Coventry'S Healthy Families

About Coventry'S Healthy Families

Helping families make changes to their diets for health and happiness. Less doctors visits and more fun.

Coventry'S Healthy Families Description

Good health is not just good luck or good genes; there is science behind good health. By doing some simple lifestyle changes and concentrating on nutrition and diet you can significantly decrease your risk of developing cancer, heart disease and virtually every chronic disease you can think of. All those diseases you don’t want to get diabetes, stroke and even cancer can be minimized or lessened by good nutrition. You don’t all of a sudden get cancer; it takes many years for that cancer to develop. Your heart attack didn’t just appear 10 minutes before you entered in to the emergency room, it took years for the arteries to become clogged. Everybody wants to blame everything on their genes or somebody else; they don’t want to take responsibility for their lifestyle choices. Dr David Katz, the head of preventative medicine at Yale University was quoted in the Wall Street Journal in March 2004 “Children are more harmed by poor diet than by exposure to alcohol, drugs and tobacco combined”. Too many children are visiting the doctors every week with obesity issues, being sick a lot or a cold that they get every month. All those things you want to prevent in your children as a good parent can be lessened by good nutrition and the earlier you start the better. Processed foods contain excess calories with a few essential nutrients, foods in there natural states however are packed with vitamins, minerals and with other nutrients that are so vital for ideal health. There are scientific reasons behind why some people are healthy and others are not healthy and the essence of that science is whole food nutrition from fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables contain what are called Phytonutrients, they are the immune boosting nutrients in fruits and vegetables they give them their deep colour. The key is Mother Nature doesn’t really care how much of any one of them are in her fruits and vegetables, the key is that she has got all of them in there. It’s important to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables, a variety of Phytonutrients. There is a nutritional principal called synergy, if you eat a lot of Phytonutrients, a lot of different colours, a lot of different fruits and vegetables, all those Phytonutrients come together and really boost your immune system. They work in synergy, they work together, a system of checks and balances and our body knows what to do when that gets in there and that’s why countries all over the world encourage more fruits and vegetables. We look at the medical literature and the data is overwhelming that fruits and vegetables prevent cancer and heart disease. There are over 4000 published studies in the medical literature which is huge and all say eating more fruits and vegetables every day lowers our risk of virtually every disease we can think of. Parents are confused about what constitutes good nutrition but really it’s quite simple; whole foods, whole grains and one thing they do not get enough of is fresh fruits and vegetables. The American cancer society, The American heart association, The American dietetics association recommend that we eat 5- 10 servings of raw fruits and vegetables each and every day, however only 10% of adults and only 5% of children consume the recommended servings of fruits and vegetables daily. Many turn to vitamin supplements and let me tell you the literature is now very complete and very compelling, isolated vitamins, multivitamins especially man made and artificial vitamins except for rare circumstances have not been show to prevent disease and in many situations they’ve actually been shown to increase the risk of disease and cause harm. Whole foods are really the answer to disease prevention and why is that? Well because the nutrients in fruits and vegetables work synergistically. There are thousands of nutrients working together in a perfect combination, so it’s not about those 10 or 20 vitamins in mega doses its about small amounts of those thousands of nutrients working together. Take an apple for example there are some 400 ingredients for Phytonutrients found in an apple and if you could compare raw produce to a vitamin supplement you will not be impressed with the quantitated analysis because an apple has a mere 5. 7 milligrams of vitamin C, well guess what that 5. 7 milligrams in synergy with all those other nutrients in that apple are as effective at reducing free radical activity as 1500 milligrams of vitamin C, that is the power of synergy. People don’t have Vitamin deficiencies, they have whole food deficiencies. We are lacking in the basic foods that we so desperately need with those thousands of nutrients.

That’s why there is JuicePlus + , it’s not a substitute for eating fruits and vegetables but it is the next best thing. JuicePlus + is from 17 different fruits and vegetables all conveniently packaged in a little capsule. There are lots of vitamins and loads of Phytonutrients; all of which are acting together. JuicePlus + is whole food nutrition from whole food sources; think of it as Mother Nature’s bounty in easy to swallow convenient capsules. JuicePlus is the only way we are going to make up for the deficiencies in our modern diet, even with the best of intentions it is so hard to give the body exactly what it is looking for. I was introduced to JuicePlus + by a patient of mine, it made sense to me even before I reviewed the research, it just seemed like a no brainer and it has helped my patients so much. JuicePlus + helps the body muster up its own internal medicine but what sets JuicePlus + apart from everything else is science; you see JuicePlus + has been subjective to brand name science and research that’s been published in pier reviewed medical manuscripts. Many companies spend a lot of money on advertising and not very much on basic research, JuicePlus + does just the opposite. Little on advertising and a lot on research; the research is independent research from university centres and that is so important. Think of the quality, the integrity and the reputation of the institutions doing research on the brand name JuicePlus + . This research published in pier reviewed medical journals, reputable journals showing how much healthier people are after taking JuicePlus + . This is not research that can be bought; this is research that is truly high calibre and many of these studies published in medical journals are double blind, placebo controlled studies, the highest form of clinical research. JuicePlus + makes no claims to treat or prevent any specific disease but the research is very compelling. JuicePlus + significantly impacts those aspects to physiology that cause aging and cause disease. What do the studies on JuicePlus + show? Well they show that the nutrients are bioavailable; that means that JuicePlus + gets in to the blood stream and works, that it does something. JuicePlus + provides for bioavailability of Phytonutrients. JuicePlus + reduces DNA damage, reduces oxidative stress, enhances weak immune systems, lowers homocysteine and protects the circulation. Now consider that influence on your individual physiology today, tomorrow and the next day, next week, month after month, year after year after year and realise that except for JuicePlus + nothing else available in any place in the world with or without a prescription can do that. I can sit here and relate story after story about some of the profound changes and some of the profound improvements that patients have had but I really don’t need to do that because the research published in those pier reviewed medical journals speaks for itself and what really impressed me is the effects seen in paediatric practices; children who are sick all the time and who had terrible eating habits and they were put on JuicePlus + and then their parents would go back maybe a year later and say that the reason you have not seen us so often is because my child is so much healthier after taking JuicePlus + . Dr. Isadore Rosenfeld one of Americas most trusted physicians, in 30 years of patient advocacy the only product he has ever mentioned by brand name is JuicePlus + . Dr. Titus Duncan, the busiest surgeon in Atlanta, internationally renowned as an educator and as an innovator of Bariatric surgery. Dr. Duncan recommends JuicePlus + to his patients pre-operatively to improve surgical outcomes and post operatively to maintain health after the surgery has occurred. Dr. Gerald Tulzer professor of paediatric cardiology at university of Vienna in Austria, he has been recommending JuicePlus + to friends, family, patients and colleagues for many years, he is the first man in the world to ever operate on the heart of an unborn baby. These famous internationally renowned doctors know the science of nutrition and they understand the science of nutrition, they understand the quality of the research behind JuicePlus + . When you think of the many hours you work just to pay for your children’s college, trying to get them in to the best schools and all of the stuff we get for our kids; what’s so much more important in the outcome of your children the intellectual, the physical and academic outcome of your children hinges on good nutrition. You have to look at all the money that you spend every penny and are you subsidising your illness or are you investing in your wellness? because nobody else is going to invest in your wellness. Good health is not just good luck or good genes; there is science behind good health. Simple nutrition can make profound differences; good nutrition is pay now or pay later. There is not a single pharmaceutical product; there is not a single natural supplement out there that can claim what JuicePlus + can claim in terms of providing you with better health.

More about Coventry'S Healthy Families

Coventry'S Healthy Families is located at Woodend, Coventry, United Kingdom