Couples Guide Educational Website

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Knowledge about complementary differences between genders could be a good square one for those who want to buid happy & healthy & prosperous relatioships.



In Britain, the PMT defence has twice been successfully pleaded, reducing murder charges to manslaughter.


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Remember that male brain is biased towards a more single-minded approach – he is less easily distracted. Add the hormone, with its mind-concentrating and fatigue-resistant qualities and the differences between the male and female brain-performance are accentuated.


High levels of female hormone seems to exchange co-ordination skills in women. From early on, girls are superior in tasks requiring rapid, skilful, fine movements, as well as, of course, in everything requiring verbal fluency and articulation.


Women can store, for short periods at least, more irrelevant and random information than men


Male priorities


Sex differences stubbornly emerged, like recalcitrant dandelions in a chemically treated lawn. Wechsler even came to the conclusion from a series of sub-test that it might be possible to demonstrate a measurable superiority of women over men in generally intelligence...


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Men are less resistant to long-term pain than women...


Men and women could live more happily, understand and love each other better, organise the world to better effect, if we acknowledged our differences, and that what we are and how we live is largely dictated by the messages that mould and inform our brains .


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One of the most impressive things about the human body, is that discomfort is rarely wasted. It is usually part of a feedback system whose final goal is to restore homeostasis.


Why more male hormones means more “automatisation” skill, and more “automatisation”?


One psychiatrist claims to have seen several men to whom great losses of money represented such a great loss of self, of ego, and ultimately of masculine image that life no longer seemed worth living. Would a woman stockbroker jump out of a Wall Street skyscraper if the market crashed? For men, success, aggression, dominance, status and competition find a focus in money.


More male hormones means more “automatisation” skill, and more “automatisation”, in one study at least, seems to spell success. Testosterone gives men a particular advantage in that it is focusing and galvanising a brain that is already, by its very structure, more focused than the female.


High levels of female hormone seems to exchange co-ordination skills in women. From early on, girls are superior in tasks requiring rapid, skilful, fine movements, as well as, of course, in everything requiring verbal fluency and articulation.

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