Crossfit Molesworth

Monday: 12:00 - 13:00
Tuesday: 16:15 - 17:15
Wednesday: 12:00 - 13:00
Thursday: 16:15 - 17:15
Friday: 12:00 - 13:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Crossfit Molesworth

CrossFit Molesworth is a registered non-profit military affiliate with CrossFit, Inc. We create a fun community oriented environment conducive to learning



Thur 13 Feb 2020
Warm Up 3rds 10 PVC pass thrus... 25ft PVC OH duck walk 10 PVC OHS 5 Dolphin Push Ups
Strength/Technique 5rds 6 Snatch Grip Deadlifts 3 Hang Power Snatches 6 Overhead Squats 3 Squat Snatch *light to medium weight; good technique
AMRAP 20 20 Wallballs (20/14) 20 Alternating Single Arm Power Snatches (50/35) 25ft Front rack walking lunges 20 Single Arm Dumbbell Push Presses (50/35) 20/15 Calorie Row
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Tue 11 Feb 2020
Warm Up 3 Rounds 5 Hanging Scap Retractions... 10 Spider Lunges 5 Plank to Squat 10 Squats
Prep (12 Min) 2×5 Kip Swings+ 10 Step Ups 3×3 Box Jumping Bar Muscle Ups 1×10 Box Jumps+3 DB Burpees
Met Con For time (21 Min cap)
3 Rounds of 15 Pull Ups 21 Box Jumps
2 Rounds of 15 Toes to Bar 21 Burpees
1 Round of 9 Bar Muscle Ups 21 DB Burpee Box Step Ups
Scale Pull Ups to Jumping PU or Ring Rows Scale T2B to Hanging Knee Raises Scale Bar Muscle Ups to CTB Pull Ups with Ring Dips
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Mon 10 Feb 2020
Back Squat On the 0: 9 Reps On the 2: 7 Reps... On the 4: 5 Reps On the 6: 3 Reps
On the 8: 1 Rep On the 9: 1 Rep On the 10: 1 Rep On the 11: 1 Rep On the 12: 1 Rep On the 13: 1 Rep On the 14: 1 Rep
Hang Squat Clean On the 1:30 x 6 Sets: Clean Pull Hang Clean High Pull Hang Squat Clean
AMRAP 9: 30 Double Unders 1 Hang Squat Clean (135/95) 30 Double Unders 2 Hang Squat Cleans (135/95) 30 Double Unders 3 Hang Squat Cleans (135/95)
Climb By 1 Rep Each Round *scale to 60 singles
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Hey guys! Here’s another awesome opportunity to get in on a great event! It’s GritStone’s *FIFTH* birthday! And I’m celebration, they are having the only other throwdown of 2020!!! It’s a great environment to start or continue participating in competitions! SIGN UP TODAY!


Fri 7 Feb 2020
Team members 1 and 2 should complete the following within 10 minutes, and they should do as many reps as possible (AMRAP) within that time:
100m sprint... 5 burpees 10 deadlifts (Choose weight depending on strength level: 155lbs/105lbs) 5 pull ups
At the same time, team members 3 and 4 should complete the following, again 10 mins AMRAP:
200m row sprint 5 burpees 15 goblet squats (50lbs/ 30lbs) 5 push ups
After the 10 mins of AMRAP are up, the whole team should rest for 3 minutes and then switch!
Then, after both pairs have completed both 10 min sets, the whole team should complete: 100 power snatches (95lbs/65lbs) for time.
Then calculate the team’s scores! NB. Only complete rounds are considered during the AMRAP section, and time is used as a score for the snatches.
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Thur 6 Feb 2020
Warm Up 3 Rounds 10 Squats... 15 Band Good Mornings 10 Supine Scorpions 5 Plank to Squat
Met Con 3 Rounds* Row 750 M 35 Deadlifts (135/95) 25 V-Ups 15 Burpees
*divide up into even groups; set the equipment up in rows **follow the leader ***fastest finishing group wins
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Wed 5 Feb 2020
Warm Up 3rds 10 squats... 5 dolphin push ups 10 reverse hand spider lunges
Strength/Bar bell conditioning
3:00 for Max Reps 3:00 Rest 3:00 for Max Reps
3 "Macho Man" Complexes (75/45) 3 "Macho Man" Complexes (95/65) 3 "Macho Man" Complexes (115/85) 3 "Macho Man" Complexes (135/105) 3 "Macho Man" Complexes (155/115) Max "Macho Man" Complexes (185/135)
1 Round of "Macho Man": 3 Power Cleans + 3 Front Squats + 3 Push Jerks
*We'll have multiple bars set up for transition **Start the second 3 min where you ended the first 3 min, i.e. if you got to the 2nd clean at 155, start at clean #3.
For Time: Buy-In: 15 Clusters (115/75) Into... 3 Rounds: 15 Devil Press (35/20) 15 Chest to Bar Pull-ups Into... Cash-Out: 15 Clusters (115/75)
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Since I changed up on you, we'll do Monday's workout today.


I picked up somebody’s knee sleeves today. I’ll bring them tomorrow


Mon 3 Feb 2020
Warm up 3rds 100m jog... 10 squats 10 supine scorpions 10 pvc pass thrus
Back Squat With a Running Clock: On the 0: 9 Reps On the 2: 7 Reps On the 4: 5 Reps On the 6: 3 Reps On the 8: 1 Rep On the 9: 1 Rep On the 10: 1 Rep On the 11: 1 Rep On the 12: 1 Rep
On the 5:00 x 5 Rounds: 7 Power Snatches (95/65) 15/12 Calorie Row 7 Overhead Squats (95/86) 20 x 10 Meter Shuttle Runs
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No coach will be at the box today, but Ashley will be there tomorrow.
Warm Up:... 2 rounds (quality rounds - keep this within 10-15 min) 50 Double-unders 5 Pull-ups or ring Rows 10 Push-ups or knee push-ups 10 Sit-ups 15 Air Squats
Skill: 10 Min EMOM (every minute on the minute) - 30 seconds of Kipping (rest 30 sec)
WOD: 21-15-9 reps, for time of: Burpee Knees-to-elbow
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Hey CFM! I know this is a bit short notice, but there’s still time to sign up for this awesome event - Gritstone CrossFit’s Underground Throwdown! This Saturday, 1 February
- 3 men’s and 3 women’s spots left!
It’s in Ashton-under-Lyne at a great box! Richard Hill is a CFM alumni - check it out!
... - Coach Ashley
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Fri 24 Jan 2020
3 Sets Not For Time: 7 Kettlebell Turkish Sit-ups :20 Dual Kettlebell Split Stance Iso Hold (Left)... :20 Supinated Grip Dead Hang :20 Dual Kettlebell Split Stance Iso Hold (Right)
Strength 10 RM Max Push Press (repeat from yesterday for those who missed it)
MetCon 21-15-9: Wallballs (20/14) CTB Pull-ups Thrusters (95/65) Box Jumps (24/20) Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
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Thur 23 Jan 2020
Warm up 3rds 5 x 10m shuttle sprints... 10 jump squats 5 hanging scap retractions 5 push ups
Strength Push Press Build to a 10RM
MetCon 5 rds for time 20 WB 15 T2B 10 Cal Row
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Wed 22 Jan 2020
Warm Up 3 Rounds 6 Pause Squats... 6 Rev Hand Spider Lunges 6 Jump Squats 6 Squat to Bootstrappers Squat Clean Progression
Prep (8 Min) 2×3 Jump Shrug+ 3 Hang Power Cleans+6 Front Squats (bar only) 2×2 Hang Squat Cleans Skill Tall Clean (8 Min) 4×2
Strength Squat Clean Complex (15 Min) 6×1 Hi Hang Squat Clean + 1 Hang Squat Clean
Met Con 2 Rounds for time: 15 Single KB Front Squat (L)* 12 Alt Single KB Lunges (L) 9 Single KB Thrusters (L) 15 Single KB Front Squat (R)* 12 Alt Single KB Lunges (R) 9 Single KB Thrusters (R)
* for all movements, in front rack, hand must stay below chin level, with KB in front of the body. KB may NOT rest on shoulder at any point.
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Tue 21 Jan 2020
Warm Up 3 Rounds 6 Rev hand Spider Lunges... 6 Alt T Push Ups 6 Alt Samson Lunges 6 Jump Squats
Skill EMOM 12 (3 Rounds each) A) :45 HS Hold B) 15 Hollow Rocks C) 5 Half Kneeling DB Press/side D) 20 Supinated Band Pull Aparts
Prep (9 Minutes) 1×5 Strict Press+5 Push Press (bar only)+6 Alt DB Snatch 3×3 Push Press+3 Plank to Squat (work up in weight)
Met Con In 12 Minutes 30 Push Press (135/105/75, 93/68/53) 30 Burpees over the bar (lateral) AMRAP in remaining time of: 30 Alt DB Snatch 30 Ab Mat Sit Ups
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Anna's Birthday!
AMRAP for 29 minutes
29 Box Jumps... 29 Pull Ups 29 KB Swings 29 Jump Lunges 29 Ab Mat Sit Ups 29 Push Press (95/65) 29 Romanian Deadlift (95/65) 29 Wall Balls 29 Burpees 29 D/U (97 singles)
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Fri 10 Jan 2020
Push Press 4 Sets of 6 Rest 2 Minutes Between Sets.... 4th and final iteration of this cycle's progression. Re-testing our cycle opener 10RM soon.
Strict Gymnastics 12-9-6: Strict Chest to Bar Pull-ups Strict Handstand Push-ups (scale as appropriate: banded pull ups; HSPU from box)
Directly Into... 6-9-12: Strict Pull-ups Strict Handstand Push-ups (Floor) *5 Minute Time Cap on Each
AMRAP 15 30 D/U 10 Push Press (115/85) 30 D/U 10 Box Jump Overs
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More about Crossfit Molesworth

Crossfit Molesworth is located at RAF Molesworth, PE28 0QB Huntingdon
Monday: 12:00 - 13:00
Tuesday: 16:15 - 17:15
Wednesday: 12:00 - 13:00
Thursday: 16:15 - 17:15
Friday: 12:00 - 13:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -