Cotswold Gliding Club

About Cotswold Gliding Club

Awesome flying in the Cotswolds

Cotswold Gliding Club Description

Awesome flying in the Cotswolds



We're planning to keep flying into the evening to make the most of the summer solstice. If you're feeling bored, come and join us for some flying :)


I am often asked if we can fly in the rain. This photograph, taken on our five day intensive gliding course last week, shows how the water droplets form on the wings, increasing drag and reducing the performance of the sailplane to that of a war-time troop carrying glider. We don't launch when it's actually raining, but do sometimes fly into showers. Last week the student pilots managed to fly on most days, but only between the showers.


That's the end of another successful Nationals! Thanks to all the pilots and crews for coming - we hope you enjoyed the competition. A huge thank you also to the many volunteers for making the competition such a great success - it wouldn't have been possible without your support.
We look forward to welcoming the Junior Nationals in 2020. If you're too old for the Juniors, then look out for details about the Cotswold Regionals which will be held alongside the Juniors. We hope see you there!
The Club Class Nationals 2019 was kindly sponsored by Navboys, SkySight, Logos2go and Gigaclear Ltd - Ultrafast Fibre Broadband.
British Gliding Association UK Junior Gliding Glide Britain
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Launched in the Arcus just before the competition grid on Saturday and connected with the wave just north of the airfield, topping out at 6200' above AD. The wave explained the interesting aerotow and why we were only at 500' on our 2nd circuit over the airfield! Mike W.


As soon as the competition gliders were removed from the runway, our dedicated and hardworking club members and instructors got to work setting up the launchpoint. We still fly when we can even if the conditions aren't good enough for a competition day.


What a great evening with Valerie from the Wiltshire Air Ambulance.


The quiz starts in 5 minutes in the tower. We're just finishing setting up, the bar is open and the music is playing. Teams of 6, £1 per person. All in aid of the invaluable Wiltshire Air Ambulance.


We hope to see you there to raise money for this great cause in the local community.


The weather today never improved so we have cancelled the flying for the competition for today. We will try again tomorrow and hopefully we can have some better weather.


Day 2 briefing in progress. Update to come soon.


Our 9-day Club Class competition starts today with competitors looking to be the fastest around the task today.


On Saturday, we'll see more than 40 pilots from around the country who are all trying to become the national champion for the Club Class. We are also offering scheduled tours which are a great way to learn more about how the club operates during competitions and to see gliders up close. There is more information on our website. We hope to see you soon. info/visitors/


The DG500 visited Denbigh Gliding to fly with young pilots from across the country as part of the UK Junior Gliding Winter Series. Over 80 Juniors attended the event, including students from UWE Gliding Club.

More about Cotswold Gliding Club

Cotswold Gliding Club is located at Aston Down Airfield, GL6 8HR Stroud, Gloucestershire