Corner House Dental Practice

About Corner House Dental Practice

Cosmetic Dentistry, Tooth Whitening, Dental Implants, Family Dentistry

Corner House Dental Practice Description

We give you dentistry for all the family. Our youngest patient is 6 month old and our oldest is in her nineties. We offer a full diagnostic assessment followed by all aspects of dental health care from simple restorations to advanced full mouth reconstruction. This section will examine restorative dental therapy, orthodontic therapy, periodontal treatment
Restorative Dental Therapy :
Composite restoration
Inlays /onlays
Root canal therapy
2 Hours ceramic Crown & Veneers

Periodontal dental therapy :
Simple remedies for gum disease
Surgical Treatment of Gum Disease
Preventative dental therapy :
Fissure Sealants
Oral Hygiene Instruction & Dietary Advice

Dental Implants:

Dental implants were invented by Prof. Branemark in Sweden some three decades ago. Since then they have been constantly developed and modified and have now been widely adopted by dental professionals and patients alike as the preferred method of choice to replace lost teeth. They are very successful, to give you some idea of how successful, most studies agree that over 95% of dental implants are still functioning after 15 years. Nothing else we do in dentistry (such as fillings or crowns for example) has a comparable success rate.
Dental implants are basically, specially modified Titanium screws. They are inserted into the jaw bone. Teeth made of metal and porcelain are then fixed to the implant. That is it. There is no great mystery here. They are successful because the Titanium surface has been specially treated so that it integrates (or attaches itself) to the surrounding bone. Titanium is also very biocompatible and does not elicit any ‘rejection like, ’ response from the body tissues. In addition, one enormous advantage is that Titanium dental implants are not susceptible to disease processes that commonly affect natural teeth such as dental decay. The process of placing a dental implant is pain-free and very simple. Firstly, the patient is assessed for suitability. A clinical examination is performed and this is supplemented with Xrays and in some cases, with additional Computer Tomogram (CT) images. A process of consultation and discussion then occurs to make the patient fully aware of what procedures will be necessary. This is always proceeded with a written Dental Report and Cost Schedule.

Once the implant has integrated with the surrounding bone (this can take anything between a few weeks to six months and is largely dependant upon the condition of the surrounding bone – in fact, as mentioned earlier an implant can be ready for the addition of a tooth on the same day as it’s placement! ) then impressions (or moulds) are taken. These are sent to specialist dental technicians who produce a life-like replica of a natural tooth. Once constructed, the tooth is then attached to the dental implant. The patient is then able to enjoy many years of happy eating (and smiling! ) with their new permanent tooth or teeth. Implants can be used to replace one tooth or all the teeth with equal confidence.
Simple Bone Reconstruction
When natural teeth are ‘pulled out’ there often occurs a period of rapid bone loss in the area where the tooth (or teeth) have been removed. Thus, if one is considering placing dental implants to replace the lost tooth, then there may be insufficient bone to act as the housing for the implant.
This situation is readily remedied by the use of bone substitutes. Bone substitutes act as a matrix for the formation of new bone. In other words, natural bone grows around the substitute and in-between the substitute. The body then eats away at any remaining substitute and replaces it with natural bone. The final result is natural solid bone with no trace of the bone substitute remaining. This process takes about six months to complete. Often, bone substitute is placed at the same time as a dental implant. In some cases, the substitute is placed when a natural tooth is removed and left to heal prior to placing a dental implant.
Bone substitute is commonly available as either a wholly synthetic material or a bovine derived material. The choice of material is discussed with you prior to surgery. The placing of bone substitutes is safe and discussed with you in depth prior to its usage.
Complex Bone Reconstruction
There are many procedures available to reconstruct large bone deficiencies. They are known for example as: Sinus Lift Procedures, Bone Expansion Procedures, Block Graft Procedures and Iliac Crest Graft Procedures.
These are all complex procedures and their description is beyond the confines of this website. Should you require any of the above procedures, in depth analysis and discussion will take place. It must also be said that the above procedures are becoming increasingly common as more and more individuals seek to replace lost teeth

Tooth whitening

Tooth whitening has been carried out in the USA for approx 20 years and for over a decade in the UK. Carried out properly, it is safe, pain-free, and provides a simple and lasting aesthetic benefit.
There are two principal methods by which teeth can be whitened. They are best described as At Home Whitening and In-Surgery Whitening. To achieve the ultimate in whiter teeth it is sometimes best to use a combination of the above methods.
Suitability for tooth whitening
Nearly everyone with healthy teeth and gums is suitable for a course of tooth whitening. However, to ensure that whitening is pain-free and to select the most appropriate method for any given individual it is important that a full and thorough assessment of the dentition is first undertaken. At this consultation visit the available options and your individual needs are discussed in detail and the most appropriate course of whitening is jointly determined between patient and dentist.
Certain conditions affecting the teeth, such as Tetracycline staining, will require determined and longer whitening schedules whilst natural browning /yellowing or age related darkening is usually quick and simple to reverse.
At-Home Tooth Whitening
Impressions are first taken of the teeth. From these moulds the laboratory can construct custom-made whitening trays specific for each individual. An appropriate whitening agent is then placed inside the trays which are then worn over the teeth for a period of time. The type and concentration of whitening agent, the original colour of the teeth, and the desired end result all determine how long the trays are worn. Typically, the trays are worn overnight for a period of 14 days although this varies considerably
In-Surgery Tooth Whitening
There are many methods to achieve a whiter smile whilst in the dental chair. All the available methods do however, follow a similar pattern: Firstly, the gums are protected by barrier membrane. Specially formulated whitening agents are then applied to the teeth. Some of these agents require laser-light activation, others activate upon contact with the tooth. Once the course has been completed the protective membrane is peeled off to reveal whiter teeth. The whole process takes about two hours to complete and can be repeated if necessary

Cosmetic Dentistry

We are a well-known nucleus for aesthetic dentistry and provide beautiful smiles for highly demanding individuals from across the world. Our patients encompass a whole range of worlds from industry, bankers, lawyers, dentists! Doctors, nurses, struggling ballerinas and even a fireman, and all appreciate fine dentistry. Not all of our clients are wealthy individuals, for many its simply a question of valuing their dental health more so than others.
We are all individuals, what constitutes a beautiful smile is different to all of us. For some, accepting mildly crowded teeth gives a sense of character and can be pleasing. For others, it has to be a perfectly “white, well aligned and proportioned” smile. Your needs are individually assessed, your views are listened to and a consensus is reached. In most cases a ‘trial’ smile is first fitted, rather like the fitting visit for a suit.
The patient will then wear this smile for a period of time after which it is reassessed and if necessary, modified. Once both yourself and your clinician are more than satisfied your smile can be reproduced in the desired ceramic of choice.

Nervous patients

We are very good at treating patients for whom dental treatment induces anxiety, stress, fear and worse! Nervous patients come in all guises. Some cannot even walk through the door into a dental office, others, shrug it off and pretend they’re okay whilst their heart rate goes up, their skin turns cold and their muscles tense.
We like treating nervous patients because getting the nervous individual through their dental treatment is immensely satisfying. It makes us feel special!
There are a number of ways to help the dental phobic individuals overcome their dental fears. Below is a number of ways in which we can help.
No pain. All of our procedures including our injections are painless.
Being sympathetic, caring, and very, very gentle.
Knowledge is empowerment. Knowing what is going to happen to you can often dispel an unwarranted perceived fear.
in extreme cases of anxitey patients will be refered to anesthetic clinic for Sedation and to Hospital for general

More about Corner House Dental Practice

Corner House Dental Practice is located at 2 Colin Park Road, Colindale, NW9 6HS London, United Kingdom