Creative Barcode

About Creative Barcode

Creative Barcode® fast & easy Intellectual Property register; authentication of Creators, Innovators, Entrepreneurs and safe-disclosure of concepts.

Creative Barcode Description

Creative Barcode for Entrepreneurs

Whether you have one big idea or several it is often vital to engage with potential business partners; collaborators; co-creators; suppliers and gain feedback to help you on your journey to market.

It’s good to trust in your fellow man but it’s more comfortable to do so with a third party IP Guardian in place and an IP tag that confirms concepts are yours, owned by you and registered with and protected by Creative Barcode.

Additional peace of mind is gained from safely disclosing business plans and concepts through our file transfer service where the trust charter terms are accepted before files are downloaded. This process forms a binding trust agreement between you and the third party recipient.

Should a breach occur the ‘World Intellectual Property Organisation’ (WIPO) would step in with an intervention letter and mediation service. With users in more than 30 Countries the Creative Barcode system has never been breached.

Creative Barcode for Creative Industries

Photographers, Illustrators; writers, art directors, designers, fashion, textile, surface artists, content producers in fact every type of individual or firm working in the creative industries will benefit from using Creative Barcode IP tags.

Having the freedom to promote your work online and in the media worldwide is a normal part of doing business in the digital age.

Adding your IP tags before posting, publishing and pinning will ensure your work when separated from your own web site remains your ownership and is correctly attributed to you now and in years to come.

Creative Barcode IP Tags significantly reduce the risk of your images & graphics work being stolen or becoming an Orphan Work*. Your IP tags contain your Makers-Marque and lead to your Meta Data**. IP Tags are visible on images returned by search engines and Meta Data includes ownership, source credit, IP terms and contacts details to ensure you can be attributed to your work and remunerated where applicable.

You do not need an in-depth knowledge of Intellectual Property Rights to create IP Tags. The work has been done for you; you only need to complete a few details such as Creator name and title of work.

Your IP tags are quick and easy to create & to apply in a style, shape and size to suit. They include a unique http://url linking to your Meta Data associated specifically to the item of work your tag is attached to including source credit, contact details, IP status, licensing agent or lawyer as applicable.

It is illegal to remove an IP Tag (identifier).

Creative Barcode is your international IP Guardian making IP protection fast, easy and affordable.

Creative Barcode for Business

Whether you are a creative, brand, service or manufacturing business, large or small, just starting out or long-established, your intellectual property is a valuable commodity.

Creative Barcode is your IP Guardian and places an immediate trust based framework around your IP disclosures, exchanges and early conversations with third parties.

Your IP Tags are unique to you and unique to your propositions and concepts. Apply to all items disclosed including concept iterations to verify your continuous innovation journey.

The visual IP Tags lead directly to your Meta Data including ownership details, IP status, and legal advisor or licensing agent as applicable. Should any information change simply edit your IP Tags’ Meta Data to simultaneously update every item the tag is applied to whether one file or 100’s, even 1000’s of print items.

Use our file transfer service, to send and record IP Tagged files sent to third parties. The trust charter is accepted before file download commences which forms a binding agreement.

Creative Barcode IP Tags and safe-disclosure system is faster and easier than obtaining an early stage non-disclosure agreement when parties just wish to engage in a safe-conversation.

Mid to Corporate firms purchasing external design concepts or businesses running open innovation activities should consider using Creative Barcode as their recommended IP system for suppliers and participants. The Creative Barcode member guarantees to the recipient that the concept an IP Tag is applied to was created by them, is original and they are authorised to disclose it.

Creative Barcode for Institutions and their communities & students

Institutions reap huge benefits from becoming a member of Creative Barcode or an affiliate partner or both.

Academic institutions

Universities collaborate with each other and with industry every day through research initiatives, commercial deals or knowledge exchange. When information is shared and research results; papers and articles are published and disseminated, Creative Barcode Project IP Tags enable all participants’ IP acknowledgements to be listed in the Meta Data.


Creative Barcode is a great way for students to enter the IP system in a positive way much earlier than the current IP system allows. Students create their own makers-marque (identifier) incorporate them into their digital IP Tags which are applied to and travel with their work. It ensures they are always correctly attributed to their work now and in years to come.

Archives, Museums and Libraries

Many organisations are faced with the daunting task of digitising collections of work and attributing the IP source or labelling a work as orphan*. Creative Barcode can’t eradicate that task but it has made it fast and easy to create an IP Tag for the digitised item; communicate permitted-use or rights reserved; collect license fees for known or orphan works ; add source credits and ensure past and future work does not get separated from its IP Meta Data** again.

*An orphan work is Creator unknown

** Meta Data is information associated with the item the IP Tag is attached to

Arts Organisations

Creative Barcode IP Tags enable arts organisations and production companies to correctly credit and attribute their artists, actors, musicians, designers and performers. This can include creating a Project IP Tag with QR code and applying it to printed material such as posters, leaflets and tickets. The QR code when scanned reveals overall ownership and credits all parties with an IP interest. Use the skinny Rights Reserved or Digital IP Tags applied to images online where your unique url links to the IP Meta Data*.

* Meta Data is information associated with the item the IP Tag is attached to

More about Creative Barcode

Creative Barcode is located at 6 Blenheim Place, BN1 4AE Brighton
01273 906067