, and this in turn affects the amount of oxygen rich blood flowing to the brain. So drink up! . 2. 🤯 STRESS - take time out for yourself, take breaks from your screen and breathe deeply. Download a mindfulness or meditation app to get you started. . 3. 🥤DIET - artificial sweeteners can bring on headaches, and sugary items in general. You’ve heard it before! Eat a balanced diet from all food groups and reduce your sugar intake. Watch... out for those ‘hydrating sports drinks’. . 4. 💆🏻‍♂️ CERVICOGENIC - most of the time we think of cluster headaches or migraines. These are usually cervicogenic headaches, meaning coming from then neck. This type of headache originates from trigger points in the upper trapezius, suboccipitals and sternocleidomastoid muscle in the neck. . Do you get headaches? Book in with our Soft Tissue Therapist to reduce your symptoms and address possible causes ✅
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This is an ideal desk set-up, demonstrated by our Osteopath Pat ✅ . 👀 The dotted yellow line shows eye level at the bottom of the screen . 💪🏼 The horizontal purple line shows elbows at a right angle to the desk with hands at keyboard height (Buy a Bluetooth keyboard and mouse - pretty easy and cheap to get hold of)... . 🚶‍♂️The vertical purple line shows the resulting straight back . ✅ Give it a go and let us know how you get on!
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Is this how you sit at your desk? . This could lead to: ➖headaches ➖neck pain... ➖aching shoulders ➖shoulder issues ➖carpal tunnel problems ➖low back pain ⠀⠀ 💡The simplest and quickest way to help yourself get out of pain is to raise your screen. . ⬆️ Raising your screen so that your eyes are level with the bottom third of the screen helps to ensure better alignment with everything below the eyes. . 📚You can do this by using books, a stack of printer paper or specially bought raisers . Visual guidance on this to follow...
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Tips for healthier sleep: . 📱 LEAVE YOUR MOBILE PHONE IN ANOTHER ROOM, if you use it as your alarm clock, make plans to change this. ➖This not only reduces too much blue light entering your eyes after dark, but prevents unnecessary thought stimulation just before you sleep (social media, emails, etc). .... 💡Turn down the lights in the evening or use lower wattage lamps. . 🖥 Download free blue-light filter software for your phone and computer screens. . ⏰ Get rid of any alarm clocks that have a bright display ➖ buy a cheap old-fashioned alarm clock. . 🔦 If you have to get up in the night, use low-level lighting ➖ try a battery-operated camping lamp. Avoid switching on the main light, at all cost. . 🌡 Check your room temperature, being too hot or too cold can affect sleep. The optimum temperature may be around 18 to 22°C (it must feel comfortable to you). . 🛌 Begin your pre-sleep routine 90min before you plan to go to bed: eat a light snack if you are hungry, take on your last fluids now, so you do not need to wake in the night. . 🛁 Have a 400g Epsom salts/magnesium sulphate bath for 20-40 mins, magnesium is one of the co-factors for serotonin production from tryptophan. . ⏰ Wake up at the same time every day. #ipreview
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As soon as you wake, open your curtains/blinds and let the natural light flood in: . ☀️ Spend some time outside early in the morning. This could also be standing on the porch drinking a cup of coffee. . ☀️ Maximise your time outside during day light (get out of the office and simply take a 10min walk during your breaks and at lunch time, especially if you don’t work near a window).... . 😴 Poor sleep has been linked to working in windowless environments. Increased artificial light ‘blue light’, especially in the evening, affects our body’s internal “circadian” clock. . 🤓 Researchers found that people who were exposed to greater amounts of natural morning light, between 8am & 12pm, fell asleep more quickly and had less sleep disturbances during the night compared to those exposed to low lighting the morning. . 🤓 People getting more natural alight were also less likely to report feelings of depression and stress!
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It goes without saying that physical activity during the day, especially vigorous exercise tires you out and contributes to a great night’s sleep, particularly when compared to people who do not exercise at all (83% vs 65%). . Exercise also: 💤 aids sleep by increasing melatonin levels 💤 affects temperature regulation... 💤 is advocated for a number of conditions where sleep is affected, such as: ➕ cardiovascular disease ➕ type 2 diabetes ➕ depression ➕ some cancers ➕ arthritis ➕ obesity. . 🏃🏼‍♀️Exercising earlier in the day may improve the quality of nocturnal sleep. . 🏃🏾‍♂️Exercising earlier in the day is also linked to a reduction in how often people wake during the night, with morning resistance exercise significantly improving the time required to fall asleep. . 🏃🏻‍♂️🏃🏾‍♀️Evening exercise was found to significantly reduce wake time after sleep onset.
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Take note if you want a better nights sleep 💤 . ☕️ Drinking a cup of coffee 6h before bedtime can still cause sleep disturbances! . ☕️Caffeine has been found to have a half-life of around 5–8h. Therefore, forgot worrying about the late afternoon coffee, if you have already had two cups of coffee at home, a coffee on your break, and a soft drink with your lunch. ... . 💊There’s also the sneaky caffeine in pain killers you have taken, decaf tea or chocolate you have consumed. . ☕️ If you have just had 1–2 cups of coffee (200mg of caffeine), after 8h you would still have half the caffeine (or 100mg) active in your system. . ☕️ after 16h you would have a quarter of the caffeine (50mg) active in your system. . ☕️ after another 8 hours you would have 25mg of caffeine in your system, etc. . ✅ Try ending your caffeine intake before 2pm, and make a note of any difference in your sleep 😴
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Caffeine may not give you energy in the way that you might think...🤔 . ☕️ During our waking hours our nervous system is constantly monitoring adenosine (a by-product produced by neurons firing in our 🧠). . ☕️ When the adenosine levels rise, our brain and spinal cord take it as a signal to relax and prepare for sleep. ... . ☕️ Caffeine is an adenosine-receptor antagonist, which means that it binds to the adenosine receptors but without reducing neural activity and so blocks the effects of adenosine. . ☕️ In a nutshell, caffeine blocks the relaxation signal to the brain and we feel that buzz 🐝 . Stay tuned to find out about coffee’s half-life, and how this could be affecting your 💤💤💤
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Our bodies are amazing at going about their business without us having to do a thing! . We often live in our heads with no thought or concern about what our body is doing while we live our lives – until it goes wrong! Then we become injured, ill or are in pain and we wonder what happened … “it came from nowhere!” . Sleep is no exception and is possibly the most important thing we must do to survive, repair, recover and retain skills.... . Sleep deficiency affects:⠀⠀
😴 all efforts to improve body composition 😴 strength and fitness 😴 long-term health contributing to: 💤 increased blood pressure 💤 impaired appetite control 💤 over eating, weight gain and obesity 💤 carbohydrate metabolism/blood sugar control 💤 inflammation 💤 lowered immune function 💤 heart disease 💤 loss of muscle mass 💤reduced muscle recovery 💤lower levels of anabolic hormones, including growth hormone and testosterone 💤 stroke, depression and increased risk of death.
#coreoxford #osteopathy #softtissuetherapy #sportsmassage #physiotherapy #oxford #rehabilitation #posture #lifestyle #mobility #flexibility #health #active #exercise #painrelief #backpain #balance #functionalfitness #hippain #massage #sportstherapy #spinalmanipulation #myofascialrelease #injurytreatment #prevention #performance #recovery #oxfordshire #dryneedle #manualtherapy
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Osteopathy? That’s the one for back pain... . Not entirely! Osteopathic medicine is about health, taking a holistic approach. By modifying our movement and wellbeing, and by assessing the body as a whole, we can resolve a number of today’s musculoskeletal issues. . We look closely at how well your body’s systems are working together,... Muscular Lymphatic Nervous Digestive etc And aims to address imbalances and issues that are causing you pain. . We treat: - Postural issues linked to office jobs, manual jobs, sports injury, travel/commute and pregnancy, etc - Hip, knee, ankle pain - Neck and shoulder pain - Back pain - Stiff muscles and joints - Headaches - Stomach pain . Book a session at and let us help you in your journey to recovery
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1.4 billion people worldwide do not do enough physical exercise - World Health Organisation . Every single system in the body relies on us moving. . 💪🏼 Muscles and joints... 🧠 Mental health and cognitive function 💛 Hearts and Lungs 😄 Hormones and mood 🥑 Digestive health and gut microbiome Etc... . Movement is medicine! Even in small doses at a time. Exercise reduces: ⬇️ All-cause mortality risk ⬇️ Cardiovascular disease risk ⬇️ Type 2 diabetes risk ⬇️ Obesity ⬇️ Cancer risks ⬇️ Depression/ anxiety/ stress ⬇️ Inflammation ⬇️ Chronic pain . With many of our careers being mostly sedentary it can be tricky to get those recommended 150mins in a week. . 💡 Try getting up every hour to walk around and stretch for 5mins. Although it won’t raise your heart rate for aerobic activity, it will help that vital lymphatic circulation and boosts concentration
Full article linked on our FB page
#movementismedicine #mvmt #exercise #health #osteopathy #softtissuetherapy #sportsmassage #oxford #coreoxford
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WHO reports that 1/4 of people worldwide do NOT do enough physical activity!! Do you get your recommended 150mins in a week? 7


It’s just under a month away until the Oxford Half Marathon!!
Have you thought about enhancing your training with sports massage? Incorporating massage could be the difference in getting that PB, achieving that goal or making this half marathon your best experience yet!
If you are interested in tuneup sessions leading up to the race, pre event or post event recovery sports massage then contact us!
... #oxfordhalf #oxfordhalfmarathon #oxford #sportsmassage #training #preparation #yourbestyet #coreoxford #helpintheheartofoxford
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More about Core Oxford

Core Oxford is located at Clarendon Business Centre, Cornmarket Street, OX1 3HJ Oxford, Oxfordshire
Monday: 09:00 - 19:30
Tuesday: 09:00 - 19:30
Wednesday: 09:00 - 19:30
Thursday: 09:00 - 19:30
Friday: 09:00 - 19:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -