Cork Road Allotment Association

About Cork Road Allotment Association

Cork Road Allotment Association operates allotments in the Bowerham area for the benefit of the local community.



Work Party 4th May 1PM Meet at cabin, brews and biscuits will be available.


There are currently mountains of wood chips at the top of the site. These are free for everyone to use so please help yourself. There should be plenty more arriving through the spring months.
Martin has repaired the orange wheelbarrow by the cabin for everyone to use. There was a shovel up the top but we think it may have been buried under the last chip delivery! More community barrows and shovels to arrive soon.
Just remember that the wood chips are usually too acid to put ...on plants unless composted for at least a year. That does make them a great weed suppressant, so they're very useful for lining paths and soaking up excess water.
Some members have been brave enough to try using them around more acid tolerant fruit plants but they're definitely too acid for raspberries.
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Great AGM last night and lots of new faces on the Committee this year. We've a record breaking 9 committee members. Draft minutes will be posted on the main noticeboard in a few days. Here's the new committee: Chair Martin Skerratt Treasurer Joan Houghton Secretary Al Wayfare Committee Andrew Brown... Committee Josie Morgan Committee Pam Stewart Committee Chloe Hollis Committee Jane Wynn Committee Phil Titterton
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Annual General Meetibg
8th March 7.30PM
... At :Trinity United Reformed Church Hall, Bowerham
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Unfortunately we have some sad news. Brendan Stewart passed away on 20th December. The funeral is on 10th of January at 3.30PM, Lancaster Crematorium.


The recent storms damaged the roof of the community cabin so we're having a work party on Saturday to sort the roof out and finish getting the cabin ready for use. Meet at the cabin at 1PM all welcome to join in.


There are fresh deliveries of wood chip and horse manure at the top of the site. These are free for everyone to use so please help yourselves.


With the hosepipe ban coming into force on 5th August a lot of people have been worried about how it will affect the allotments.
The Secretary rang United Utilities yesterday and they have officially confirmed that we are covered by a Discretionary Exemption. We will be allowed to use hosepipes to get water for food crops and livestock, preferably by filling water butts. If this changes we'll keep you updated here and on the noticeboard.


Horse manure deliveries have resumed, please help yourself.


Bird flu restrictions lifted today.


In case anyone is wondering what happened to our lovely portacabin...
It's found a new home at Hyde Park Allotments, Manchester.


Work parties and the ground works team have been working away steadily to get the path around the bottom of the site complete. There is only a short stretch left now.
Measurements have been taken and new plots have been marked out ready for letting.


The last 3 years worth of minutes for both AGM's and Committee meetings have just been uploaded to the main website.
UPDATE: We've had to take the minutes down for the moment as a kindly reader of this page pointed out that we might actually be running into trouble with Data Protection Regulations.
The committee will have to have another look at how to handle this issue. There's a genuine desire to be transparent but we also need to make sure we follow the law. More soon....


Last minute reminder, AGM 7 o'clock tonight at the Gregson Community Centre.


The Association's Lease with the Council is now available to view on the website. It's a lengthy document weighing in at 28 pages but it should be useful for anyone wanting to understand more about the duties of the Committee, the Association and the Council.

More about Cork Road Allotment Association

Cork Road Allotment Association is located at Exeter Avenue, Lancaster, Lancashire
07426 991309