
About Counterfire

News, theory, events & analysis, from the movement for the movement. Revolutionary socialists organised through networks of campaigns and other friends

Counterfire Description

We are members of trade unions, student movements, and protest campaigns to link together different struggles, push them forwards, and build resistance to the system. We are committed to learning from and building mass organisations of struggle like the trade unions, the anti-war movement and the Coalition of Resistance.

We have activists and local groups around the country. To contact us about getting involved please email

Our website is a daily source for news, theory, opinion and events. We encourage you to send in articles, videos and events to content@counterfire org



Hundreds of people joined a rally at Conway Hall yesterday in defence of Jeremy Corbyn. Shabbir Lakha reports


Watch this video and share it. #BackNECcode


No retreat. In defence of Corbyn's principles, nor in solidarity with the Palestinians.


Full video of huge and successful 'Corbyn, antisemitism and justice for Palestine' meeting last night (Tues 21 August)


It's a system designed to consolidate wealth at the top of society, whatever the crisis, argues Josh Newman


The kidnapping, torturing, savagely violent, thieving, racist, misogynistic behaviour of the Israeli military towards an aid convoy proceeding in international waters...
Documented here in a forensically detailed and very human account by Dr. Swee Ang, orthopaedic and trauma consultant surgeon appointed to the St Bartholomew and the Royal London Hospital and co-founder of Medical Aid for Palestinians.


Lindsey German's speech at a rammed public rally on Corbyn, antisemitism and justice for Palestine at Conway Hall.


Conway Hall absolutely rammed for the meeting on Corbyn, antisemitism and justice for Palestine.
#BackNECcode πŸ‡΅πŸ‡ΈβœŠπŸ½


Important to share even if you're not a Labour supporter - this has great implications for the rights of Palestinians, the solidarity movement and the left


A serious challenge to the austerity attack will not be achieved and maintained if it unfolds simply within parliament, argues John Clarke


For those thinking about "code plus". No compromises. #BackNECcode


The heatwave may be over, but from Kerala's floods to California's fires, it's clear capitalism is the problem when it comes to climate change, says Elaine Graham-Leigh


The rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer isn’t a fact of life; it’s a set of politics that we can change, argues Lindsey German


A good interview with Ahed Tamimi, interspersed with footage from recent years in the Palestinian territories


We're hearing some people on the left are proposing a new, modified retreat by Labour's NEC on the IHRA antisemitism definition question...
We stick to what we said. No backing down on the code recently agreed by the NEC.


Tory class warfare isn't retreating and neither can our side, writes John Clarke

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