Creative Interpretation

About Creative Interpretation

Making sense of the environment

We help people understand the environment and the things we can do to improve it through interpretation, mapping and planning.



Pleased to see our cycling attitudes survey report is now available on the CycleWight website. So if you took part or are just interested you can see the results - just visit and look for the Cycling Survey Download button.


We'll be presenting about improving the walking and cycling environment in Newport at this event.


We'd like to say a big THANK YOU to everyone who participated in our recent survey. We had responses from all over the Island, and lots from Newport in particular which is great. We're delighted to announce that our five prize winners are Hannah Rogers, Barry Cant, Jessica Kerr, Nicola Spendlow and Peter Woodford. A £20 voucher is on its way to each of you. Look out for more information from the survey on the Cyclewight website in due course.


Last chance to win a £20 Hurst gift voucher! Our survey closes Wed 29th at 11am.
All it needs is 5-10 min of your time to answer some quick questions on your thoughts on cycling in Newport (IOW). You don't have to be a cyclist, we'd love to have your input whether you cycle every day, every now and again, or never. 5 participants will be drawn and random and receive a £20 voucher.
Just click the link below
... wport-Cycling
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Tell CycleWight what you think of Newport's streets for cycling, and you could win yourself a £20 gift voucher. And get a warm fuzzy feeling inside from having helped. Just a quick click and 5 minutes of your time is all it takes. :-) wport-Cycling


We're working with CycleWight to find out what people think of Newport as a place for ordinary people to be able to cycle around. Fill in our short survey and you can provide important input and win of five £20 gift vouchers.


Vauxhall Street in London, a fairly simple protected contraflow cycle lane. This sort of approach could be used on a lot of local streets around the country to help enable more cycling.


Pleased to hear the Permeability Study we carried out for Cyclewight is starting to influence decision makers' thinking. Hope to see some great improvements to the livability of the town spring from this work.…/pluginAp pObj_48/download.php…


Project to manage, produce and install a series of interpretation boards and linked online interpretation, with NFC tags, QR codes and short web links on each board.

More about Creative Interpretation
